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12 hours ago, Stifler said:

Also a week before our takeover was approved, senior members of their official supporters club held up a banner outside the SOL stating that refugees were not welcome.

Add on the fact that the only club to stop kneeling for the BLM protest due to supporters bewwing before them was, Millwall.




that first bit really true?


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17 minutes ago, Danh1 said:


It’s finally hit home.


In all seriousness though, I genuinely couldn’t imagine the same conversation being created if we switched the last 10 years or whatever it is with them. Aye we care about the derby and want to beat them, but it is their world. 

It's a shame for them but it seems like whenever they appear to get one over on us, it ends up backfiring massively. They beat us in the play offs and that lead to Keegan, their 6 in a row and "relegating" us lead to their double relegation and us being where we are now.

Hilarious isn't it ?

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When you make your entire identity about bettering Newcastle, where do you go when you better them and they're not around anymore?


I'm serious btw, us and them were bald men fighting over a comb for those few seasons before the 15/16 relegation. Both clubs were circling the drain and stinking out the league.


When we went down they immediately turned from complete shit to complete shit with no incentive. Keegan used to always try and get us away from having Sunderland as our rivals and imo he was spot on, nothing wrong with rivalry between fans but if you measure your success based on that you're doomed to fail.



Edited by Kid Icarus

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1 hour ago, Kid Icarus said:

When you make your entire identity about bettering Newcastle, where do you go when you better them and they're not around anymore?


I'm serious btw, us and them were bald men fighting over a comb for those few seasons before the 15/16 relegation. Both clubs were circling the drain and stinking out the league.


When we went down they immediately turned from complete shit to complete shit with no incentive. Keegan used to always try and get us away from having Sunderland as our rivals and imo he was spot on, nothing wrong with rivalry between fans but if you measure your success based on that you're doomed to fail.




This is absolute poetry.

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1 hour ago, Kid Icarus said:

Keegan used to always try and get us away from having Sunderland as our rivals and imo he was spot on, nothing wrong with rivalry between fans but if you measure your success based on that you're doomed to fail.





This is something I have repeatedly said on here.


I have never considered Sunderland as real rivals, just because they are nearby. They have always been very inferior.


We represent the North East Region, and so our actual rivals must come from outside the region and that is how I have always felt.


If we were Liverpool and had the Manchester clubs and Everton as 'local' rivals, that would be different, but Sunderland, nah, never. 

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1 hour ago, HaydnNUFC said:

Their aspiration as a football club even when they were in the PL was/is 17th place season in, season out so long as they 'beat the mags'. That was all they ever cared about. 


They didn't want to protest Short's ownership when they went down without a whimper from the PL in 2017 and from the Championship the following year because protesting is 'mag behaviour'.


Looking back, that relegation in 2016 was a true blessing in disguise. Benitez stayed, got us back up as champions, revitalised the club which as a result attracted in Staveley who in turn pushed to take the club over for 4 years. They went down the following year and still haven't recovered. And now will quite likely never be able to catch us up.

My favourite aspect about the mackems is the fact that they've unwittingly played such a positive role in the three big positives in my life re NUFC.  The play-off defeat to them in 1990 felt like the worst thing ever at the time - particularly as the winner of that match would have went up regardless of the result in the final due to Swindon's financial dodginess.   Had we won that game, we'd have went up the old First Division - and no Keegan to the rescue in 1992.  Then the derby defeat in 1999, which had we won may have seen Shearer gone and no Bobby Robson.  Then finally exactly the events you list above.


Bless them and their tiny toes.  Couldn't wish for better derby rivals.

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24 minutes ago, manorpark said:


This is something I have repeatedly said on here.


I have never considered Sunderland as real rivals, just because they are nearby. They have always been very inferior.


We represent the North East Region, and so our actual rivals must come from outside the region and that is how I have always felt.


If we were Liverpool and had the Manchester clubs and Everton as 'local' rivals, that would be different, but Sunderland, nah, never. 

I disagree with all that.

Sunderland are real rivals, always have been and always will.

And, they have not always been inferior.

 Far from it.  Sunderland were a far bigger club than us many moons ago when they were the "bank of England" club.

We are a bigger club these days of course. But our actual achievements..trophies are very similar. 


Newcastle do not represent the North East Region...the clue is Tyne and Wear. 

It's Tyne and Wear FFS !

How can they not be our real rivals.


Keegan never tried to "get us away from having Sunderland as our main rivals" he always knew the feeling between the two sets of fans was mutual. He just tried to get us to win something and in his eyes the rival was the team above us..Man utd. That shirt he wore in the great north run shows he knew the real rivals were us and them.


 When ever we are in a fight for top or bottom of the league, whatever league the first results I look for are are "rivals" for that particular time. But after that I look for the mackems result. If they get beat I'm over the fuckin' moon as I hate the fuckers ! 

Just because we have hit the owners jackpot and will..hopefully, be competing against the big 6 etc to actually win something doesn't mean Man utd or City or Liverpool are our "rivals". I don't have daily arguments with Man utd, liverpool or any other fans.

I've had many a scuffle/banter with Sunderland fans because where I live has many of them  (Jarrow)  over the years

I hate them and respect them in equal measure. The bitter and twisted lunatics on rtg are IMO not a real reflection of most Sunderland fans.


  Our rivals. Our real and one and only rivals are Sunderland. 



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Of course Sunderland are our true rivals - although (sadly for them) they are a long way behind us now. 

You'd have to go back to the 19th century to a time when Sunderland were a far bigger club, mind; they were a richer, more stable and better run club, but certainly not bigger.

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Yep, they're not getting off that lightly.  Sunderland are our rivals - I'm not making the '90s mistake of forgetting them and viewing Man Utd as our new 'real' rivals.  Bollocks to that - Man Utd's catalogue of songs when we rock up are basically still their '90s songbook for us; we fell off their radar quickly and only feature in their POV when we play them.  Like us singing about West Ham or Nottm Forest or Leeds - we have songs about them, but none which get an airing if we're not playing them.


Just because a chasm is opening between us again doesn't mean they're not our rivals - it just happens that our club is becoming massive again, and they're back to the Second Division mid-table doldrums (in my lifetime, sunderland's average position is 25th in the football league - they've spent 20 of my 40 years as a lower league club; for comparison, our average is 14th and we've spent 9 years in the second tier.  For those interested, in the PL era our average position is 11th and the mackems 24th).


For those who haven't fallen asleep at this point, it is interesting* to note that since the mackems first relegation in 1958 (the year my fatha was born, so quite some time ago - also a reminder that sunderland were once a major club) their average position has been ... 25th.  That's unbelievable consistent - they spent 35 of those 64 years outside the top flight.  So they haven't even been a first tier club for most of the years my old man has been knocking about.  NUFC, if you're curious, averaged 16th and spent only 16 years out of the top flight, exactly a quarter of that time.


The point being, of course, that the decade when they were a top flight club obsessed with finishing 17th and beating a shite NUFC is, historically, a peak in most of their lifetimes - they needed a sugar daddy just to do that, willing to pour in millions that he'd eventually lose.  For us, we needed to be crippled by a pirate in Westwood or a Dickensian hate figure like Ashley to have our average skewed.


*Asterix (the Gaul); this may not necessarily be interesting

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5 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:

When you make your entire identity about bettering Newcastle, where do you go when you better them and they're not around anymore?


I'm serious btw, us and them were bald men fighting over a comb for those few seasons before the 15/16 relegation. Both clubs were circling the drain and stinking out the league.


When we went down they immediately turned from complete shit to complete shit with no incentive. Keegan used to always try and get us away from having Sunderland as our rivals and imo he was spot on, nothing wrong with rivalry between fans but if you measure your success based on that you're doomed to fail.




From when I got into football, with the exception of two years under Sir Bobby/Peter Reid, pre Ashley there was always bigger fish to fry so I pitied the younger generation becoming like them, reasonably, because all we had now, was all they had ever had. Being better than them.


None of the games I class as the biggest and the best atmosphere's involve them. Was just about us. They could never say the same.

I liken it to Man United's biggest games not being against Man City pre their takeover. A local disupte/distraction but nowhere near their biggest game. Think this is where the term 'local rivals' comes in.



Edited by Wolfcastle

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They are our rivals, hate the cunts and the gap in terms of actual competition between the clubs is widening daily, but they're still our main rivals and always will be.

I'm retired now, but my workplace had a few mackems (who in the main were good lads) and the banter was decent apart from four day period around the derby match, when they would  turn into demented aggressive demons. I was gone before the takeover, but I would imagine that four day period of total personality change for those two games, will now be a daily event.


Their fan base (especially on RTG) constantly make me chuckle with their total faux outrage (not seen before the 7th October 2021). However, since the Spurs win, the utter annoyance and pure jealousy has increased tenfold. Now the faux outrage is mixed with money spent, never make the top 6, Bruno transfer links, Howe getting England job and a daily dose of Biden forcing sanctions. They're broken and don't know which way to turn and it's delightful to see. A gentle reminder that this is only the start also. 

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2 hours ago, Wolfcastle said:

From when I got into football, with the exception of two years under Sir Bobby/Peter Reid, pre Ashley there was always bigger fish to fry so I pitied the younger generation becoming like them, reasonably, because all we had now, was all they had ever had. Being better than them.


None of the games I class as the biggest and the best atmosphere's involve them. Was just about us. They could never say the same.

I liken it to Man United's biggest games not being against Man City pre their takeover. A local disupte/distraction but nowhere near their biggest game. Think this is where the term 'local rivals' comes in.





I don't know, honestly. I get the wanting to be above them, but say in the 01/02 season where we came 4th and had an outside shot of the title for a while - there were numerous great moments against better teams, but the highlight for me was celebrating Dabizas's goal at their place. And the wins were sweeter when they were both about beating them, but also were important to us because we were actually chasing some glory.



Edited by Inferior Acuña

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They are our true rivals, no doubt about it for me, but I do get what @manorparkis saying as well. I know plenty of NUFC fans who couldn't really give a toss about them. Where I live and work it's almost exclusively NUFC fans. We never really come across any Sunderland fans, we haven't played them in years, and they are now getting to the stage where they are so insignificant to really bother with, certainly from a sporting perspective. I still can't stand them like, although I do find it harder to get worked up about them these days compared to times of old, but I understand why they aren't really on the rader of a lot of NUFC fans.


Tbh they were always the first result I'd check after our own but I was so buzzing after coming out of SJP on Saturday I didn't even give them a second thought and it wasn't until yesterday dinner time that I took the time to check their result and seen they drew.

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5 hours ago, Dancing Brave said:


"Sunderland are real rivals, always have been and always will.

And, they have not always been inferior.

 Far from it.  Sunderland were a far bigger club than us many moons ago when they were the "bank of England" club."


The mackems are a derby game a massive derby on the day but that's all it is now,our rivals are all the big six clubs they really are.

Sunderland were a "far bigger club than us many moons ago"..like fuck they were ,did the " BOE club" win the FA cup 3× in 5 years, how many times did this far bigger club get bigger attendances than nufc?

There has on very rare occasions that they got bigger gates than us but they're as rare as rocky horse shit,

Don't newcastle still hold the all-time season attendance record for div2 57,000, what exactly did this far bigger BOE club win? I cannot see them rivaling us for decades ,so best for everyone if the cringeworthy mlf fuckoff  back to the 3rd tier yet again.


5 hours ago, Dancing Brave said:









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Absolutely our "local" rivals. Always check their results, in game, and chuckle when they concede. Sigh when they score ?

I'm varnigh 59, that feeling isn't gonna change. 

The derby games were the barometer of how you really felt. For both sets of fans. The difference between winning and losing and the pre-match nerves about either outcome. 

Of course were separated by, current, positions so our radar is focused elsewhere. 

Maybees they'll drag themselves up one year and we'll have them again? 



Ps I don't hate them. Sure they've got some dark age brain dead amongst them but what "Red wall" hasn't? 




Edited by Groundhog63

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6 hours ago, Dancing Brave said:

I disagree with all that.

Sunderland are real rivals, always have been and always will.

And, they have not always been inferior.

 Far from it.  Sunderland were a far bigger club than us many moons ago when they were the "bank of England" club.

We are a bigger club these days of course. But our actual achievements..trophies are very similar. 


Newcastle do not represent the North East Region...the clue is Tyne and Wear. 

It's Tyne and Wear FFS !

How can they not be our real rivals.


Keegan never tried to "get us away from having Sunderland as our main rivals" he always knew the feeling between the two sets of fans was mutual. He just tried to get us to win something and in his eyes the rival was the team above us..Man utd. That shirt he wore in the great north run shows he knew the real rivals were us and them.


 When ever we are in a fight for top or bottom of the league, whatever league the first results I look for are are "rivals" for that particular time. But after that I look for the mackems result. If they get beat I'm over the fuckin' moon as I hate the fuckers ! 

Just because we have hit the owners jackpot and will..hopefully, be competing against the big 6 etc to actually win something doesn't mean Man utd or City or Liverpool are our "rivals". I don't have daily arguments with Man utd, liverpool or any other fans.

I've had many a scuffle/banter with Sunderland fans because where I live has many of them  (Jarrow)  over the years

I hate them and respect them in equal measure. The bitter and twisted lunatics on rtg are IMO not a real reflection of most Sunderland fans.


  Our rivals. Our real and one and only rivals are Sunderland. 




I know a lot of supporters who feel like that !!!


I can never even begin to understand this, as I (and many others) do not rate Sunderland as even the 'beginnings' of real opposition.


We DO represent the region in many non-local peoples eyes around the UK and the world.


Most people have never heard of the words 'Tyne & Wear', they only know Newcastle, and so (for football) they really do see us as the North East Club. Our City is seen like that for many things, it is the only famous name-place for the region, and football is no different to anything else. 

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1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:

They are our true rivals, no doubt about it for me, but I do get what @manorparkis saying as well. I know plenty of NUFC fans who couldn't really give a toss about them. Where I live and work it's almost exclusively NUFC fans. We never really come across any Sunderland fans, we haven't played them in years, and they are now getting to the stage where they are so insignificant to really bother with, certainly from a sporting perspective. I still can't stand them like, although I do find it harder to get worked up about them these days compared to times of old, but I understand why they aren't really on the rader of a lot of NUFC fans.


Tbh they were always the first result I'd check after our own but I was so buzzing after coming out of SJP on Saturday I didn't even give them a second thought and it wasn't until yesterday dinner time that I took the time to check their result and seen they drew.


Yes, exactly.

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6 hours ago, Dancing Brave said:

I disagree with all that.

Sunderland are real rivals, always have been and always will.

And, they have not always been inferior.

 Far from it.  Sunderland were a far bigger club than us many moons ago when they were the "bank of England" club.

We are a bigger club these days of course. But our actual achievements..trophies are very similar. 


Newcastle do not represent the North East Region...the clue is Tyne and Wear. 

It's Tyne and Wear FFS !

How can they not be our real rivals.


Keegan never tried to "get us away from having Sunderland as our main rivals" he always knew the feeling between the two sets of fans was mutual. He just tried to get us to win something and in his eyes the rival was the team above us..Man utd. That shirt he wore in the great north run shows he knew the real rivals were us and them.


 When ever we are in a fight for top or bottom of the league, whatever league the first results I look for are are "rivals" for that particular time. But after that I look for the mackems result. If they get beat I'm over the fuckin' moon as I hate the fuckers ! 

Just because we have hit the owners jackpot and will..hopefully, be competing against the big 6 etc to actually win something doesn't mean Man utd or City or Liverpool are our "rivals". I don't have daily arguments with Man utd, liverpool or any other fans.

I've had many a scuffle/banter with Sunderland fans because where I live has many of them  (Jarrow)  over the years

I hate them and respect them in equal measure. The bitter and twisted lunatics on rtg are IMO not a real reflection of most Sunderland fans.


  Our rivals. Our real and one and only rivals are Sunderland. 



Not sure how they can be our ‘rivals’. What are we competing with them for?   Given Newcastle is the capital of the North East region it won’t be long before all proud North Easterners are cheering on their representative in the most competitive league in the world and no doubt, in the not too distant future, in European competition (again). 

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