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Hope Neville and Carragher put as much effort into criticising the new CL format as they did the Super League. In reality there's little enough difference except more clubs are involved. The elite are still protected and there's loads of meaningless games

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Maybe I'm more angry about this than I need to be. but there needs to be some sort of punishment - yes it will affect the supporters of these clubs - but the supporters of these clubs should be humble and rational enough (I know) to blame the owners for the continued consequences of their selfish actions.

Appeal aside, City were banned from Europe for overspending, this should be taken as precedent in this situation. If a European ban is the consequence for that, then what should the consequence for an attempted coup be? One year ban from european competition, reasonable points deduction at the start of next season and/or a proportion of the monies received for their final position in the table shared out amongst championship clubs and below? It is the minimum I would understand and believe it would be a reasonable compromise - not enough, but something.

I don't think my 'big six' supporting friends have had enough practice at being pissed off at their clubs, and it shows.

How they went from 'relegate us' to 'nah let's all crack on' within 24 hours is some mental gymnastics I'll never understand.



Edited by cookidge
typo city baby

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2 minutes ago, astraguy said:

Wish Newcastles loyal fanbase would give this a listen in regards to stop going to games if you want real change within the club



They could give their season ticket money to the 1892 pledge

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Started a tl:dr but decided against it.  I appreciate the fans who protested against their own club.  However, those clubs need to be punished for this action and clear guidelines established to harshly deal with a club(s) who tries it again.  Immediate points deduction and transfer sanctions would be a good start.


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10 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

Started a tl:dr but decided against it.  I appreciate the fans who protested against their own club.  However, those clubs need to be punished for this action and clear guidelines established to harshly deal with a club(s) who tries it again.  Immediate points deduction and transfer sanctions would be a good start.


It's a nice thought in principle, but that boat sailed a long time ago. Up until yesterday most football people were panicking that the big clubs held all the cards. The Big Six have been blackmailing the PL authorities for too long now, would be very difficult to now start throwing the book at them. Can imagine all sorts of shit would come out if the PL collaboration with the Big Six regarding our takeover is anything to go by. 

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7 minutes ago, TRon said:

It's a nice thought in principle, but that boat sailed a long time ago. Up until yesterday most football people were panicking that the big clubs held all the cards. The Big Six have been blackmailing the PL authorities for too long now, would be very difficult to now start throwing the book at them. Can imagine all sorts of shit would come out if the PL collaboration with the Big Six regarding our takeover is anything to go by. 

I'm not so sure the boat has sailed.  Look at the teams that were driving this:  Liverpool, Man U, Real and Juventus.  All big clubs that want security in troubled times.  All clubs that have overspent and are fearful that without CL money they'll be in the shit.  Clubs that were so afraid that they cast their lot with an ill advised, poorly constructed super league that vanished in the blink of an eye.  They are not holding any cards at all.  Now is the time to hit them.

But, care must be given to how hard they are hit.  Remember Germany after WWI.  Had the sanctions been less prohibitive, there may not have been a WWII.

Punish, don't cripple.


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Just turned on SSN. There not a single whiff of something game changing had hapened in the past day or so.

 Normal graphics, normal news. Yep, nothing happened. Move along. We're still rich and so are the Big Six. Pathetic.

Wonder if they still want to call them that. It was Sky who came up with that term for those teams.



Edited by nufcjb

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They broke the rules they have to have the book thrown at them or the government should step in and investigate. When a number of lower league teams have previously lost points/fined/relegated for breaking the rules, it will show total corruption if the same does not occur.

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4 minutes ago, cookidge said:

Kaveh Solhekol changed his tune really fast - he was acting like the harbinger of doom last night and loving it, now he's back to licking boots, sad little cunt.

Aye, he was raging mad at Man City and Chelsea for 'helping' make the likes of Real and Barca more money by joining the ESL. Now, he's saying they're all good and stuff. Pathetic.



Edited by nufcjb

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4 minutes ago, cookidge said:

Kaveh Solhekol changed his tune really fast - he was acting like the harbinger of doom last night and loving it, now he's back to licking boots, sad little cunt.

He’s always came across as a wrongun 

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havent really looked into the detail of the proposed (or have they been agreed?) changes to the  uefa champions league. i mean coefficiants etc.

but would it mean the likes of liverpool , man city, manu would qualify even if they finished 6/7th but the "lesser teams" would need to finish top 4???

if so, its not much better than the ESL is it?

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I can’t allow myself to get angry at the lack of punishment like. Should there be? Yes, absolutely. Will there be? Not on your life. The result will be that this situation will come up again and as sure as night turns in to day, these arseholes will pull it again, and the apocalypse will happen, sooner rather than later. Football is fucked, it can’t be saved. There are too many contradictions in the model. Let’s just be thankful that it’s still free to be able to pick up a ball and kick it around a park ?

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4 minutes ago, alijmitchell said:

I can’t allow myself to get angry at the lack of punishment like. Should there be? Yes, absolutely. Will there be? Not on your life. The result will be that this situation will come up again and as sure as night turns in to day, these arseholes will pull it again, and the apocalypse will happen, sooner rather than later. Football is fucked, it can’t be saved. There are too many contradictions in the model. Let’s just be thankful that it’s still free to be able to pick up a ball and kick it around a park ?

Yeah I need to get on this. Think I'm more angry at my mates for how forgiving they are. I'm sure they're smart enough to know it'll happen again ?

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22 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

I'm not so sure the boat has sailed.  Look at the teams that were driving this:  Liverpool, Man U, Real and Juventus.  All big clubs that want security in troubled times.  All clubs that have overspent and are fearful that without CL money they'll be in the shit.  Clubs that were so afraid that they cast their lot with an ill advised, poorly constructed super league that vanished in the blink of an eye.  They are not holding any cards at all.  Now is the time to hit them.

But, care must be given to how hard they are hit.  Remember Germany after WWI.  Had the sanctions been less prohibitive, there may not have been a WWII.

Punish, don't cripple.


These are the same PL officials who seemed to be taking instruction from some of these same clubs when it came to opposing our takeover. I might be shooting in the dark here, but they come across as a bit bent to start with. The Big Six seem to have been calling the shots for a while now, so not really that surprised that we haven't heard a peep so far about punitive action. I can't say I'm holding my breath either. 

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From the sky website:


Players at the 'Big 6' Premier League clubs have a strong legal case for immediately terminating their contract because their employer signed up to the “illegal” European Super League, according to a top UK sports lawyer.

Sean Jones QC, an arbitrator and barrister from 11KBW law firm in London, says that all players’ contracts dictate that their club must stick to FA and Premier League rules, otherwise the club has committed a “repudiatory breach of contract”, and those players could walk away and look for another club.

He also says clause 11.1 of UEFA rules allows players to terminate their contract if there is a material breach of terms which, it could be argued, is the case here.

Jones was speaking on a special webinar organised by Law In Sport to discuss the legal ramifications of the Super League.

He goes on to say that Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs and Chelsea are in clear breach of the Premier League rule L9, which says no club can enter another competition without the written permission of the Premier League Board. 

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Just now, TRon said:

These are the same PL officials who seemed to be taking instruction from some of these same clubs when it came to opposing our takeover. I might be shooting in the dark here, but they come across as a bit bent to start with. The Big Six seem to have been calling the shots for a while now, so not really that surprised that we haven't heard a peep so far about punitive action. I can't say I'm holding my breath either. 

I agree they're bent as fuck, I just thought they might've been spiteful enough a la "We helped you out re not letting any one else in the league with $$$ and you repay us with this".

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