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Newcastle United 1-2 Arsenal - 15/09/18 - Post-match reaction from page 12ish


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So we should have started with an unfit Shelvey and Rondon, that’s your great plan?


If they are unfit they shouldn't even be on the bench and Rondon certainly didn't seem unfit during the week.

Eh players come back from injury and onto the bench all the time. Like literally all the time. I don’t know what condition Rondon and Shelvey are in, I’m just assuming there’s legitimate reasons they were on the bench and then never came on.


There’s multiple reasons why that could have happened.


So why are they on the bench if you're not fit you're not fit and why not bring them on then. If they're fit enough to be on the bench then their fit enough to play the majority of the game. I can understand not the full 90 but to not even bring them on is just totally inexcusable.

They were probably on the bench in case we were down one goal with 10 or 15 minutes to go. When Arsenal went two up Rafa probably felt that the risk of bringing them on wasn't worth it when we probably wouldn't get back into the game anyway


Still doesn't work for me as I said you have nearly a full house paying good money to see a manager accepting a defeat. What happens if he brought them on say with 15 mintues to go (I will still argue with anybody they should have started) and they get a goal and the match then changes. It might not but surely people paying good money deserve to see a team attempting to get something out of any game.

Rafa isn't about entertaining the fans, he's about getting results and he probably thought that keeping those two players fresh and injury free was more beneficial than putting them on for 15 minutes when it probably wouldn't change anything and they might get injured again


Don't agree sorry that team selection and lack of substitutes stinks you say it's about getting results well it certainly isn't working this season that's for sure.


you were the same insufferable knob complaining every chance you got last season.

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Rafa is very firm on players coming back from international duty, but most other managers don't do it. This is where a squad comes into it, they can chance playing them knowing they have just as good on the bench.


He has a formula, which he sticks by because it's won him loads. We haven't the squad to win with 5/6 first teamers out but that's Ashleys fault, not Rafa's.

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Rafa is very firm on players coming back from international duty, but most other managers don't do it. This is where a squad comes into it, they can chance playing them knowing they have just as good on the bench.


He has a formula, which he sticks by because it's won him loads. We haven't the squad to win with 5/6 first teamers out but that's Ashleys fault, not Rafa's.

Rafa getting out of jail again.
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most sitting around us in the gallowgate screaming at dubravka to take a step to the left before the free kick was taken. just seemed too easy. hit that side and its a definite goal. really left too much space.


Must be loads of international goalkeepers sitting in the Gallowgate

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Rafa is very firm on players coming back from international duty, but most other managers don't do it. This is where a squad comes into it, they can chance playing them knowing they have just as good on the bench.


He has a formula, which he sticks by because it's won him loads. We haven't the squad to win with 5/6 first teamers out but that's Ashleys fault, not Rafa's.


Think that's what i was implying with the 2nd sentence but carry on.

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most sitting around us in the gallowgate screaming at dubravka to take a step to the left before the free kick was taken. just seemed too easy. hit that side and its a definite goal. really left too much space.


Must be loads of international goalkeepers sitting in the Gallowgate


no there arent but it did look like as long as it was on target at that end it would be a goal.

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most sitting around us in the gallowgate screaming at dubravka to take a step to the left before the free kick was taken. just seemed too easy. hit that side and its a definite goal. really left too much space.

he lined his wall with the taller players to the centre of the goal and the shorter players towards his far post.


He wouldn't have stopped it anyway.

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most sitting around us in the gallowgate screaming at dubravka to take a step to the left before the free kick was taken. just seemed too easy. hit that side and its a definite goal. really left too much space.


Must be loads of international goalkeepers sitting in the Gallowgate


no there arent but it did look like as long as it was on target at that end it would be a goal.


He's a 29 year old senior international footballer mate, I think he knows what he's doing.

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Another result of years of neglect from the fat man.


Dubravka - 4m

Yedlin - 5.7m

Lascelles - 5m

Fernandez - 6m

Dummett - Academy

Ritchie - 12m

Hayden - 2.6m

Diame - 4.5m

Murphy - 12m

Perez - 1.8m

Joselu - 5m


Total - 58.6m


Aubameyang - 60m


Think this is all that's needed.


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The start we were given in terms of fixtures was horrid but after a good first half where we put pressure on them with set pieces and it was a case of second balls not dropping for us and decision making, ie Perez failing to see Ritchie in acres when breaking. The second half was utterly rancid and why that was I've no clue. Lascelles going off shouldn't have any bearing on our transition or movement in midfield but those two things were non-existent and that resulted in an utterly embarrassing 25 minutes and a later 20 minutes of nothingness.


Changes needed to be made far earlier too mind, but only not fully fit players were available due to a derisory lack of depth. And we all know who's fault that is.

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Guest Howaythetoon

To the match...


Well, that was poor especially second half.


First half we passed well, took the game to them and won a few corners, but we never looked a real threat and I thought Arsenal were dealing with us well enough.


Second half was a disaster. We are a poor team in terms of individuals there is no doubt about that, but we are equally as poor as a team and Rafa and his staff are in a way responsible for that because unlike last season where you could look at us and pick out things we were good at and things we did well, there is nothing right now.


No-one is making runs, when we get into crossing positions we cut back a lot or have next to nothing in the box to aim for, there are no relationships between players in terms of linking up or interplay and there is no real pattern of play in a pass/moe sense. It’s all very static and awful to watch.


You play Murphy wide for example and don’t get the ball to him. When you do, no-one is overlapping him. It’s a mess and worrying.


The side has no balance and there is no real game plan other than work hard, keep running, get back and fight for one another. Sorry, but that’s the basic of basics. We need more than that which we evolved to last season. It’s like we have regressed and badly so.


I honestly don’t get why so many people pump themselves up every week for this, it’s awful. Pardew and Carver but with different players and a different shirt sponsor.


I’m not in any way comparing Rafa to Pardew before anyone bleats on, but when a player cannot pass the ball to feet 5 yards away, doesn’t even make a run or just hooks it clear with no red shirt near him something is wrong and that something comes from thentraining ground.


We don’t have the best of players and there has been a chronic lack of investment to strengthen, but this team did finish 10th last season and even when they were not winning and when they were losing, they showed a hell of a lot more than this.


The atmosphere was as flat as I’ve ever known when I’ve attended a game and SJP isn’t quite like how I painted it in the SJP thread, but it’s depressing, the whole thing is, atmosphere, football, fans faces the lot.


My 4 year old loved it though and come away very happy because he also likes Arsenal. Me... I couldn’t wait to leave, it’s dispiriting and I don’t know how anyone musters the energy to crack a smile never mind sit down to their seats watching this shower of a team/club.


Rafa needs to find some answers soon though as we look devoid of anything really. I back him to because he will always find away. It’s going to be grim as fuck though and we won’t be finishing 10th this season. It’s a fight just to stay up all the way.


Cheers Mike.





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