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Yeah, so pathetic - I'm sure Eddie was delighted to read Mitchell's quotes.


There is clearly some tension behind the scenes. The question is just how much tension there is, and if they can act like adults and learn to work together effectively. I think that depends on how highly Mitchell actually rates Howe.



Edited by Sean

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9 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

It's probably just a bit of conflict or disagreement about how best to do things, which is perfectly normal in most working environments. It usually leads to flexibility and compromise.

Can you talk to my wife please?

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11 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

It's probably just a bit of conflict or disagreement about how best to do things, which is perfectly normal in most working environments. It usually leads to flexibility and compromise.


Or one of the people involved leaving :shifty:

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1 hour ago, KaKa said:

Combative Mitchell clashing with Eddie and his staff over transfers and the playing style?


Complete and utter horse shit of an article.


It's The Sun, a red top tabloid. Shit stirring is part of their sales strategy.

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27 minutes ago, 54 said:

You guys realise the first half of a press conference tends to be embargo'd right? :lol: 

More the point of why invest in an app if it’s going to be shite 

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15 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

one of the comments under that article:


"Dangerous and irresponsible journalism again, i watched the interview live and the slant taken here isn’t representative of what actually happened “allowed the situation to simmer” absolute bullshit, a journalists narrative and slant will dictates wether it simmers or not"

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8 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:

I think it's probably a case of no smoke without fire, it does seem likely that there are some issues behind the scenes. 


I think even the happiest of clappers would be a fool to suggest things are settled behind the scenes. The evidence is right there in the lack of signings. 


But that's as far as you need to delve into it from an observer's point of view. Make your conclusions based on the facts in front of your eyes. 


The journos have had next to fuck all in the way of scoops for the best part of three years; forgive me for being dubious about their sudden Watergate levels of intel now there's one or two bad news stories to tell. 

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