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Everton 3-0 Newcastle United - 03/02/16 - Post-match reaction from page 43


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Weirdly Lascelles was playing quite well.


He was playing quite well because Everton were letting him play the ball from the back.


Just ignore him, man. Waste of time.



What are you on about man? Christ you're annoying.


Take his advice mate, and apply it to his comments re you. Don't understand the context/history, but you make a valid/reasonable point & it is just plain rudeness to (again) respond in that way.

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Steve Stone on 5Live at the moment. Blaming the lack of signing of a proper centre forward, last summer. McClaren needs 'more time'. :D

He was having a proper go at Ashley and under investment for years - then he said that. Stupid bloke.

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That's arguably the most Newcastle thing I've seen tonight. Fail to strengthen the defence when it's clearly a weak point and then manage to lose two to injury and one to a red card. Also managing to successfully kill any hope the new signings have made to the fan base.


While Norwich are still shit there's some hope. God knows what that lineup will look like on Saturday.

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OK then Ashley, you like a gamble and I'll tell you that you have only one card left to play now, you fat odious prick, play it now and sack the incompetent dick you have installed in the dugout


Don't 10/10 for relegation

Do 9/10 for relegation


This squad should be nowhere near going down but at the moment the band's playing as the ship sinks

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Literally couldn't have imagined a worse performance result.


Tactically and line-up wise we made mistakes from the off. Ok if you want to go 4-5-1, but you have to hit more direct passes and to someone who can handle receiving them for that to work.


Then you look at what happened... Dummett off for Aarons, Mitrovic on too late up top, chancing on Mbemba's fitness forcing an early sub, Sissoko in the middle being out played, Shelvey having nothing to pass to short and shrinking every minute, our only attacking play down the right through a Janmaat cross, Wijnaldum and Perez isolated and useless...


All of that is the managers fault. It's ended with a bumming of a result, a red card and an injury to a position we have next to no cover in.


Well done McClaren, this really is the beginning... of the end.

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Really disturbing that Townsend played with more impetus than Sissoko, Gini and Perez tonight. His final ball wasn't great tonight, but at east he was looking to make things happen.


Sissoko yet again continued to fall over the ball after stumbling and bumbling over it for too long. Perez was just dazed and confused and Gini didn't even show up.


Sick to fucking depth of Sissoko and his half arsed attempts in a game and Gini is like Jekyll and Hyde with his performances at home and away. Those formations and tactics though Jesus fucking Christ - worst thing about ti is that Everton were not that good but could have won by 7 or 8 tonight seriously frightening that performance

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Pure dick over reactions on here, the perfect forum for the Sky generation. s*** fans, more bothered about being proved right that x, y or z is s*** than getting behind the team. Make the mackems look sensible.


Ahaha.  :fishing:

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Steve Stone on 5Live at the moment. Blaming the lack of signing of a proper centre forward, last summer. McClaren needs 'more time'. :D

He was having a proper go at Ashley and under investment for years - then he said that. Stupid bloke.


He was happy enough to take his 30 pieces of silver, along with Carver, etc.  Doesn't wash with me! :rant:

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Perez up front handed all the initiative to Everton unfortunately.


To be fair when I saw the lineup I didn't think it would turn out that bad. Mitrovic is absolutely crucial to our play. End of. No matter how many chances he misses.


It sucks man. The last two games have been lost by setting up the wrong way from the outset IMO. Just have to make sure we don't go with either setups again going forward.

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Perez up front handed all the initiative to Everton unfortunately.


To be fair when I saw the lineup I didn't think it would turn out that bad. Mitrovic is absolutely crucial to our play. End of. No matter how many chances he misses.


It sucks man. The last two games have been lost by setting up the wrong way from the outset IMO. Just have to make sure we don't go with either setups again going forward.


Agreed. We don't create anything without Mitrovic, but when he plays he wastes everything we create.

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If we stick with McClaren we're down, if we change for another shit manager, we're down.


The 1 signing which would keep us up can be made right now and all Ashley has to do is get his chequebook out and pay a decent fucking manager to sort out this fucking mess. And don't wait another month, do it now. We're fucked otherwise.


The only viable option that we might have a sniff at is Rafa Benitez, whatever it was that he was gonna offer Berahino in wages, offer it to Rafa.. it would be money better spent.

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I think we could have managed a draw if Mitrovic started instead of Ayoze. Between the 60 minute mark and the first penalty they didn´t play that bad imo, and were taking the game to Everton.


However, this was never going to work with Ayoze on his own up top.

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Perez up front handed all the initiative to Everton unfortunately.


To be fair when I saw the lineup I didn't think it would turn out that bad. Mitrovic is absolutely crucial to our play. End of. No matter how many chances he misses.


It sucks man. The last two games have been lost by setting up the wrong way from the outset IMO. Just have to make sure we don't go with either setups again going forward.


Agreed. We don't create anything without Mitrovic, but when he plays he wastes everything we create.


Well others have to step up.


The thing is most of the goals others have scored have come from his good play initially, so he has to play.


Without him we don't even manage to get up the pitch.



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Perez up front handed all the initiative to Everton unfortunately.


To be fair when I saw the lineup I didn't think it would turn out that bad. Mitrovic is absolutely crucial to our play. End of. No matter how many chances he misses.


It sucks man. The last two games have been lost by setting up the wrong way from the outset IMO. Just have to make sure we don't go with either setups again going forward.


Agreed. We don't create anything without Mitrovic, but when he plays he wastes everything we create.


Well others have to step up.


The thing is most of the goals others have scored have come from his good play initially, so he has to play.


Without him we don't even manage to get up the pitch.




The solution has been simple, him up top and Perez either behind or to the left. It's worked before. But we seem to have completely forgotten this and keep tinkering. Not we, but McClaren.

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Perez up front handed all the initiative to Everton unfortunately.


To be fair when I saw the lineup I didn't think it would turn out that bad. Mitrovic is absolutely crucial to our play. End of. No matter how many chances he misses.


It sucks man. The last two games have been lost by setting up the wrong way from the outset IMO. Just have to make sure we don't go with either setups again going forward.


Agreed. We don't create anything without Mitrovic, but when he plays he wastes everything we create.


His missed chances will be the difference between relegation and staying up. He isn't alone though and certainly isn't to blame more than some shit finishing.


Lets hope we play like we did against West Ham on Saturday and every home game because we are entirely incapable of performing away from home. Just horrible. Even the shittest teams are scoring the vital goals to edge away.


Huge thumbs down to McClaren today. Absolutely no idea why he started Perez. Tiote for Saviet should happen next game, obviously it won't wonderboy Jack will be back. Ginger and Bantz show coming up. Who plays CB if Saylor isn't fit?

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If we stick with McClaren we're down, if we change for another s*** manager, we're down.


The 1 signing which would keep us up can be made right now and all Ashley has to do is get his chequebook out and pay a decent f***ing manager to sort out this f***ing mess. And don't wait another month, do it now. We're f***ed otherwise.


The only viable option that we might have a sniff at is Rafa Benitez, whatever it was that he was gonna offer Berahino in wages, offer it to Rafa.. it would be money better spent.


It would be between Moyes and Rodgers, and we'd end up with McCleish.


Everything Is Bad Forever Again.

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If we stick with McClaren we're down, if we change for another shit manager, we're down.


The 1 signing which would keep us up can be made right now and all Ashley has to do is get his chequebook out and pay a decent fucking manager to sort out this fucking mess. And don't wait another month, do it now. We're fucked otherwise.


The only viable option that we might have a sniff at is Rafa Benitez, whatever it was that he was gonna offer Berahino in wages, offer it to Rafa.. it would be money better spent.

rafa can't be that desperate for money that he'd hitch himself to this sinking ship

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