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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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5 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


We're owned by the people paying for a start. Other clubs wanting him is irrelevant really, there are countless examples of players being sold and the fee being based on what the seller and buyer are willing to sell/buy for, without any other club being in the picture. 


It's not unreasonable to say that the fee is a joke comparatively.


My gut feeling is that we're deliberately undervaluing as part of showing how squeaky clean we're being with FFP, for whatever reason. 


So then it doesn’t matter what we got for him cos our financial resources are so deep it’s largely irrelevant other than for FPP purposes 


Lot of people in here still worried about using discount vouchers in Aldi when we’re wealthy enough just get the butler to do our shopping for us in Harrods 



Edited by bobbydazzla

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8 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


We're owned by the people paying for a start. Other clubs wanting him is irrelevant really, there are countless examples of players being sold and the fee being based on what the seller and buyer are willing to sell/buy for, without any other club being in the picture. 


It's not unreasonable to say that the fee is a joke comparatively.


My gut feeling is that we're deliberately undervaluing as part of showing how squeaky clean we're being with FFP, for whatever reason. 


Aye. It’s pretty much we paid for him right ?


€40mwould invite a fair amount of scrutiny but could be justified. But we would need to expand the effort to justify it. 

€35m is similar but much easier to justify. 

€30m doesn’t really need any justification. 

One thing it shows is that we want to be seen to be playing by the rules.  And don’t want to go to court like City are willing to do. 

Big picture - PIF won’t use NUFC to try and defeat PL or UEFA. We’ll play by all the rules as best we can get away with without massive issues. Any pressure to change rules will come from KSA league and a threat of other non uefa or pl competitions.  


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Interesting that it wasn't announced as undisclosed. I don't know what the rules are around announcing exact fees or not announcing them but it almost looks like we've made a conscious effort to show were not benefitting from anything underhand or over market value. 23m stinks man but hopefully we'll get some important deals done now.

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4 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:

So then it doesn’t matter what we got for him cos our financial resources are so deep it’s largely irrelevant other than for FPP purposes 


Lot of people in here still worried about using discount vouchers in Aldi when we’re wealthy enough just get the butler to do our shopping for us in Harrods 

It matters if my gut feeling is wrong and the fee does little to shift the FFP needle in our favour :lol:

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Just now, Kid Icarus said:

It matters if my gut feeling is wrong and the fee does little to shift the FFP needle in our favour :lol:

I’m sure the transfer team will have factored in the various FFP scenarios when negotiating the deal 

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It’ll be near 100% profit on the old FFP books won’t it?


That probably played a a part and as you’re robbing Mohammed to pay a second Mohammed it’s all a sham anyway. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter.

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1 hour ago, Unbelievable said:

It points to out owners wanting to play by the rules imposed by the league on behalf of the traditional “big six” a bit too much imo. Similarly I expected a few more commercial deals, even below the 1m threshold, to come through this summer, and perhaps a legal challenge or two to crack the “fairness” of the FFP rules. If we succeed it would ultimately feel a much bigger accomplishment and we are well on course to do so, but boy are we making things a bit complicated for ourselves by not leaning on the financial might of our owners the way the likes of PSG and Man City have done to get to where they are now.


It does make me wonder sometimes if PIF really do just see us as an investment on which we expect to see returns, and our view of success is more long term once we've got the money side sorted out.


I don't doubt Saudi ambition, they aren't the type to accept not competing for titles, but maybe they do expect us to earn it the hard way.

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56 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:

There’s a team of leading industry professionals negotiating our transfers and yet people on here know better about what we should be getting for our players.


Howay man. 

This isn’t Charnley getting his pants pulled down cos he’s an overpromoted tea boy.


If we got £25m for him that’s cos it was the best deal for all parties. And an indication of his true market value .





It's a fucking shite fee mind.

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43 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:


Do you think there were other clubs willing to pay more ?


Or we should have kept him as an unwanted squad player and not banked the £25 million ?


I might think my house is worth £25 million but if no-one is willing to pay it then it isn’t.


Thats how market value works. 








It might be disappointing to fans, but the reality is, there wasn't any normal clubs wanting to pay more than £25m for Maxi, and even less who could pay the wages he would be looking for, even if there was no Saudi deals on the table.


He's looking for CL wages and the Champions League clubs wouldn't consider him good enough.

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Must of been a PIF representative in the Al Ahli boardroom saying "what a fuckin deal lads what a deal" then straight on to his private jet direct to Newcastle and into the boardroom shouting "those fuckin cunts fleeced us lads"

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