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Newcastle United lose Judicial Review against HMRC


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Pretty sure i have read the gang stuff related to Marseille before, so i 100% believe that article.

Same.  The question now is what role that fucking baldney played.  It sounds like he knew everything and was part of the system.

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This could end up with us being victims of a fraudulent system rather than contributors.

The article implies that. How that results in Charnley's arrest or us being raided is anyone's guess. Maybe Charnley just paid the money into OM's account in error because that's how OM say it's done in France, or something along those lines.
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Let's hope they've done exactly the same as us, cos there's nee way the FA would let the Premier League be decided on a points deduction.


As posted earlier, any points deduction could not be this season.

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Does the insolvency thing only apply when clubs aren't able to pay the amount owed? I did not read that article yet so forgive if question is dumb.

Insolvency is basically when a club goes out of business. For £5m it would be unlikely that any Premiership or even Championship club would go bust for that amount.
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I know s*** all about business laws, but paying someone lower wage and higher imagerights would be some sort of loophole I would think. I mean if they value ginger thundercunt's image for lets say 10 quid and a snickers, and he gets payed in gummybears thats for the "buyer" to apprice the value, isnt it? If they feel the image is "worth" more then the player. I mean its sneaky as f***, but still.


I think this used to be a problem with the housing market, mortgages etc, where you could do all kind of dodgy s*** just by claiming you value your shed at £3.2m or your rockstar mansion at £1. Unsurprisingly I think there are ways of demonstrating things are falsely valued to avoid money laundering by selling valuable properties for nowt or getting huge loans on worthless buildings.


Aye, we had a lot of shit with that stuff, still do to some degree. But I mean, if its a smaller amount (I would assume not because of the raid etc). It would probably be harder to prove the worth of the image if its smaller amounts. Guess it all depends on the gamble.

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Does the insolvency thing only apply when clubs aren't able to pay the amount owed? I did not read that article yet so forgive if question is dumb.

Insolvency is basically when a club goes out of business. For £5m it would be unlikely that any Premiership or even Championship club would go bust for that amount.


I know what insolvency means. Just didn't know if they applied that label on fraudulent activities and despite having cash to pay the fine you'd get deducted points anyway or something.

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Does the insolvency thing only apply when clubs aren't able to pay the amount owed? I did not read that article yet so forgive if question is dumb.

Insolvency is basically when a club goes out of business. For £5m it would be unlikely that any Premiership or even Championship club would go bust for that amount.


I know what insolvency means. Just didn't know if they applied that label on fraudulent activities and despite having cash to pay the fine you'd get deducted points anyway or something.

I can't see how. A fine is a fine, and insolvency is insolvency, two separate things. You can't apply rules for one thing to another, and if you did the lawyers would be all over it.
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