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Manchester United 3 - 2 Newcastle United - 06/10/18


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Good post Heron. The bit about our defending in general after they changed things on 20mins is a fair one considering the chances Rashford and Matic missed which were laughably bad.


Cheers :thup:


Aye, like if they scored their two and got the pen they could have had 3. Equally, we should have had a pen (thus making it 3-3) but we missed 2 or 3 good chances too. Second half was pretty much all out Man United...

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Guest neesy111

We were good, best we've played all season but it wasn't a great performance.  We rightly went after them and exposed how bad their confidence was, but we have away possession cheaply after 20 mins.

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Which brings me to my final point - we've played something like 6 of last seasons top 8. Cardiff and Leicester have been the only two games that I've truly been worried about the results and probably more so the way we have played. We made a profit in the summer and we stood still whilst everyone else progressed. The issue here, as has always been the case is Mike Ashley. Benitez isn't faultless, nor are the players, but the difference is that these people (and the fans) are all trying their best to over achieve and show ambition, for that their faults can be accepted. Mike Ashley's ignorance, arrogance and negligence cannot.


good post heron - the point about benitez is a good one, he's not faultless (no manager ever is) but his mistakes or misjudgements have so much more riding on them because of the shit hand he's been dealt


mourinho can call on world class players to drag off the bench and bail him out, rafa cannot and it makes everything so much more high stakes, wish some people criticising him could see that

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I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.

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I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


Couldn't agree more.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


Aye, I’m the same. Those watching in Rosies weren’t as animated as I thought they would have been for our goals or when we conceded and then lost. I think everyone, even those that go to games, seem resigned. Me I’m hoping everything burns...

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I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


Aye, I’m the same. Those watching in Rosies weren’t as animated as I thought they would have been for our goals or when we conceded and then lost. I think everyone, even those that go to games, seem resigned. Me I’m hoping everything burns...


Benitez and the team make me still as animated. I'm desperate for them not to fail, for their welfare.

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Guest covmag

I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


im amazed those feelings can leave any fan tbh, i hate Ashley yada yada but results going like yesterday still get me and always will ,lose that then you may as well delete the account and pay no fucking interest in NUFC whatsoever?

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I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


Aye, I’m the same. Those watching in Rosies weren’t as animated as I thought they would have been for our goals or when we conceded and then lost. I think everyone, even those that go to games, seem resigned. Me I’m hoping everything burns...


Benitez and the team make me still as animated. I'm desperate for them not to fail, for their welfare.

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Benitez and the team make me still as animated. I'm desperate for them not to fail, for their welfare.

They are the lucky ones. They will be free from it within the next few 1-3 years.

We are stuck with Ashley for potentially another 10 years +.

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Benitez and the team make me still as animated. I'm desperate for them not to fail, for their welfare.

They are the lucky ones. They will be free from it within the next few 1-3 years.

We are stuck with Ashley for potentially another 10 years +.


I get your sentiment - but they're not so much lucky as they are hard-working and professional. Therefore, I wish for them to achieve the very best they can, even more-so as it's for my club and my community.


I think having a negative impact on Ashley's other businesses and actively protesting regardless of result is the way forward here. Not necessarily the demise of NUFC alone.

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I still care but it’s not about stuff on the pitch tbh as it sums up to another calculated kick in teeth down the line every time. Of course I want them to be great but can’t really think along the lines of ‘what if this corner or we got this decision anymore. There’s bigger stakes at play.

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I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


im amazed those feelings can leave any fan tbh, i hate Ashley yada yada but results going like yesterday still get me and always will ,lose that then you may as well delete the account and pay no fucking interest in NUFC whatsoever?


Everyone knows my thoughts and lack of feelings on matchdays this season but even I was up and going berserk with loads of random Newcastle fans in the pub just like old times! Was peed off at the end more so as they have a stadium full of wankers but I was over it by this morning if not last night


Hoping we beat Brighton just as I don't want yet another Ashley relegation. Ludicrous how he even took us down once never mind twice and potentially a third time.

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I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


im amazed those feelings can leave any fan tbh, i hate Ashley yada yada but results going like yesterday still get me and always will ,lose that then you may as well delete the account and pay no fucking interest in NUFC whatsoever?


I think that I am at the point where even if Ashley changed his whole approach toward the club, invested properly and because of Rafa we won a cup, the whole thing would be tainted knowing Ashley is involved. There is no way back for me now. I cannot enjoy a single thing about the club under this man's ownership.


But deep down I love the club and area and that is why I still follow everything and can't wait for the day he sells.

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Guest firetotheworks

Was annoyed when I woke up, but it could just be my life.


I wouldn't have been overjoyed had we won either tbh.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I am amazed that anyone is at this point so emotionally invested in what happens on the pitch that they are still crushed by what happened yesterday. Those feelings left me years ago. We are a zombie club now, I feel nothing.


Aye, I’m the same. Those watching in Rosies weren’t as animated as I thought they would have been for our goals or when we conceded and then lost. I think everyone, even those that go to games, seem resigned. Me I’m hoping everything burns...


Benitez and the team make me still as animated. I'm desperate for them not to fail, for their welfare.


Right now how I feel about the club I just want it all to crash and burn because I’m bitter and hate everything about our club right now. Well, other than the manager and certain players and even then it’s not because they are good players, but decent people and they are trying their hardest if not always their best. I respect the players though.


And Rafa... well I love the man and he is far too good for us and out of respect and love for him, I don’t want his CV having NUFC relegation twice, so I’m torn. But ultimately the club itself is more important to me than any manager, player, win, trophy or league status.


It’s my club alright because I’m a Geordie and it represents me and my City and that will never leave me, it can’t. But the belief has, the hope, the pride, the bond. It’s not there anymore and especially right now and Rafa himself cannot fix that, or a promotion or staying up or a win.


Only Ashley leaving can because as long as he owns us this is as good as it gets and sorry, but I will not accept that. Because NUFC is better than this sorry excuse for a football club and team. History backs this up. History I take a great deal of pride in and value highly.


This isn’t that club anymore though, it’s not the Newcastle United I fell in love with, a club formed over 125 years ago by the people for the people to give its ‘members’ something to be proud of, to have hope and belief in. I’d rather have no club than this kind of club. It’s Newcatle United in name only, but it may as well be another club altogether like MK Dons is not Wimbledon.


Mike Ashley bought a football club, tossed it in the bin and replaced it with something else but has kept the name to put above the door, a name sharing pride of place with the name of something else that now stands where the football club once stood...


It says Football Club on the door, but as KK said it’s not like the brochure said...


KK also said never give up on your club, well I have and I reconcile with this because is not my club any more. It’s Mike Ashley’s, it’s not even a football team, how can it be when the manager and players are the most unimportant thing in it, alongside the fans of course.


And as long as fans make NUFC the most important thing on their weekend, Ashley will never go away and as such those fans don’t deserve a football club, certainly not a Newcastle United the likes of Wor Jackie, Keegan, Shearer the 50s FA Cup heroes and Fairs Cup team et al gave the City.


They deserve Alan Pardew, Championship football, Joselu up front, Wonga, Ashley laughing and sticking two fingers up. That’s you club, that’s what you pay for and put up with so enjoy it.

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