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The Relegationometer™ (2023/24)


The Relegationometer™ (2023/24)  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. How likely are we to get relegated this season? 0 = nee chance, 5 = can’t call it, 10 = nailed on marra

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In terms of how the table looked, ignoring other emotions like the 4-0 drubbing of Leicester, or Watfords late equaliser, at what point would you consider the table looking at its absolute worst?


No wins in 14 was abysmal and 1 win in 20 not much better, but thankfully I don't think we were ever more than 3 points off 17th, which is pretty crazy, and significant. Burnley have had a number of games in hand throughout the season, but have never really been well clear of us.



Edited by Paullow

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1 minute ago, Paullow said:

In terms of how the table looked, ignoring other emotions like the 4-0 drubbing of Leicester, or Watfords late equaliser, at what point would you consider the table looking at its absolute worst?


No wins in 14 was abysmal and 1 win in 20 not much better, but thankfully I don't think we were ever more than 3 points off 17th, which is pretty crazy, and significant. Burnley have had a number of games in hand throughout the season, but have never really been well clear of us.





At its worst when Bruce was in charge as there was no hope at all at coming back from it.

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2 hours ago, Dancing Brave said:



skybet have us at 100/1 to go down.


Safe as fuck.

And I’ve never won a bet in my life so if I put a tenner on then we’re definitely safe as horses.

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4 hours ago, TheInfiniteOdyssey said:

Looking at their next fixtures, Everton really need to beat Leicester on Wednesday night.



If the same Leicester turn up that we played, they will easily.


Any result is enjoyable here mind.


Everton win - improves our top 10 hopes

Leicester win - keeps Everton in the shit

Draw - both of the above 

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4 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Just realised we forgot to let off the ‘More points than at this stage last season’ klaxon on Sunday?


Last season after 32 games we had 35 points.


This season after 32 games we have 37 points.





This is obviously lies because Bruce was in charge last year and he was a fantastic manager who did a terrific job. :lol:

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