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Is there a bigger cockend in football, than a certain John Terry?

Big Geordie

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Nobody praises Woodgate for what he achieved though, merely that he was the most talented CB of his generation, which he was.



Rio Ferdinand was. Followed by Ledley King.

Fair enough, I don't agree with that but there you go.

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Didn't Terry get "Dad of the Year" or some other BS award just before the Wayne Bridge thing broke?


Great player, but so full of himself, and an example of the entitlement that turns many English people off the England team. That's if the Oompah band, "10 German bombers", and the general ineptitude of the FA don't do it already.

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Guest firetotheworks



Nobody praises Woodgate for what he achieved though, merely that he was the most talented CB of his generation, which he was.



Rio Ferdinand was. Followed by Ledley King.

Fair enough, I don't agree with that but there you go.


Ledley King, man. On the odd occasions you got to see him play, he was fucking colossal. Brilliant for England as well.

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Woodgate was amazing as well, definitely the best defender I've seen play for us.

:thup: him vs Drogba (Marseille) both in their prime: colossal battle. Think Woodgate injured himself from memory, but was pitchside and can recall them busting a gut/straining every sinew in their duel.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I agree with most of that, to be fair. The above average comment is a bit daft, though. I don't think he touches Rio in terms of ability, obviously, but it's worth pointing out that while Terry was leading Chelsea to every trophy imaginable and captaining England, Woodgate was in the Star & Garter in Middlesbrough trying to convince pension-aged locals to p*ss on themselves so him and his bottom of the barrel mates could grab a quick laugh. Winds me up whenever people bring Woodgate into conversations like this. If anything it affords credit to Terry for achieving a billion times more than a t*** like Woodgate with less talent.


Woodgate lacked the mentality of Terry which was Shearer like when it come to his football, I'll give him that. Terry was an aggressive professional in that respect and like Ronaldo in a way got the absolute maximum from his ability to achieve great things. He was an everage footballer though and was very very fortunate to have been around when Roman took over and can thank Carvalho and Mourinho massively for his success early doors. Once he become Mr Cheslea, it was hard for others to drop or replace him. Rafa knew the score though. In any other side he'd be above average. Cahill hasn't had his career for example, but he's not far off Terry in terms of ability and such.


I'd rate several English CBs in the PL era ahead of Terry. Keown for examle, Adams, Woodgate, King, Rio, Carragher even and our own Taylor.. ;)

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Guest firetotheworks

I don't think I ever agree with HTT on players like. [emoji38]  It seems to happen more regularly than it used to as well.


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Sol Campbell is going to be on the phone to the society of black lawyers when he finds out he's not been mentioned. Shocking racism from N-O to overlook one of the best defenders the league has had.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Sol, how the fuck did I forget. Pisses all over Terry like! I actually like Terry as a person btw so its not personal, what is not to like. That cockney charm, wearing his kit in full, looking after a team-mates wife, the causal dislike of someone not white. CHEWSEE CHEWSEE!

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Carried by Carvalho constantly...massively operated not a patch on Bruce,Pallister,Adams,Vidic or Ferdinand


I'd personally add campbell, hyypia, mcgrath and potentially Des Walker to this list if we're looking at prem-era centre-backs. Not sure about bruce/pallister mind. They were a great combination but neither were stand-out brilliant in their own right.

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:lol: Wow people are letting the hate of the man, get in the way of the fact that he was an extremely good defender.


Other than Rio, nobody HTT mentioned touches him.


Tony Adams? Much better than Terry imho.

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Talent without application stands for nothing. Injuries detract as well.


PL era better than Terry? Rio & Stam (for his time here). Perhaps Campbell.


John Terry was a much better overall player than people are giving him credit for. Better with the ball at his feet than Adams, Campbell, Vidic and many others. Only weakness was a lack of pace / slow on the turn but that was always the case which meant he wasn't useless by 32 like a Campbell. Terry had more to his game than a Vidic who had similar weaknesses. Wasn't the organiser or score as many goals.


Bruce & Pallister? FFS.

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:lol: Wow people are letting the hate of the man, get in the way of the fact that he was an extremely good defender.


Other than Rio, nobody HTT mentioned touches him.


Tony Adams? Much better than Terry imho.


At what? From what I remember, similar type of player - without the goals or as many top level performances in Europe.

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Think Adams was quicker than Terry but they are certainly comparable as stopper centre halfs. Think it's fair to say that Terry was a better footballer but maybe Adams a better defender but it's debatable for sure.


Paul McGrath and Des Walker are the best two I've seen Prem era. Campbell is definitely under rated too.

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Sol Campbell is going to be on the phone to the society of black lawyers when he finds out he's not been mentioned. Shocking racism from N-O to overlook one of the best defenders the league has had.




The two seasons before and the three seasons after he joined Arsenal he was an absolute colossus.


For us though, Woodgate was the man.. probably the only time we've signed a top center back in his absolute prime. His debut against Chelsea was something that will stay in the memory for a long time.


We made the right call in selling him though, sports science wasn't quite there yet and he was broken.


Plus in hindsight, we were about to go on our shite managerial ramble into the wilderness so he would have been wasted with us.

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