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Newcastle United 1 - 0 Man United - 11/02/18 - Post-match jubilation from pg22


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We would be a top half team with a decent striker like. The rest of our game is decent. We just have no focal point.


Can't help but like these lads. Will take a miracle for us to score though.

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Played well there. For a ten minute period after the first ten it felt like both sides were just waiting for them to take the lead but it never materialised.


As ever, a lack of quality going forward is stunting us. But Gayle and Perez have both been decent IMO. And we should have had a penalty.

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Yet another half where we look extremely capable, aside from the cutting edge. The game management has been spot on so far and we're defending well as a unit. We've got them well contained but they've clearly not stepped up a gear yet.


Yet another fucking stonewaller not given. Sick of this shit.

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Chuck Pawson in the seemingly bottomless bag of absolute shithouse referees. Fuck this shit.


Team hasn't been bad at all. Really like the look of Dubravka; has been solid so far and seems to be very vocal. Enjoyed watching him rinse the backline for a mistake about 15 minutes in.

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Gayle paying the price for all the ridiculous dives.


His card is marked.

He did it once. [emoji38]


He's done it on 3 occasions.


I'd gladly see our players get banned for diving. It's frustrating though that his card could be marked when so many other players have done it with impunity for years.


One just in the opposite team that. There is such a high likelihood of this game hinging on a soft contact on Sanchez

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