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Wor Flags: visit worflags.org.uk/donate to support future displays

wor jackie

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Also reading comments, I would'nt judge safe standing at wembley on success it could have at St james. I know lads who bought £40 quid tickets for financial reasons. Lads who bought most expensive tickets as more bars in thst area and lads waiting for cat 3 people or had no cup purchase history to get a ticket.


I'm still optimistic getting 6k standing behind leazes for arguments sake would make an improvement.

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7 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

After having time to think about this, the reason our end seemed like day trippers is due to our huge family enclosure.


A lot of tickets will have went to families and not groups of lads like in past finals. Clearly we need to protect the future support of the club, but our family enclosure is ridiculously big compared to other clubs.


I think this caused a major issue on Sunday in terms of the vocal support.

Also @Wallsendmagis spot on.





Aye mate true that. As a 15 year old at Cardiff i was definetly the younger crowd. Cheap ticket sales to familys certainly hasnt helped.

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42 minutes ago, Wandy said:


Brilliant post. Agree with every word of that.


Something desperately & urgently needs to be done about it. I'd back Wor Flags all the way to engage in dialogue with the club to get a very large area of SJP made into a safe standing/singing section. I have no faith in the trust whatsoever to resolve it though.

The trust seem more interested in brown nosing local journalists and ex players at talk ins, promoting true faith and grabbing any freebies they can.

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Yeah, I was in the safe standing bit, as were a few others on here. It was fairly flat, but a few things to consider. It was 800-odd in a 90k stadium. The way the match played out , particularly the second goal, took the wind right out of everyone.


There also seemed to be a strange feeling to the crowd. People were so, so happy to be there. I was speaking to one lad on the concourse before the match and he almost broke down in tears of happiness. It might have been a bit overwhelming in some respects, you’re kind of just taking it all in, then nothing really happens on the pitch to snap you out of it, and next thing you know you’re on your way home.

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15 minutes ago, SteV said:

Yeah, I was in the safe standing bit, as were a few others on here. It was fairly flat, but a few things to consider. It was 800-odd in a 90k stadium. The way the match played out , particularly the second goal, took the wind right out of everyone.


There also seemed to be a strange feeling to the crowd. People were so, so happy to be there. I was speaking to one lad on the concourse before the match and he almost broke down in tears of happiness. It might have been a bit overwhelming in some respects, you’re kind of just taking it all in, then nothing really happens on the pitch to snap you out of it, and next thing you know you’re on your way home.

With all respect that’s down to the make up of our support currently and feels just like excuse’s.


The Manc end behind the goal where their safe standing was looked much livelier and they seemed to get some good noise going.


It’s unpalatable but our support is shit currently and the sooner folk acknowledge that maybe something can be done.

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I always want to tell people whinging about standing to fuck off, but then obviously there’s people who legitimately need to sit so I hesitate. That’s where the solution is safe standing really with with option of a seat elsewhere - but that requires safe standing being more than a little pocket. 

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2 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

With all respect that’s down to the make up of our support currently and feels just like excuse’s.


The Manc end behind the goal where their safe standing was looked much livelier and they seemed to get some good noise going.


It’s unpalatable but our support is shit currently and the sooner folk acknowledge that maybe something can be done.

I just think you're being completely unrealistic man. Man Utd fans had a wave of support after they scored their second, and another for the last 10 mins of the game. Other than that, they weren't involved. We were incredible until the second goal, and then most of the second half was pretty loud too... not 100% of the time, but in large patches.


It's just completely unrealistic to think that fans will be singing for 90 mins... it doesn't happen anywhere in the country. Some fans won't want to sing at all, and that's also fine, and doesn't make them any less of a fan than the radgies who scream obscenities for 90 mins. There's more than one way to show support.


In my experience, a lot of times the more vocal fans are also the ones to piss and moan when things aren't going to plan. The quieter fans are generally supportive all the way through the game, but quieter.


Really think it's a weird thing to criticise us for on Sunday. It was largely incredible, as most neutrals will testify.

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8 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

I just think you're being completely unrealistic man. Man Utd fans had a wave of support after they scored their second, and another for the last 10 mins of the game. Other than that, they weren't involved. We were incredible until the second goal, and then most of the second half was pretty loud too... not 100% of the time, but in large patches.


It's just completely unrealistic to think that fans will be singing for 90 mins... it doesn't happen anywhere in the country. Some fans won't want to sing at all, and that's also fine, and doesn't make them any less of a fan than the radgies who scream obscenities for 90 mins. There's more than one way to show support.


In my experience, a lot of times the more vocal fans are also the ones to piss and moan when things aren't going to plan. The quieter fans are generally supportive all the way through the game, but quieter.


Really think it's a weird thing to criticise us for on Sunday. It was largely incredible, as most neutrals will testify.

 I’m not saying we’ll ever get singing for 90 mins it wasn’t even like that in the old days. But having been to every final, semi on a neutral ground sine the 90’s that was the worst I’ve heard us. 

Not one rendition of the Blaydon Races it was pathetic for a massive occasion like that.


We didn’t make any noise in the 2nd half until the end, one rendition of toon toon and Lala goerdies is not great backing.

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2 hours ago, NE27 said:

Do agree with the above few posts that maybe wor flags could assist in the general atmosphere as they seem well organised and in good favour with the club.


I know it's not necessarily their job, and would be something normally a trust would do but I honestly think they'd completely fuck it up and pay themselves on the back in the process.


Atmosphere was definitely weird at wembley, but then not too dissimilar to what we've been seeing at St James' very recently. 


The flags are wow factor, amazing visual spectacle, but it doesn't seem to gee up the support in the way you'd think or hope!


It's seemingly job done when the flags go down for kick off. And I'm not laying I to anyone as I was nervous myself on Sunday and struggling to accept where I was standing in the moment[emoji38]

we were in top tier -- and i was getting abuse and being pushed from behind -  20 seconds into the game ffs.

to my shame i lost my rag and a naughty of naughty words came out, had to apologise to my kids afterwards.

but those same fans didnt sing once and left early - all after telling me i wasnt a proper fan. one evenb called me a mackem???!!!

really was a shit amtosphere up there.



Edited by huss9

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14 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

I just think you're being completely unrealistic man. Man Utd fans had a wave of support after they scored their second, and another for the last 10 mins of the game. Other than that, they weren't involved. We were incredible until the second goal, and then most of the second half was pretty loud too... not 100% of the time, but in large patches.


It's just completely unrealistic to think that fans will be singing for 90 mins... it doesn't happen anywhere in the country. Some fans won't want to sing at all, and that's also fine, and doesn't make them any less of a fan than the radgies who scream obscenities for 90 mins. There's more than one way to show support.


In my experience, a lot of times the more vocal fans are also the ones to piss and moan when things aren't going to plan. The quieter fans are generally supportive all the way through the game, but quieter.


Really think it's a weird thing to criticise us for on Sunday. It was largely incredible, as most neutrals will testify.


Can I please have some of what you were clearly on at Wembo, SP? :lol:

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16 minutes ago, Superior Acuña said:

I always want to tell people whinging about standing to fuck off, but then obviously there’s people who legitimately need to sit so I hesitate. That’s where the solution is safe standing really with with option of a seat elsewhere - but that requires safe standing being more than a little pocket. 

It needs to be carefully planned because as you've alluded to, some people need to sit. Not only that but some people can't see if a person in front of them is standing e.g. my 7 year old son. I intentionally get us tickets for parts of the ground were there'll be no-one in front of him or he can stand on his seat because the alternative is me being the person asking someone to sit down so my son can see. It's one of the main reasons I wasn't overly bothered about us not getting tickets for Wembley because I knew the arguing over standing/sitting would happen.

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18 minutes ago, TheDimpleboy said:


I'm sorry like but that couldn't be further from my experience on Sunday. 


I was in block 136, about halfway up, and it was silent where I was for the overwhelming majority of the game, apart from a ten minute period of defiance towards end of second half. There may have been pockets of noise in our end (maybe where you were stood), but in general it was pretty poor. And couldn't be further from incredible imo. 


I know plenty that think the same, I had mates dotted around the lower tier who couldn't believe it.  Saw many people replying to Alex Hursts tweet saying the same thing too. As well as on the usual away tickets Facebook pages etc. 




I think our support has nosedived over the last 10-15 years for reasons @Whitley maghas nailed in the above posts. Plenty seem to think that waving flags at the start of the game and in the last minute is the definition of an unbelievable atmosphere, but it couldn't be further from the truth. I don't think anyone expects a 90 minute wall of noise European Ultra style - but my god I expected better than that. 


I also strongly disagree about the Man United fans - thought they were excellent tbh, and while sound doesn't travel well across the pitch (hence why we didn't hear them that often, and probably vice versa), they were clearly visibly bouncing for a lot of the game. And watching the match back yesterday, they came across loud and clear. 





I was in block 136 as well. Row 28. It was eerily silent in there almost all the way through. Seen a lass probably in her 20s, at half time going absolutely mental about how bad our support was. A couple of blokes having to calm her down.

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1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:


We lost 1000s of fans during the Ashley years. We had 2 moments where a lot chucked it at the same time (Keegan leaving and Rafa leaving/Bruce replacing him) plus loads of others who gradually drifted away, yet attendances remained fairly constant as they were replaced by other fans, many of whom I feel don't have quite the same levels of passion for the club as those who they replaced.

I chucked it after Bolton at home in 2008.  That fat cunt doing that to KK was enough for me - I never anticipated I’d be exiled so long that I’d end up emigrating!


I was one of the mad, non-stop singing loons who sacked it off.  I know other blokes my age (late 30s / early 40s) who did likewise - we treated every away game like it was a day-long party; all our Wembley trips left us hoarse the day after because we wouldn’t stop shouting and singing.  I’m lost as to how anyone could go to a Wembley cup final and sit with their mouth shut for the best part of 90 mins.  The atmosphere went noticeably flat after those red bastards scored - it was pathetic from what I could hear.  What happened to the defiance of our support?  Wembley 98 saw us chanting ‘attack, attack, attack attack attack’ by the end in an attempt to wake the team from the placidity.  Could have done with that on Sunday. 


Most home matches in the 90s and 00s were the same mind - my memory of home atmospheres being brilliant in the 80s is tempered by the fact that I was a pre-teen supporter, and to a bairn everything seems loud.

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I think for consistent loud noise in home games you need a large section which is known for being ultra (the whole Gallowgate would do) along with individuals (and maybe drums etc) to direct the crowd.


That's pretty common in Europe and the Americas, it's an interesting phenomenon that we've never had it in the UK. Maybe we're too British to be open to such a display. Also clubs don't facilitate it or bow to what the fans really want. 


Went to Palmerias in Brazil last week and one end was bouncing throughout, flags and drums going even during the game. Rest of the stadium was quite average except when slagging the referee :lol:


Even MLS teams have this kind of thing. 



Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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7 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Even MLS teams have this kind of thing. 


I watch a decent amount of both MLS and A-League and even though the crowds are often quite modest, every team seems to have a significant section of fans, mainly young lads, going fucking bananas for the entire game.

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It’s great that our own players, opposition players and managers say how good the atmosphere is at St James or on Sunday when it’s clearly fucking rubbish. Some might think that matters more than a bloke sat in the stand who thinks it’s quiet and remembers it being louder 20 years ago.

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29 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

I chucked it after Bolton at home in 2008.  That fat cunt doing that to KK was enough for me - I never anticipated I’d be exiled so long that I’d end up emigrating!


I was one of the mad, non-stop singing loons who sacked it off.  I know other blokes my age (late 30s / early 40s) who did likewise - we treated every away game like it was a day-long party; all our Wembley trips left us hoarse the day after because we wouldn’t stop shouting and singing.  I’m lost as to how anyone could go to a Wembley cup final and sit with their mouth shut for the best part of 90 mins.  The atmosphere went noticeably flat after those red bastards scored - it was pathetic from what I could hear.  What happened to the defiance of our support?  Wembley 98 saw us chanting ‘attack, attack, attack attack attack’ by the end in an attempt to wake the team from the placidity.  Could have done with that on Sunday. 


Most home matches in the 90s and 00s were the same mind - my memory of home atmospheres being brilliant in the 80s is tempered by the fact that I was a pre-teen supporter, and to a bairn everything seems loud.


I've been going since 1984. Remember the late 80s and very early 90s the crowds weren't great and the atmosphere was pretty rubbish really. The 90/91 season was particularly poor when loads of crowds didn't even hit 15k. You had the lads in the corner and scoreboard trying their best and also those in the Leazes next to the away fans but because there was no roof over either end back then the noise was just lost. Remember when they built the Milburn Stand and the section nearest the Leazes was filled with some absolute lunatics and with them having the advantage of a roof that was definitely the noisiest part of the ground.


The back end of the 91/92 season was class as Keegan came in and the fans rallied to cheer us to safety and then the 92/93 season was the best ever for atmosphere. It then started to die off once we got into the Premier League. 93/94 was pretty good but it started to tail off soon after and then it was only really the big games when it would get loud.


One thing that was always a constant was that in any neutral venue, and I've seen NUFC play 6 games in Neutral Venues (Wembley x5 plus Millennium Stadium) we were always guaranteed to completely drown out the opposition. Never in my life did I think we'd be outsung by Man Utd with a 50/50 ticket split like we were on Sunday.

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36 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

I think for consistent loud noise in home games you need a large section which is known for being ultra (the whole Gallowgate would do) along with individuals (and maybe drums etc) to direct the crowd.


That's pretty common in Europe and the Americas, it's an interesting phenomenon that we've never had it in the UK. Maybe we're too British to be open to such a display. Also clubs don't facilitate it or bow to what the fans really want. 


Went to Palmerias in Brazil last week and one end was bouncing throughout, flags and drums going even during the game. Rest of the stadium was quite average except when slagging the referee :lol:


Even MLS teams have this kind of thing. 





Germany is similar. Been to a few Bundesliga games and at every one there has been a home end behind one of the goals who are just going at it for 90 mins and it's pretty much none stop noise. The rest of the stadium is pretty passive and they'll only join in sporadically but it just seems to work.

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Our fans are moany as fuck man. The club needs to tell half the fuckers to wind their neck in. Replace half gallowgate with railing and locate them else where, if they dont like it fuck off. If we get thousands behind the goal the song book will increase too. Larger variety of songs will only improve atmosphere as well. I do think its mental we don't have an "end" as such anymore, annoying given fact a lot of like minded fans.



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12 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


Germany is similar. Been to a few Bundesliga games and at every one there has been a home end behind one of the goals who are just going at it for 90 mins and it's pretty much none stop noise. The rest of the stadium is pretty passive and they'll only join in sporadically but it just seems to work.


Bang on. Not expecting 50k singing but get 8k singing regulary will make a huge difference.

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1 hour ago, Dr Venkman said:

It needs to be carefully planned because as you've alluded to, some people need to sit. Not only that but some people can't see if a person in front of them is standing e.g. my 7 year old son. I intentionally get us tickets for parts of the ground were there'll be no-one in front of him or he can stand on his seat because the alternative is me being the person asking someone to sit down so my son can see. It's one of the main reasons I wasn't overly bothered about us not getting tickets for Wembley because I knew the arguing over standing/sitting would happen.

I’ve been going away since I was 6 and I always stood on my seat for years . People never seemed to mind but got a bit awkward for me when I was a bit older/taller and not really tall enough to see but too tall to stand on seat. Obviously there’s a shorter adults to consider too who prob don’t want to be on a seat. 

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1 hour ago, TheDimpleboy said:

The standing/sitting debate at big neutral venues could be easily solved like.


At point of purchase state your preference (standing/sitting) - and sell the sitting from the left of the stadium, and the standing from the right. They will eventually meet in the middle of a block - and everybody gets exactly what they want. 


The problem with that though is it requires formal acceptance that people will be standing in areas outside of the allocated 850 official standing seats. 

I think that formal acceptance is why there’s no chance of that happening 

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