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Rafa Benítez (now unemployed)


Would you have Rafa back?   

463 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you have Rafa back?

    • Yes, as manager, immediately
    • Yes, as manager, but at some point in the future (eg if relegated)
    • Yes, in an advisory or DoF role
    • No, not in any meaningful capacity

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my point was that i've no doubt Rafa assumed he would get money from promotion to rebuild a proper Premiership team.

We still using players he would have discarded long ago if he could.


Mentioned it in the pre-match thread, but just to highlight this, only three of our starting XI yesterday weren't playing for us in the Championship (Rondon, Fernandez, Dubravka)

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Rafa needs to give Ashley an ultimatum "back me or sack me" what has he got to lose other than his reputation if he takes us down again, Rafa is actually part of the problem now, he is the best thing that has happened to us for years but we need him to stop papering over the cracks for real change to happen. 

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Just fucking resign and show the cunt now.


Course he won’t, doesn’t need to just wish he would I’d explode with happiness if he did, but then realise he’s gone and fatty isn’t  :dave:



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my point was that i've no doubt Rafa assumed he would get money from promotion to rebuild a proper Premiership team.

We still using players he would have discarded long ago if he could.


Mentioned it in the pre-match thread, but just to highlight this, only three of our starting XI yesterday weren't playing for us in the Championship (Rondon, Fernandez, Dubravka)


Yep, ridiculous a season and half after promotion.

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If we don’t spend in January, the takeover doesn’t happen and Benítez either walks after the window or walks away when his contract is up, (serious question..) where does that leave us as a club. Let’s say assuming we stay up.


Without the over the top bad craic where do we go from there? What sort of manager can we expect to sign? Because I can’t think of anyone established that’s going to go near us.

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If we don’t spend in January, the takeover doesn’t happen and Benítez either walks after the window or walks away when his contract is up, (serious question..) where does that leave us as a club. Let’s say assuming we stay up.


Without the over the top bad craic where do we go from there? What sort of manager can we expect to sign? Because I can’t think of anyone established that’s going to go near us.


We're fucked. Mark Hughes I guess, we'll be back to Pardew style football (albeit with a less cuntish manager) and he'll be gone within a year, with us relegated next season.

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The same shitty budget bought Dubs, Lejeune, Fernandez, Yedlin, Ki Schar (jury still out I reckon), Ritchie-ish who I would describe as Premiership players. Then there's Diame, Atsu, Clark, Hayden, Lazaar, Manquillo. Joselu etc who I think aren't good enough. Murphy needs game time and confidence, still think there's a player there, same for Muto.


The 2nd lot in the main were bought for getting us out of the Championship, with Rafa thinking he could rebuild again with the money we would get from promotion, yet since that promotion he's been stiffed with no proper budget. Selling hasn't even generated money as the club come out with the bullshit about staggered incoming payments, yet never answer why we don't buy in same way, buying guaranteed against those incoming payments.


Aye he's bought some s**** with his limited budget, and hindsight would identify another player for the same money who's shown more for another team but I don't blame him for that, it's hit and miss with budget he has had. I don't think he is faultless at times, for instance I think he reacts too late with his subs sometimes. But I hate the way any tad of criticism like that is pounced on by some on here, obviously some go overboard saying it's all his fault, I just treat that with the contempt it deserves.


Anyhoo I'm just a tit on a keyboard and he's a world class manager and a better man than I'll ever be, and he knows more than any of us will ever know. I just hope he stays, somehow.


Look at the players he was forced to sell and you get some idea of what he is dealing with. Sissoko, Townsend and Wijnaldum. I know many of our fans were cock-a-hoop when we sold Sissoko and Wijnaldum, but they have done better out of it than us.


I felt the same as most others when they were sold - we were getting an excellent price for them, but we knew the money would be pocketed by the FCB and not spent on other transfers.


We got rid of some overrated mercenaries, and replaced them with dog-s*** no-marks.


If the club was run to succeed rather than turn a profit, we could have built up the core of a very good squad for the money we got for Sissoko and Wijnaldum.  Instead, we are left with by far the weakest squad since before KK took over, and it's painful.


Still unwilling to face up to the fact that they were too good for us?


Sissoko has gone on to prove almost invaluable to poch, and Wijnaldum has been a central figure in the development of Liverpool. Neither of them have stolen the glory but they are still seen as vital to both their respetive teams


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If we don’t spend in January, the takeover doesn’t happen and Benítez either walks after the window or walks away when his contract is up, (serious question..) where does that leave us as a club. Let’s say assuming we stay up.


Without the over the top bad craic where do we go from there? What sort of manager can we expect to sign? Because I can’t think of anyone established that’s going to go near us.



I couldn’t give a fuck if Ashley is still here he will not get my support.

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You would imagine Sam Allardyce or David Moyes - probably the latter as he will come cheap as no other club in the top flight would pay money for his services.


Hahah we should be so lucky. Alan Curbishley, David O'Leary would be more likely, and maybe we might get lucky and land Phil Brown.




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You would imagine Sam Allardyce or David Moyes - probably the latter as he will come cheap as no other club in the top flight would pay money for his services.


Oh joy. And the media will be licking their arses and telling us how lucky we are to have managers of such calibre at our little club.

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Would put money on Fat Sam tbh. ‘Unfinished business’ ‘Made it up with Mike’ etc.


Pardew will be back come August whatever division we are in im convinced of it


Absolutely no chance of either, but I imagine the reality will be just as bad.


We're talking about the man who replaced Keegan with Kinnear. I'm discounting nothing.

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