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Eddie Howe


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It's harder for a DoF to come in and make an impact when there's already a sitting manager there who they didn't choose.


Does he have an input on tactics? Style of play etc? Or is he just a glorified scout or head of recruitment?


Not saying it's impossible but EH won't be willing to let go of everything he currently has control over. He needs to meet them halfway for it to work.

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21 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

It's harder for a DoF to come in and make an impact when there's already a sitting manager there who they didn't choose.


Does he have an input on tactics? Style of play etc? Or is he just a glorified scout or head of recruitment?


Not saying it's impossible but EH won't be willing to let go of everything he currently has control over. He needs to meet them halfway for it to work.



I mean that's true, but during the hiring discussions he came in knowing exactly what the manager is and how he plays, right. It wasn't some shocking thing. I'm not clued in obviously but do DOF normally dictate style on the pitch? I will agree totally that they need to meet in the middle to make everything work but should be true of every single club in the world. 

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I'm just not convinced EH wants to work under a DoF. He has to if he stays but then he does have this other potential amazing opportunity if he chooses not to.. one where he wouldn't have to work under anyone.


That's the crux of it. Total freedom or stay and try and manoeuvre several layers of executive dick swinging to try and achieve your goals.

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3 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

I'm just not convinced EH wants to work under a DoF. He has to if he stays but then he does have this other potential amazing opportunity if he chooses not to.. one where he wouldn't have to work under anyone.


That's the crux of it. Total freedom or stay and try and manoeuvre several layers of executive dick swinging to try and achieve your goals.


I do think the "executive" swinging is necessary for the successful medium and long term future of the club. Eddie is only going to be looking at the season ahead and will want to make all decisions that might help this year, but then see the club move backwards. For example not moving Trippier and Wilson on in January is effecting transfer business now. I also think Eddie needs to be more open to scouting outside of PL experience. 

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2 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

I'm just not convinced EH wants to work under a DoF. He has to if he stays but then he does have this other potential amazing opportunity if he chooses not to.. one where he wouldn't have to work under anyone.


That's the crux of it. Total freedom or stay and try and manoeuvre several layers of executive dick swinging to try and achieve your goals.



Maybe, but he needs to get used to it. Not seen too many jobs where you answer to no management unless you own the whole shop.

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Noone person is bigger than the club.  If Howe has doubts he should leave.  Setting boundaries internally is fine but to come out with make me happy stuff in the media is quite dangerous.  

Phase 2 of our rebuild is in motion and there will be casualties.  Howe may have just set the wheels in motion for him to be one of them.

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Several good comments. I stand on the side that I think the direction the club has taken behind the scenes is exactly the right way forward. I think last season overall was kind of a "failure" and changes are necessary to be made. I think Howe is a great coach (with flaws of course) but think he sometimes seems to see himself bigger than he is. If he doesn't like to focus more on coaching, then it's better for all parties with a chance. I think it's a given that he should be allowed to have opinions about signings etc. (I don't like the arrangement that coaches only get what is served, ala Chelsea) but it should be more advisory than demanding. Also be guided when we need to sell.


Now the club really need a heavy signing for everyone to feel better!

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6 hours ago, et tu brute said:

Watched the Geordie Journos on YouTube earlier and they were saying that Howe had a more harder tone at the press conference with the tabloids, compared to the video interviews. 


Recently found this channel. Really good I think, gives a little more substance to everything.

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53 minutes ago, ATB said:

Recently found this channel. Really good I think, gives a little more substance to everything.

Really? Liam Kennedy is a fucking tool..wraiths pal and he knows fuck all

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We gotta problem. And just when things were going so well.


However you may dress it up, this is a public threat to resign. Eddie is normally very discreet when it comes to keeping things behind closed doors, so this is right out of character. Presumably he's already made the powers that be aware of his concerns privately - if not, they have a right to feel annoyed. 


It all seems a bit pointless. It's not going to encourage any prospective players to join us if they get the impression that the Head Coach is liable to change. It also means that Eales and Mitchell will be either walking on eggshells or keen to assert themselves, neither of which will help. Those two have come across as sound people with a genuine regard for Eddie's abilities, so I imagine they'll be a bit taken aback.


I think Eddie is used to working within an intimate working environment where he has some considerable influence and access to the decision-makers above him. He joined a bigger club in us, but his close contact with Amanda and Mehrdad, who were running the club from somewhat ill-defined roles, allowed him to exercise the power that he felt he needed. Our structure is now more typical of a major club, and he's feeling very insecure. But it's difficult to know why he hasn't decided to keep quiet and just see how things pan out.


Looking at his career, I think he likes to feel that he's on familiar ground, with familiar people. He was very anxious to keep his coaching team with him, when he came here. Excuse the amateur psychology, but there may be insecurities from his early years that have been exposed. People of exceptional ability can be vulnerable like this. It's what drives them.


I'm worried, because going public like this is unfair on the people he's working for. 

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Howay man, people need to calm the fuck down. He’s negotiating whilst also being honest. If he goes, it won’t be because of what’s happening at the club, it’ll be because of the England offer. That’s it 

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12 minutes ago, gbandit said:

Howay man, people need to calm the fuck down. He’s negotiating whilst also being honest. If he goes, it won’t be because of what’s happening at the club, it’ll be because of the England offer. That’s it 

He's pretty much explicitly saying the opposite of that, mind. If he did somehow leave, it sounds plausible he wouldn't take the England job either - if some suits are telling him certain players are mandatory selections for commercial reasons.

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6 hours ago, Dr Jinx said:

I'm just not convinced EH wants to work under a DoF. He has to if he stays but then he does have this other potential amazing opportunity if he chooses not to.. one where he wouldn't have to work under anyone.


That's the crux of it. Total freedom or stay and try and manoeuvre several layers of executive dick swinging to try and achieve your goals.

He won’t get another club job then because all clubs work that way now.

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4 minutes ago, 80 said:

He's pretty much explicitly saying the opposite of that, mind. If he did somehow leave, it sounds plausible he wouldn't take the England job either - if some suits are telling him certain players are mandatory selections for commercial reasons.

I don’t think there’s any chance he leaves us for any job other than England. We know we can’t trust a word he says about the England job, saying he didn’t even realise Gareth was gone, Howay. He’s saying all the stuff about wanting control because that’s what he wants in this job. He’ll get enough of what he wants with us to stay, it’s just about whether the England offer is too attractive 

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Just now, gbandit said:

I don’t think there’s any chance he leaves us for any job other than England. We know we can’t trust a word he says about the England job, saying he didn’t even realise Gareth was gone, Howay. He’s saying all the stuff about wanting control because that’s what he wants in this job. He’ll get enough of what he wants with us to stay, it’s just about whether the England offer is too attractive 


Eddie is as calculated as they come and every response to a media question is answered in a way that will bring out the response he desires. He will tell lies and manipulate the media when necessary. He obviously has concerns around the new structure and how his influence will change. I would say he was gob smacked that AS and MG left so suddenly and he feels insecure in his position. He has probably already raised his concerns behind closed doors around what having a sporting director and performance director mean for him and didnt like the response he got. Conveniently for him he is wanted for the England job at the same time, so its is a good negotiating tactic to ensure he still has the control he desires with the new setup. I dont see why he needed these comments to go public, other than he didnt like the answers he was getting from Darren Eales behind closed doors. 

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I don't think this is anything to do with the England job. He likes a fair measure of control, of feeling secure, and one of his main strengths is his ability to work with and improve players. I don't think he is status-driven, so I can't see how it would suit him or why he would want it.


I think Eales and Mitchell are out there with the team, so hopefully there's plenty of opportunity to straighten things out.

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