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29 minutes ago, loki679 said:

It is whataboutery though :lol:


There's no rational comparison between being part owned by a company that has investments in the middle east and literally being owned by the Saudi state.

Its totally rational like, just not an equivalent except in the sense that if you rabidly hate Saudi Arabia primarily because they mostly own your rivals, then you can't be okay with your owners being fine to do business with them too (and every other company that does likewise).

The only difference is the amount of business or perecentage of ownership, its either deplorable and terrorist sympathising or its not.




Edited by Wolfcastle

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Just had a quick catch-up on that abortion of a thread, and they are absolutely desperate to see us kick off because we haven't signed a whole new squad of expensive players, but are rattled to fuck that this is not happening, apart from a few bell-ends on twitter. What is actually happening is that the takeover hasn't gone as THEY feared it would.


Some of them will genuinely have a mental breakdown if they languish in the Championship while we become an elite club.

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21 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

Its totally rational like, just not an equivalent except in the sense that if you rabidly hate Saudi Arabia primarily because they mostly own your rivals, then you can't be okay with your owners being fine to do business with them too (and every other company that does likewise).

The only difference is the amount of business or perecentage of ownership, its either deplorable and terrorist sympathising or its not.








It's horseshit.

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1 minute ago, loki679 said:




It's horseshit.



It's not horseshit at all. People who care that deeply about Chinese treatment of their workers shouldn't buy an iphone and should boycott buying Apple altogether. The fact that pretty much everyone still does by Apple products, despite knowing how badly treated the Chinese workers are, is a great insight into how much they actually care, when it comes down to brass tacks.

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And just apropos of nothing, since you're making a big deal of them not caring about Yemen or SA abuses before we got taken over by SA I'd love you to go back and dig up all the posts condemning the Dreyfus family business interests in the middle east before their takeover.

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1 minute ago, Wandy said:



It's not horseshit at all. People who care that deeply about Chinese treatment of their workers shouldn't buy an iphone and should boycott buying Apple altogether. The fact that pretty much everyone still does by Apple products, despite knowing how badly treated the Chinese workers are, is a great insight into how much they actually care, when it comes down to brass tacks.



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1 minute ago, loki679 said:






Also, the other two examples are bullshit as you have to wear a seatbelt by law. And no matter what you do, it's impossible to NOT participate in society. Buying an Apple product though is very much a personal choice.

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55 minutes ago, loki679 said:

It is whataboutery though :lol:


There's no rational comparison between being part owned by a company that has investments in the middle east and literally being owned by the Saudi state.


"Whataboutery/Whataboutism" is a lazy twitter term pulled out when someone's losing a debate and wants their point to be accepted devoid of context, logic or scrutiny.

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It's horseshit.  Everyone necessarily has connections with societies and behaviours that they might not agree with.  I don't particularly like the way Qatar have gone about building for their world cup but I still put petrol in my car.


It's not black and white, the world works in shades of grey. 

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Just now, loki679 said:

So nothing you possess is of Chinese origin?


Loads of stuff actually. Including an iPad. 


I'm well aware too that, by buying that stuff, I contribute to the bad treatment of Chinese workers. I just don't care enough to stop.


I care about the human rights issues in Saudi too, but not enough to stop supporting NUFC though. Or actively celebrating the positives for me as a fan that come from Saudi ownership either.


Same way I turn a blind eye to appalling workers rights in China so that I can enjoy my ipad.


You are no different either, so stop pretending that you are.

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4 minutes ago, loki679 said:

It's horseshit.  Everyone necessarily has connections with societies and behaviours that they might not agree with.  I don't particularly like the way Qatar have gone about building for their world cup but I still put petrol in my car.


It's not black and white, the world works in shades of grey. 


Exactly. And for that reason, we can have a go at the Dreyfuss family for their involvement in the middle east, the same way others can have a go at our Saudi ownership.

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Just now, Wandy said:


Exactly. And for that reason, we can have a go at the Dreyfuss family for their involvement in the middle east, the same way others can have a go at our Saudi ownership.


But you're just doing exactly the same thing you're trying to take the piss out of them for :lol:


You've gone full mackem

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1 minute ago, loki679 said:


But you're just doing exactly the same thing you're trying to take the piss out of them for :lol:


You've gone full mackem


No, I am just highlighting their hypocrisy and duplicity.


They simply do not give a fuck about what's going on in Saudi Arabia. Their whole agenda is based on the fact that NUFC are, in theory, awash with money and are seemingly on their way to becoming an elite club.

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12 minutes ago, Wandy said:


No, I am just highlighting their hypocrisy and duplicity.


They simply do not give a fuck about what's going on in Saudi Arabia. Their whole agenda is based on the fact that NUFC are, in theory, awash with money and are seemingly on their way to becoming an elite club.

This is the point, they don't give a shit about Yemen (it's really about us) and highlighting the Abu Dhabi investment and them ignoring it proves that



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32 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

This is the point, they don't give a shit about Yemen (it's really about us) and highlighting the Abu Dhabi investment and them ignoring it proves that



We only have to look at their posts pre takeover to see their faux outrage shown up time and time again. The current most vociferous ones on there didn't mention one thing before then. I think it's great seeing their constant repetitive fewm.



Edited by et tu brute

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