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Big River

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I agree with everything above , I’m tempted to say haha Stewart but no it’s not nice and the lad will be gutted .

On to the club, it does seem to be getting better, they are exceeding all our expectations tbh, I can’t see them going up as they are missing something I can’t work out , maybe it’s experience being a former 3rd division side for quite a while recently.

Their fans , many many of them on the freak forum do seem to react very much in the short term. When we could see what Rafa was trying to build they couldn’t . It’s like that in their club, I 100% can tell they don’t like Mowbray but are putting up with him for now but you watch 3 defeats and they will be calling for his head, guaranteed [emoji38] he gets very little praise. 

Fuck them and their faux outrage which we all see through :howe:

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57 minutes ago, Chicken Dancer said:

To be fair they do play some attractive football which is easy on the eye, and they’re doing far better than they probably ever expected. Fair play to them for their transfer policy too - new owners seems to have completely overhauled an aging squad of plodders and replaced them with young, hungry players (granted their stand-out is a loanee).


However, the problem with that lot is, in my life (and likely beyond) a good run = we’re the best team about. A shit run = sack the manager. They’re always about 5 games away from a crisis or from definitely going up/getting in Europe/staying up. 


They have an outside chance of promotion this year, but they’d be better off building for a year or two before going up, as ridiculous as that sounds. 

Good luck to Stewart as well. Never nice to see an injury like that and it could well have cost him a decent move. Still think one of the relegated teams or a Norwich (or whoever doesn’t go up) would take a punt on him in the summer, but there’s no doubt his value just significantly dropped. Sounds sly but sort of served them wrongns right for wishing an ACL injury on Bruno. 

Edit: fairly certain young Rigg will sign for us in the summer. Can’t find my post from last year, but I’m fairly familiar with the family. Seems set to go to NUFC but nothing is decided yet. If he’s going to play often it may do the kid well to stay put, imo. 

We definitely need to take Rigg off them, but then should loan him back out. But we need to get him now or we will be giving them £30m+ for him in 3 years time.

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3 minutes ago, Wandy said:

We definitely need to take Rigg off them, but then should loan him back out. But we need to get him now or we will be giving them £30m+ for him in 3 years time.

Aye - it’s just compensation now, which is partly the reason he’s been in their squads. That way they can claim more through the courts. 

He is very talented but nowhere near ready for Championship level football. He’s really quite small, but genuinely so, so talented. Rough family (harsh I know) but he’s got his head screwed on for sure. 

Edit : first part of this is not ITK btw haha, just an educated guess and a sensible thing to do for SAFC.



Edited by Chicken Dancer

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They are such a weird bunch like , they watched us against Arsenal and seem to think we play like that every week despite every metric showing otherwise [emoji38]. They now paint themselves as some sort of vintage 2010 Barcelona side the way they play football and us as some sort of anti football establishment the way we play.



Edited by Geogaddi

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They're undoubtedly playing well at present but this may just be a purple patch and they'll return to mid Championship levels soon.

As the saying goes its the hope that kills you, be that getting promoted or winning a cup. Both sets of supporters are excited and rightly so.

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8 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

They are such a weird bunch like , they watched us against Arsenal and seem to think we play like that every week despite every metric showing otherwise [emoji38]. They now paint themselves as some sort of vintage 2010 Barcelona side the way they play football and us as some sort of anti football establishment the way we play.





Coping mechanisms!

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44 minutes ago, Chicken Dancer said:

Aye - it’s just compensation now, which is partly the reason he’s been in their squads. That way they can claim more through the courts. 

He is very talented but nowhere near ready for Championship level football. He’s really quite small, but genuinely so, so talented. Rough family (harsh I know) but he’s got his head screwed on for sure. 

Edit : first part of this is not ITK btw haha, just an educated guess and a sensible thing to do for SAFC.




I see there trying to say he would be best staying there as he would be stuck in our reserves for five years. They are the masters of the loan system for players, so should be experts of realising that he would be sent on loan to get experience and game time. There is only one reason their club is including him in the first team squad and the odd brief minutes - INCREASED COMPENSATION 

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They wouldn't sell him to us anyway, the fewm of the fans if they did that would be off the dial. I'd even suggest they'd rather reject a bid of £5m from us now and be delighted with £4m compensation in the summer. 

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14 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

He doesn't even have a youth contract so it's not even a case of making a bid for him is it?


I presume in the summer he can sign a 3 year youth contract with any club, then Sunderland will get compensation as a result of it

correct mate. He can sign for anybody, but then there’s compensation due to the club he’s leaving. Hence why they’re playing him a bit atm - can claim he’s involved in 1st team so more ££ in compensation, which is fair enough.


Pretty sure Harvey Elliot went to Liverpool and they had to pay like £10m or something? Not sure if that was an actual transfer though. 

Compensation for Rigg is likely to be around the £1/2m mark I would guess. Coupled with the fact he’s a massive NUFC fan (his dad especially) I’d be shocked if he didn’t join us in the summer. 

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2 hours ago, Chicken Dancer said:

Aye - it’s just compensation now, which is partly the reason he’s been in their squads. That way they can claim more through the courts. 

He is very talented but nowhere near ready for Championship level football. He’s really quite small, but genuinely so, so talented. Rough family (harsh I know) but he’s got his head screwed on for sure. 

Edit : first part of this is not ITK btw haha, just an educated guess and a sensible thing to do for SAFC.




He is small yeah, but caveat that with the fact he’s only 15, and he rarely gets bullied or outmatched physically. I like him a lot. Intelligent player and a really good work ethic. 

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3 hours ago, deejeck said:

Watched the game and thought they played well, but no amount of persuasion will convince me that what I witnessed was prime Barca [emoji38]

I didn't watch the game and stats don't tell a full story clearly but a much changed Fulham had twice as many shots and 70% possession.

Prime Barcelona's like the last style that's similar too.

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3 hours ago, Chicken Dancer said:

To be fair they do play some attractive football which is easy on the eye, and they’re doing far better than they probably ever expected. Fair play to them for their transfer policy too - new owners seems to have completely overhauled an aging squad of plodders and replaced them with young, hungry players (granted their stand-out is a loanee).


However, the problem with that lot is, in my life (and likely beyond) a good run = we’re the best team about. A shit run = sack the manager. They’re always about 5 games away from a crisis or from definitely going up/getting in Europe/staying up. 


They have an outside chance of promotion this year, but they’d be better off building for a year or two before going up, as ridiculous as that sounds. 

Good luck to Stewart as well. Never nice to see an injury like that and it could well have cost him a decent move. Still think one of the relegated teams or a Norwich (or whoever doesn’t go up) would take a punt on him in the summer, but there’s no doubt his value just significantly dropped. Sounds sly but sort of served them wrongns right for wishing an ACL injury on Bruno. 

Edit: fairly certain young Rigg will sign for us in the summer. Can’t find my post from last year, but I’m fairly familiar with the family. Seems set to go to NUFC but nothing is decided yet. If he’s going to play often it may do the kid well to stay put, imo. 






I think about the logic behind that and I'm not so sure it's correct. The assumption is that if you go up too quick you'll come back down, but there's a chance you don't as well. Given the opportunity and being in that position I would like to think I would choose to give the players that have brought you to this point a crack at the big time and then look to strengthen in the January. Different on a case by case basis but in this instance I think that's what I would do, a lot of hungry players in that squad who if they can keep together and get promotion will either be able to battle at the bottom of the PL or will go back to championship at which point the money from being in the PL and then dropping out will be decent enough to build and look to get back in. I suppose it depends how far you sink and what you're coming back up with etc. I personally think Sunderland have a squad that could push into the PL and think those who have been there since L1 should be rewarded. It's like spending years on a project at work then your manager taking credit for it or worse, them offering you redundancy/replacing you and acting as if the person coming in is responsible haha! At least let the players who've played since L1 have a crack at it.

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2 hours ago, GWN said:


Their fans , many many of them on the freak forum do seem to react very much in the short term.


To be fair it was at one point a decent board but like much of the internet it has gone to the dogs, seems a groomer has a hold on the moderators or is a moderator as well... 

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2 hours ago, Geogaddi said:

They are such a weird bunch like , they watched us against Arsenal and seem to think we play like that every week despite every metric showing otherwise [emoji38]. They now paint themselves as some sort of vintage 2010 Barcelona side the way they play football and us as some sort of anti football establishment the way we play.




Seems to be a bit of a paradigm shift underway with regards to football, I watch football across most English leagues and I think the standard has upped; most sides are playing decent stuff from my anecdotal shite. 



Edited by Onemoretime

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1 hour ago, Decky said:

If they play such great football why are they sitting 9th in the second tier of English football? 

Why did they only get 31% possession against a second string Fulham team also? Why also do they have a goals per ratio stat worse than ours against championship level teams? They play some decent stuff in spells, but not anywhere near the deluded level they're trying to make out - no surprise with them mind.

That pride of the north east thread is gold. They're faux outrage in full display and their mental gymnastics on FFP in overdrive (especially the raciest mod Keith). Going to be funny seeing another meltdown when the millions start rolling in this summer as we announce the new sponsorship/commercial deals. Not only major deals either, there will be multiple minor official partnerships also. 

It's funny how our thread is parsnipped, but they still can't help creating new threads about us to publicly display their faux outrage. 



Edited by et tu brute

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