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Rafa Benítez (now unemployed)

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Oh fuck.  Rafa don't do it to yersel man!  You deserve better than these shitebags.  You've got a way out....take it!!


If these indicators are a true reflection on how talks are going then I hope he's staying because he's getting what he wants.  i.e. don't want him staying but having to compromise himself/our ambitions otherwise it'll just be more of the same cuntish behaviour from them over transfers etc.

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Guest neesy111

They’ll fuck him over come january. As positive short term as this is. Long-term good isn’t a thing under Ashley


Nothings signed yet as well.  They'll fuck him over at some point.

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Yet again it's the hope that kills you. If it's just a continuation of the massive under ambition of MA then we're just joining Benitez in being foolish. If there's been some concession  on MA's behalf that we need more investment/reinvestment then I'm in alongside Benitez. I'm nowhere near convinced mind.

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The worst thing at this point is if Rafa comes to any kind of compromise with the bastards, another season of watching us struggle to beat even the worst teams in the league will be just another wasted season,  none of us are getting any younger and it would be nice at some point if we actually tried to compete and win something.

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Short memories. Just presume that Rafa's being strung along until a contract is signed.


No doubt any promises made will be broken. I think Rafa will know this and he'll have to make a decision on whether he can deal with that. The fans love him and the good thing is, were making it hard for him to walk away imo. Well good for us, maybe not so much for himself.

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