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Football players - who would you be ?

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Guest The Little Waster

Terry Hibbit came to my school one year ( 1973 ? ) to award a cup to our football team ( Cragside ) got his autograph afterwards . Im talking about who you would liked to have been in terms of football not stardom or how much £££ you could make or women you couldve shagged ( Ginola ) , football , as was , before money ruined everything and it still meant something

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This is a really great question! I've thought so much about what the right answer is and despite following the Toon since I was about 6 (I'm that plus 60 now) the only answer is this:


Me in my footballing prime, No 9 in my own right. Winning the '76 Cup by scoring the goal in the last minute - diving header of 25 yard screamer? Either really....just imagine the life changing joy of being able to do that?

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This is a really great question! I've thought so much about what the right answer is and despite following the Toon since I was about 6 (I'm that plus 60 now) the only answer is this:


Me in my footballing prime, No 9 in my own right. Winning the '76 Cup by scoring the goal in the last minute - diving header of 25 yard screamer? Either really....just imagine the life changing joy of being able to do that?


My thoughts exactly. Why would anybody want to be anybody else?

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Is the question what player do you think you play like? I think i play like Luis Suarez. I have the same dogged style. I’m not particularly skillful but everything I do is technically sound. If I have the opportunity to shoot, I will. Play with my head up at all times. Utilize the toe poke fairly often. Just always trying to surprise the opposition with my movement. Really liked Suarez at the Copa America this past year. He’d just be shooting from anywhere. Taking the ball down on his chest and blasting it from 30 yards. Scored a toe poke today and someone said that they were embarrassed to have been scored on by me. I’m not the type of player to get on the ball and have a lot of touches. I’m just trying to score and win.


Also the other team had the ball and I told the opposition player to pass back and he did.  I’m a bastard on the field.  :lol:

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