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7 hours ago, Joey Linton said:

But both parties are said to be not disclosing? 

Well the the judges will just have to decide whether things not being disclosed are important enough in their decision making

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The trouble with our fan base now is 100% we will wave a few flags and sing the odd nasty song, then sit down and sing" we'll support you ever more"

There will be no break in ,no pitch invasion, no violent acts,nothing against the law, why? They don't want to lose their season tickets 


And the fan base is now part of the problem,  happy to suck it up cos "nee one tells me I can't gan to the match" attitude .

No it's not the fans fault,none of this is, or is it? 

45k plus will rock up v West Ham in their shiny new tops and sit muted .

There will be no rage,  you just know it .

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4 hours ago, Montey said:

A few thoughts:



It is very evident (from the NUFC Takeover and the ESL debacles) that the Premier League is thoroughly corrupt and needs action from the UK government and the FA to either shut it down entirely (reverting English football back to the EFL system).  As things stand, English football desperately needs the NUFC Competition Arbitration Tribunal case to succeed and for this to result in cartel charges being levelled by the Crown Prosecution Service against the Premier League's executives - with a resultant investigation of their personal finances.  There is almost undoubtedly criminal (and-competition & cartel related) behaviour occurring and it needs to be exposed and expunged from the sport for the good of English football.



It should be very evident to the non-Big-6 clubs that the Premier League is corrupted by the Big-6; as long as things remain the way they are the Little-14 will be nothing more than stage decorations for the wealthy owners of the Big-6 to exploit.  It should be very evident to the Little-14 that they should all, as a unified group, vote to change the rules of the Premier League, and if they can't they should all leave the Premier League (returning to the EFL) together.  If the Little-14 remain in the Premier League, without major changes, then they are making statements to their respective fans that they have no real interest in competing and are happy catching the crumbs that fall from the Big-6 table.



Question:  Does this adjournment of the PL's 'independent' arbitration process provide further evidence towards the CAT case of the PL's anti-competitive behaviours?  That where the process was run one way for Big-6 clubs, they have again operated a different process for the NUFC takeover?  Is this making their lives harder for the CAT case?  I know the most recent statements (from various journalists that have well and truly demonstrated their existing bias against NUFC) say that issues of evidence have come from both sides, but remember that it's the 3 arbitrators (2 of whom have strong PL affiliation) who decide if there's an issue with the evidence and whether a delay is required.



I think that Mike Ashley should just complete the sale of the club, with the Stavely consortium, and thereby force the Premier League to make the decision to exclude NUFC from the 21/22 EPL season.  I see this as a win-win for fans.


If the PL attempt to throw NUFC out of the 21/22 season, the club (now under new ownership) can seek a court injunction against the PL, to keep them in the league, pending the completion of existing legal actions (e.g. pending the result of the CAT case, which they club could cause to go for a long time just as the PL has delayed the O&D process).  This keeps us in the league for the coming season, under new owners.


Then, if the PL attempt to exclude NUFC from the 22/23 season, NUFC can play the league at their own legal game and keep finding excuses to get court injunctions against the league (but the CAT case could take many years to resolve).


If, for whatever reason, NUFC end up down in the Championship, then we'll dominate that league and force the PL to address the issue again... and again... and again... each time NUFC is in the automatic promotion slots.

I agree what you say in thought #4. Complete the sale before the season starts and the PL would be forced to make a decision. If it's a negative decision take it to court and stall as long as we can.


The worst that can happen is we have to play in the Championship but as it stands now we're bound for that anyway, so whats there to loose?


Not sure the saudis would want to be dragged through this though.

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Has there ever been a case like this where the Premier League hasn’t supplied enough documentation/evidence? Forget whether NUFC may or may not have done the same, the fact the Premier fucking League have done this is disgraceful.

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27 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Has there ever been a case like this where the Premier League hasn’t supplied enough documentation/evidence? Forget whether NUFC may or may not have done the same, the fact the Premier fucking League have done this is disgraceful.


it’s as if they did it on purpose eh?

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26 minutes ago, Ed210 said:

Not sure any sane person would spend £300 million on the club knowing they might get expelled from the league for doing so. 

id take my money and tell them to FO.

BEIN don’t want them so as long  as they feed the PL we have no chance, been like this from day one , we know it, the club know it , the PL agree to it for the sake of BEIN money and the big 6.


let’s not dress this up to anything other than this , the PL will never ever let this go through if it’s Saudi money if BEIN keep paying the wages…NEVER

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Someone had pointed out on twitter the statement from the club seems very "nice". 


I'm sure if this was completely the PL's doing, the club statement would be a lot more harsh as to deflect the blame away. 


Even the last one was pretty scathing. 



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8 minutes ago, Scotty66 said:

Someone had pointed out on twitter the statement from the club seems very "nice". 


I'm sure if this was completely the PL's doing, the club statement would be a lot more harsh as to deflect the blame away. 


Even the last one was pretty scathing. 




Probably because the club don't do anything competently - anyone looking forward to seeing the accounts when they're published btw?

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9 hours ago, Mattoon said:



So the takeover gets screwed with time wasting tactics once again and your first response is to want to wind someone up and get some "I told you so"'s laid out in black and white. Any normal supporter would be raging with the PL right about now and probably quite distraught at the thought of at least another full season of the 4 Steve's of the apocalypse and no owner.


Any normal supporter might not have decided to be so gullible to believe everything written about the takeover.


I've wanted a takeover since 2009. 

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39 minutes ago, STM said:


Any normal supporter might not have decided to be so gullible to believe everything written about the takeover.


I've wanted a takeover since 2009. 


One is hoping for the best and seeking out positivity wherever they can find it, which hurts no one.


The other is putting laughing faces at the end of every post and revelling in the misery of supporters "gullible" or otherwise.


Just seems like odd and vindictive behaviour

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12 hours ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

So annoying that the Reubens have no interest in owning us outright, or at least as majority shareholders.

They've no interest in a profitless venture, they just want the public onside so they can buy up all the valuable property, without too much hassle.

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To best protect the longer-term value of the club, Ashley and the other partners (ex-PIF) need to look at possible partial sale options, perhaps with a dual-class share structure and mutual share purchase options for a year's time, such that PCP/Reubens control the club while Ashley still owns a majority for a short period of time.


Just having a change in the director's box will boost the club financially and improve Ashley's return on his residual holding if PIF falls through. Survival is essential and quelling off-pitch rumblings will make a big difference.

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19 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:



It does surprise me that having said nothing for a while so many of these journalists now know exactly what is going on. 

Like Nut said on the last page, it doesn't really matter what NUFC/ the consortium had or hasn't done. The fact that the PL, the governing body intended to protect the club and the fans hasn't been able to disclose what was needed from their end is a fucking disgrace and it's utterly corrupt and sickening. They should be taken to court for things a lot worse than the CAT case. 

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Jordan on Talksport now saying (live on Talksport) that it can't happen because of piracy in KSA.


He's (and the PL are) of the opinion that it is a state backed takeover because MBS personally intervened at Government level which demonstrates PIF is KSA government backed.


O&D's test is working properly according to SJ.


The arbitration process has fallen through because the PL has asked NUFC to unequivacally prove that the Saudi Government is not involved in piracy.


AS didn't do proper due diligence and has put the Saudi's in a bad position reputationally.


The only way it happens is if they allow a way to sue through the KSA Courts for piracy according to SJ.


Oh, and he still sounds like a grade A cunt.

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