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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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I think we all are a bit micey at the minute, it’s clear many are desperate for this just to be done.


There’s not one of you on here has any ITK , it’s bullshit if you say you do man.


I agree , until Caulkin says something I’m listening to nothing else, fuck refreshing this page etc, it’s doing me in  :lol:


Time to step away and sit tight for many before we go round the bend , I’ve no idea how this will end .

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I am prepared to be slated for this.....


We know the vast majority of us want the takeover to go ahead, and most on here were hoping/expecting it to happen this week - now it's next week.


Many are quoting things like 'Why is it taking so long for the Premier League to give approval'.....


So,.........have the PL ever admitted in person, that it has received a completed and accepted offer and is checking to see if it is compliant with Fit and Proper Persons???


Because if they haven't everything else is nothing but hope and speculation. HTT saying 5.00pm on Friday for example. 'Trust me I know'. 'This is going to happen'


Is it?? Please, facts only in your replies!!!!

We have reasonable evidence to suggest the takeover is happing and is in the final stages.

This is from press reports by people like Caulkin who has some sort of line of contact with Staveley, Companies House documents, and of course the Premier League inadvertently confirming they are carrying out D&O tests.


As for when it will be finalised, all of this is guess work.

The assumption is that it will be announced when the money is transferred over. This isn’t taking into account the possibility that they might try and postpone an announcement to try and prevent people from gathering at SJP or having house parties during lockdown.

It is also going by a timeline which is the best case scenario. So last week was when people thought it would have been completed, doing last week would have meant that it was only 2-3 weeks worth of checks, which is optimistic. It also doesn’t take into account that 2 of the days were bank holidays, and of course the process could be slowed by the lack of staff working for both the Premier League and agencies that they may use.

This upcoming week represents the final week of how long a test can take during normal times. The tests could be done now, they could be done next week. If they are done next week, then we could still be looking into the week after for the transfer of funds to be completed.


You also have to factor in that it is likely that they new owners will want to tell as much staff and players they can before releasing a public statement.


We do. The slight concern is we are solely relying on Staveley's confidence.


She was very confident 2 and a half years ago and look what happened there.


I'm not trying to cause a huge argument here, but until it's done, it's not done. Everyones just assuming it'll go through, but there is a chance we can fuck it up from here. It's NUFC after all.

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I am prepared to be slated for this.....


We know the vast majority of us want the takeover to go ahead, and most on here were hoping/expecting it to happen this week - now it's next week.


Many are quoting things like 'Why is it taking so long for the Premier League to give approval'.....


So,.........have the PL ever admitted in person, that it has received a completed and accepted offer and is checking to see if it is compliant with Fit and Proper Persons???


Because if they haven't everything else is nothing but hope and speculation. HTT saying 5.00pm on Friday for example. 'Trust me I know'. 'This is going to happen'


Is it?? Please, facts only in your replies!!!!




Yes, they replied to Amnesty informing them about the bid.




Is the word putative not the thing to take from that?


Or by the very fact they replied a good thing?


I'm not sure if that's confirmation or not? I'm lost!


What is the matter with you all? “Putative” is just a posh twat word for prospective / potential / forthcoming. They cannot say “the Newcastle United takeover” because the takeover hasn’t happened. That, like every letter any big company sends for PR purposes, is drafted by a lawyer. The lawyer’s brief is to ensure that the FA won’t get bitten in the arse / sued. Therefore, the letter exercises caution, because this is a very expensive and complicated thing and there are very strict confidentiality etc rules all parties to it must follow.


In all seriousness there must be something better for you available to do.




Putative is a posh word for "generally considered or reputed to be"  - ie rumours.


Lets not just start making things up eh.

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Guest godzilla

It would be so Newcastle United to announce the sale is complete on a weekend when people least expect it.


It would be more Newcastle United to announce the sale was off on a weekend when people least expect it.


This. The most Newcastle United thing would be for Ashley to announce he is staying.


Leaving us all looking like the biggest fools in world football.


The only way he is staying is if the Premier League knock the takeover back or if the remaining amount is not paid into his account. He would be facing a massive lawsuit if he 'announced' he is staying when a legal agreement is in place.


OK I'll entertain you..show me actual evidence that a legal agreement for the sale is in place that he can't back out of. The document uploaded to companies house does not prove a sale is agreed with no way for him to back out. We are led to believe he can't back out by the same press that has led us to believe he has been about to sell for 12 years. But I haven't seen irrefutable proof of this, and neither have you.

What proof can we possibly provide? The actual SPA documentation showing Mike Ashley cannot pull out?


Russel's teapot here - the burden of proof is on you.



After failed takeover after failed takeover, it would be reasonable to wait for irrefutable proof before declaring that we are sold.


I also haven't stated that there Ashley can back out, just that it would be sensible to wait and see how this all plays out. It's Godzilla who is convinced of something he can't prove...reminds me of BZG last year now come to think of it.


The fact is none of us know whether it's legally binding for Ashley to be forced to sell or not.


But oh no...


You are an absolute clown




Well if you weren't a clown we would already be owned by BZG...remember falling for that one?


Show me where it is legally binding...oh you can't, so you had to attack the poster.


Show me where it's not then  :lol: and the Premier League don't waste 3 weeks going through something when there has been no legal agreement made. As for BZG the bid wasn't accepted nothing more and that's why the Premier League didn't go through the test. You're going to look such a mug in a week or so.

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I’m still quite calm. If it’s not done in the coming two weeks, I’ll start to worry.


Same, however I don’t see it getting to another 2 weeks without us hearing something regarding them passing or failing the checks, I think we will hear the coming week if they have been successful or not

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It would be so Newcastle United to announce the sale is complete on a weekend when people least expect it.


It would be more Newcastle United to announce the sale was off on a weekend when people least expect it.


This. The most Newcastle United thing would be for Ashley to announce he is staying.


Leaving us all looking like the biggest fools in world football.


The only way he is staying is if the Premier League knock the takeover back or if the remaining amount is not paid into his account. He would be facing a massive lawsuit if he 'announced' he is staying when a legal agreement is in place.


OK I'll entertain you..show me actual evidence that a legal agreement for the sale is in place that he can't back out of. The document uploaded to companies house does not prove a sale is agreed with no way for him to back out. We are led to believe he can't back out by the same press that has led us to believe he has been about to sell for 12 years. But I haven't seen irrefutable proof of this, and neither have you.

What proof can we possibly provide? The actual SPA documentation showing Mike Ashley cannot pull out?


Russel's teapot here - the burden of proof is on you.



After failed takeover after failed takeover, it would be reasonable to wait for irrefutable proof before declaring that we are sold.


I also haven't stated that there Ashley can back out, just that it would be sensible to wait and see how this all plays out. It's Godzilla who is convinced of something he can't prove...reminds me of BZG last year now come to think of it.


The fact is none of us know whether it's legally binding for Ashley to be forced to sell or not.


But oh no...


You are an absolute clown




Well if you weren't a clown we would already be owned by BZG...remember falling for that one?


Show me where it is legally binding...oh you can't, so you had to attack the poster.


Show me where it's not then  :lol: and the Premier League don't waste 3 weeks going through something when there has been no legal agreement made. As for BZG the bid wasn't accepted nothing more and that's why the Premier League didn't go through the test. You're going to look such a mug in a week or so.


Fucking hell man, I have said that we do not know for sure. Which we don't.


I'm not claiming either way with certainty like you.


It's really not about "looking a mug" as you put it. You've done that repeatedly through failed takeovers already. I am simply saying that we are relying on Staveley's word. Could be right, could be wrong. it could go through next week, it also could fall through.


Or have I missed the bit that guarantees a sale goes through and passes the PL tests?

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It's happening, its just half of the forum have the collective composure of a 12 year old school girl.


So there is not even a 0.001% chance that it could fall through? OK then.

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I’m still quite calm. If it’s not done in the coming two weeks, I’ll start to worry.


Same, however I don’t see it getting to another 2 weeks without us hearing something regarding them passing or failing the checks, I think we will hear the coming week if they have been successful or not


If the papers were in fact submitted on April 9th then we should expect to know something, one way or another, by Thursday. Anything later than that and it'd probably be logical to start asking questions.

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It's happening, its just half of the forum have the collective composure of a 12 year old school girl.


So there is not even a 0.001% chance that it could fall through? OK then.


This is exceedingly tedious.

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I’m still quite calm. If it’s not done in the coming two weeks, I’ll start to worry.


Same, however I don’t see it getting to another 2 weeks without us hearing something regarding them passing or failing the checks, I think we will hear the coming week if they have been successful or not


If the papers were in fact submitted on April 9th then we should expect to know something, one way or another, by Thursday. Anything later than that and it'd probably be logical to start asking questions.


Yep I agree and would be safe to assume if they had heard it could have been done last week it should be early this week surely at the latest.

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Guest godzilla

It would be so Newcastle United to announce the sale is complete on a weekend when people least expect it.


It would be more Newcastle United to announce the sale was off on a weekend when people least expect it.


This. The most Newcastle United thing would be for Ashley to announce he is staying.


Leaving us all looking like the biggest fools in world football.


The only way he is staying is if the Premier League knock the takeover back or if the remaining amount is not paid into his account. He would be facing a massive lawsuit if he 'announced' he is staying when a legal agreement is in place.


OK I'll entertain you..show me actual evidence that a legal agreement for the sale is in place that he can't back out of. The document uploaded to companies house does not prove a sale is agreed with no way for him to back out. We are led to believe he can't back out by the same press that has led us to believe he has been about to sell for 12 years. But I haven't seen irrefutable proof of this, and neither have you.

What proof can we possibly provide? The actual SPA documentation showing Mike Ashley cannot pull out?


Russel's teapot here - the burden of proof is on you.



After failed takeover after failed takeover, it would be reasonable to wait for irrefutable proof before declaring that we are sold.


I also haven't stated that there Ashley can back out, just that it would be sensible to wait and see how this all plays out. It's Godzilla who is convinced of something he can't prove...reminds me of BZG last year now come to think of it.


The fact is none of us know whether it's legally binding for Ashley to be forced to sell or not.


But oh no...


You are an absolute clown




Well if you weren't a clown we would already be owned by BZG...remember falling for that one?


Show me where it is legally binding...oh you can't, so you had to attack the poster.


Show me where it's not then  :lol: and the Premier League don't waste 3 weeks going through something when there has been no legal agreement made. As for BZG the bid wasn't accepted nothing more and that's why the Premier League didn't go through the test. You're going to look such a mug in a week or so.


f***ing hell man, I have said that we do not know for sure. Which we don't.


I'm not claiming either way with certainty like you.


It's really not about "looking a mug" as you put it. You've done that repeatedly through failed takeovers already. I am simply saying that we are relying on Staveley's word. Could be right, could be wrong. it could go through next week, it also could fall through.


Or have I missed the bit that guarantees a sale goes through and passes the PL tests?


I agree on the Premier League test that's one thing nobody can be certain of, but, to imply that a bid hasn't been agreed and Premier League tests are not being carried out is just fantasy. I have not commented on other takeovers apart from the BZG as I though both Staveley (the 1st time) and Kenyon didn't have the funds.

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Personally, i prefer no news (unless the takeover is announced). Its the mindless articles from the southern press and click bait which annoys me.


Although it is interesting to note that alot seem to get anxious when they are not drip fed the progress.


Caulkin was literally told by Staveley last weekend that they expected the checks to be completed this week. We dont know if they have/havent but there is absolutely zero to suggest there has been any problems.


Christ, have none of you ever dealt with solicitors etc in your life? Being frustrated out of your mind is par for the course.

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I’m still quite calm. If it’s not done in the coming two weeks, I’ll start to worry.


Same, however I don’t see it getting to another 2 weeks without us hearing something regarding them passing or failing the checks, I think we will hear the coming week if they have been successful or not


If the papers were in fact submitted on April 9th then we should expect to know something, one way or another, by Thursday. Anything later than that and it'd probably be logical to start asking questions.


Yep I agree and would be safe to assume if they had heard it could have been done last week it should be early this week surely at the latest.




We'll have our club and our ambition back by this time next week, hopefully.

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It would be so Newcastle United to announce the sale is complete on a weekend when people least expect it.


It would be more Newcastle United to announce the sale was off on a weekend when people least expect it.


This. The most Newcastle United thing would be for Ashley to announce he is staying.


Leaving us all looking like the biggest fools in world football.


The only way he is staying is if the Premier League knock the takeover back or if the remaining amount is not paid into his account. He would be facing a massive lawsuit if he 'announced' he is staying when a legal agreement is in place.


OK I'll entertain you..show me actual evidence that a legal agreement for the sale is in place that he can't back out of. The document uploaded to companies house does not prove a sale is agreed with no way for him to back out. We are led to believe he can't back out by the same press that has led us to believe he has been about to sell for 12 years. But I haven't seen irrefutable proof of this, and neither have you.

What proof can we possibly provide? The actual SPA documentation showing Mike Ashley cannot pull out?


Russel's teapot here - the burden of proof is on you.



After failed takeover after failed takeover, it would be reasonable to wait for irrefutable proof before declaring that we are sold.


I also haven't stated that there Ashley can back out, just that it would be sensible to wait and see how this all plays out. It's Godzilla who is convinced of something he can't prove...reminds me of BZG last year now come to think of it.


The fact is none of us know whether it's legally binding for Ashley to be forced to sell or not.


But oh no...


You are an absolute clown




Well if you weren't a clown we would already be owned by BZG...remember falling for that one?


Show me where it is legally binding...oh you can't, so you had to attack the poster.


Show me where it's not then  :lol: and the Premier League don't waste 3 weeks going through something when there has been no legal agreement made. As for BZG the bid wasn't accepted nothing more and that's why the Premier League didn't go through the test. You're going to look such a mug in a week or so.


f***ing hell man, I have said that we do not know for sure. Which we don't.


I'm not claiming either way with certainty like you.


It's really not about "looking a mug" as you put it. You've done that repeatedly through failed takeovers already. I am simply saying that we are relying on Staveley's word. Could be right, could be wrong. it could go through next week, it also could fall through.


Or have I missed the bit that guarantees a sale goes through and passes the PL tests?


I agree on the Premier League test that's one thing nobody can be certain of, but, to imply that a bid hasn't been agreed and Premier League tests are not being carried out is just fantasy. I have not commented on other takeovers apart from the BZG as I though both Staveley (the 1st time) and Kenyon didn't have the funds.


I'm not even implying that, just stating that we are relying on other peoples word, however reliable in Caulkins case. Staveley is probably correct in assuming it'll all go through and Ashley can't back out, but for our sakes she had better be certain of all this.

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Guest godzilla

It would be so Newcastle United to announce the sale is complete on a weekend when people least expect it.


It would be more Newcastle United to announce the sale was off on a weekend when people least expect it.


This. The most Newcastle United thing would be for Ashley to announce he is staying.


Leaving us all looking like the biggest fools in world football.


The only way he is staying is if the Premier League knock the takeover back or if the remaining amount is not paid into his account. He would be facing a massive lawsuit if he 'announced' he is staying when a legal agreement is in place.


OK I'll entertain you..show me actual evidence that a legal agreement for the sale is in place that he can't back out of. The document uploaded to companies house does not prove a sale is agreed with no way for him to back out. We are led to believe he can't back out by the same press that has led us to believe he has been about to sell for 12 years. But I haven't seen irrefutable proof of this, and neither have you.

What proof can we possibly provide? The actual SPA documentation showing Mike Ashley cannot pull out?


Russel's teapot here - the burden of proof is on you.



After failed takeover after failed takeover, it would be reasonable to wait for irrefutable proof before declaring that we are sold.


I also haven't stated that there Ashley can back out, just that it would be sensible to wait and see how this all plays out. It's Godzilla who is convinced of something he can't prove...reminds me of BZG last year now come to think of it.


The fact is none of us know whether it's legally binding for Ashley to be forced to sell or not.


But oh no...


You are an absolute clown




Well if you weren't a clown we would already be owned by BZG...remember falling for that one?


Show me where it is legally binding...oh you can't, so you had to attack the poster.


Show me where it's not then  :lol: and the Premier League don't waste 3 weeks going through something when there has been no legal agreement made. As for BZG the bid wasn't accepted nothing more and that's why the Premier League didn't go through the test. You're going to look such a mug in a week or so.


f***ing hell man, I have said that we do not know for sure. Which we don't.


I'm not claiming either way with certainty like you.


It's really not about "looking a mug" as you put it. You've done that repeatedly through failed takeovers already. I am simply saying that we are relying on Staveley's word. Could be right, could be wrong. it could go through next week, it also could fall through.


Or have I missed the bit that guarantees a sale goes through and passes the PL tests?


I agree on the Premier League test that's one thing nobody can be certain of, but, to imply that a bid hasn't been agreed and Premier League tests are not being carried out is just fantasy. I have not commented on other takeovers apart from the BZG as I though both Staveley (the 1st time) and Kenyon didn't have the funds.


I'm not even implying that, just stating that we are relying on other peoples word, however reliable in Caulkins case. Staveley is probably correct in assuming it'll all go through and Ashley can't back out, but for our sakes she had better be certain of all this.


ok fair enough

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It's happening, its just half of the forum have the collective composure of a 12 year old school girl.


So there is not even a 0.001% chance that it could fall through? OK then.


This is exceedingly tedious.


That's some fucking English understatement right there...

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It's happening, its just half of the forum have the collective composure of a 12 year old school girl.


So there is not even a 0.001% chance that it could fall through? OK then.


This is exceedingly tedious.


Yes it's exceedingly tedious that you get jumped on for daring to suggest this isn't all done and dusted already.

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