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Still not worthy of a thread


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If it's that private he shouldn't go on TV talking about it and how hard it is etc... Then 6 months later showing off pics of his new lass with his kids. Feel a bit duped as I felt for him.

BTW There is nothing private about any of that and broadcasting it was his choice, so get off yer f***ing high horse.


Of course no one ever passes judgement on here about anything or any one.

Have a go at feeling happy for him. Try it on for size. Might be life changing.  O0


It's not him I'm arsed about. It's the kids. Feel it's unfair on them should it not work out and surrogate Mammy walks away and they have to go through it all again.

Obviously no one else's sees it like that  fair enough I'll leave it there.


And why are you making any assumptions about the type of relationships they have with her?



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I reckon Dokko and Dinho are using, and currently short of, the same substances. The consistency of stupidity, general shitness, and offensiveness in their posts today is really quite remarkable.


Don’t tar me with that dickhead please.







Ps: I am of course kidding before any other snowflake takes offence.

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Guest firetotheworks

It's childish as fuck and I shouldn't like it, but I do. I'm sure it'll become boring, but I'm just quite enjoying someone going all in on Mourinho like this.

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