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2 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

If they didn’t want to go, they wouldn’t have had to sell surely ?

Yeah I’m sure that’d be a great move for a person doing business in that region.

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16 minutes ago, Anderson said:


There's no restrictions on investment into the club. FFP etc is all about accounting losses, i.e. where the money is spent, not what is put in. And as you say, spending out stadiums/training ground/infrastructure isn't included in the calcs.


Well not entirely is it? Because income is limited by related party and fair market rules. If the owners could plough in as much cash as they wanted, we wouldn't be talking about finance at all, would we?

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7 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

What’s everyone’s thoughts on the news, just inevitable it was going to happen ? Or part of something bigger planned ?


Think it was always part of the plan, but does sound like it was maybe not the timing she was expecting (only going from the bits i read). would be interesting to see what this has in terms of money pumped into the club, as in how much PIF (if its them who has bought them) has paid for the shares.   or have they got someone else who has bought them who have more money than PCP? (im at work so havent read up on it massively yet) 

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Hopefully this isn’t part of PIF’s new remit to scale back and focus on projects that achieve higher growths. They’ve already partially curtailed a lot of their flagship projects so I don’t see why they’d start diverting more funds to Newcastle United- which is a relatively minuscule project in terms of returns and achieving their vision. 

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9 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

What’s everyone’s thoughts on the news, just inevitable it was going to happen ? Or part of something bigger planned ?


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1 minute ago, McCormick said:

Hopefully this isn’t part of PIF’s new remit to scale back and focus on projects that achieve higher growths. They’ve already partially curtailed a lot of their flagship projects so I don’t see why they’d start diverting more funds to Newcastle United- which is a relatively minuscule project in terms of returns and achieving their vision. 

if that was the case, surely theyd be the ones selling some of their shares? not making their % higher? 

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2 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


Well not entirely is it? Because income is limited by related party and fair market rules. If the owners could plough in as much cash as they wanted, we wouldn't be talking about finance at all, would we?

Investment isn't income/revenue from an accounting standpoint, they are allowed to plough in as much money as they wish as I understand.  It's how/when the money is spent which is important for the accounting & PSR side.

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7 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

What’s everyone’s thoughts on the news, just inevitable it was going to happen ? Or part of something bigger planned ?

A bit of both I guess, mostly part of the plan.


Staveley should be able to cash in on her shares which would see her debt paid off, and probably still leave her in a better position than she has been in before.


The club are able to issue shares to themselves, thus raising capital in the club without having to make accommodations for her.


At houses room level we now have everyone we need to run the club in a manner of the likes of Man City, and PSG without the need for her or her husband.


As I mentioned in my post earlier, it allows PIF to make the decision they need to move the club forward, both in terms of investment, but also making difficult decision that may not be popular with supporters. I’m talking moving to a new stadium or rebuilding SJP, new club badge for better marketing purposes etc. The club now doesn’t have that face with the supporters that is accountable. There will be negatives to this, but if they make the right decisions, despite them not being popular, then we may well benefit, and that will be the intention.

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3 minutes ago, Eveready said:

Investment isn't income/revenue from an accounting standpoint, they are allowed to plough in as much money as they wish as I understand.  It's how/when the money is spent which is important for the accounting & PSR side.


So why do we bother getting commercial deals and sponsors etc? PIF could just allocate us a billion. 


Oh, you mean they can plough money in but it doesn't count as revenue, got ya.



Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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The timing could be a sign we're about to make some large investments. It would make sense for her to get out before that happened to prevent her share being diluted too far and losing value. 

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2 minutes ago, McCormick said:

Hopefully this isn’t part of PIF’s new remit to scale back and focus on projects that achieve higher growths. They’ve already partially curtailed a lot of their flagship projects so I don’t see why they’d start diverting more funds to Newcastle United- which is a relatively minuscule project in terms of returns and achieving their vision. 


I do remember even before the takeover you were skeptical that the Saudis would be that interested in buying NUFC, although feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I understand where you're coming from, but as long as football is one of their big projects, and I include the Saudi league in that, then I think Newcastle will matter as well. Our success and failure reflects on them ultimately, at least until their own domestic football gains credibility.

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Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:


So why do we bother getting commercial deals and sponsors etc? PIF could just allocate us a billion. 

Because commercial deals and sponsorships do count as revenue & income, as you're selling a product or service.


However, investors are also able to pump direct cash into the business, which will sit on the balance sheet and not impact the P&L in any way.


In short, if we sell a product/service (ie. sponsorship) we will recognise the cash received as revenue in our P&L account.  However, if it's purely cash invested into the business, there is no associated product so it's not revenue and has no impact on the P&L.

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1 minute ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


So why do we bother getting commercial deals and sponsors etc? PIF could just allocate us a billion. 


As he says in his post, investment isn't income/revenue. Think of it more as a loan, only that we don't have to repay or pay interests on it.

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7 minutes ago, McCormick said:

Hopefully this isn’t part of PIF’s new remit to scale back and focus on projects that achieve higher growths. They’ve already partially curtailed a lot of their flagship projects so I don’t see why they’d start diverting more funds to Newcastle United- which is a relatively minuscule project in terms of returns and achieving their vision. 

You were saying the same thing before the takeover happened. As I said it indicates to me that heavier investment is incoming and that is why, AS and MG are having to sell their shares because they just don't have the funds.

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1 minute ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


So why do we bother getting commercial deals and sponsors etc? PIF could just allocate us a billion. 


Oh, you mean they can plough money in but it doesn't count as revenue, got ya.





Aye, the cash put into the club isn't income, it just increases their equity stake in club. They've already done this on a number of occasions, which is why PCP's stake has dwindled from the initial 10%, and presumably why they're exiting the club at this stage.

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1 minute ago, Chris L said:

if that was the case, surely theyd be the ones selling some of their shares? not making their % higher? 

Honestly, no idea. Best case scenario is they see us a strategically important investment for their “brand” (we’re certainly not making them any money) but that means having the more unpalatable aspects of sports-washing becoming more important. Who knows. It’s certainly significant one way or another.

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Always assumed she'd move on at some point, so not a mega surprise to me.


Interesting to see if this affects anything in the short term but I doubt anything long term.

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5 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

You were saying the same thing before the takeover happened. As I said it indicates to me that heavier investment is incoming and that is why, AS and MG are having to sell their shares because they just don't have the funds.

Was I? Apologies for that :lol:. I’ve just worked alongside PIF long enough to know they can sometimes make massive promises only to not deliver. I don’t know anything about how Newcastle fits in to their plans so I’m just speculating (without any real basis) like the rest of us.

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4 minutes ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

I wonder when the official announcement will come.  Also curious who leaked it.  

Friday news dump-esque announcement

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Wonder when the club will announce they're naming the East Stand after her.


Thanks for everything, Mandy and Mehrdad rebuilt this club from the ashes it was left in by the cockney whopper.

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