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Harrison Ashby (on loan at Queens Park Rangers)


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16 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

Fair enough, but I think 22 year old men are more than capable of understanding a bad situation. 


And pointed out to him with all facts present, you'd hope that he would have that moment of realisation.


But many of these places have fairly large compounds or enclosures and on the face of it, are no worse than zoos that we are accustomed to in the UK.


Add the BS about hand rearing and conservatism that these institutions often feed customers, and you can see the naivety of thinking "no harm in a quick photo".


It's without question wrong, but I can make allowances for naivety. He will no doubt learn from the imminent backlash, both in general and about these specific institutions.



Edited by BlazeT44

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9 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

How ?

When it comes to animal exploitation people have different levels of what they think is acceptable, while cognitive dissonance often means they justify certain actions to themselves when they act against their beliefs. 

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13 minutes ago, simonsays said:

Jesus.  People on here really need a transfer!

Agreed! He's taken a photo with a tiger ffs. Sounds like he's booted a feline like Zouma with the way people are going on.

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can of worms putting it lightly…!

You can’t generalise on whether you’re a university graduate or working with your dad’s mates mixing cement how much you know the world. You’re specialising in one area and at a young age, still a bairn to know what’s right and wrong.
I’m 42 and I thought I knew it all at that age, then at 26, 32, etc. you learn by your mistakes so don’t be a fucking hypocrite as I’m sure every one of you has done something you’ve looked back on, whether it was last week or 10 years ago where you thought, what a dickhead…! 

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39 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

It's another 'we're all hypocrites' situation for me like.


The best analogy is probably eating meat. 


We know it's cruel to slaughter animals but who can resist steak or a bacon butty. 

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1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:


There are people further up the scale though, for example a vegetarian might not eat meat due to issues around animal cruelty yet still drink milk, which is arguably a more cruel practice.

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Just now, Matt1892 said:

There are people further up the scale though, for example a vegetarian might not eat meat due to issues around animal cruelty yet still drink milk, which is arguably a more cruel practice.

Perfect is the enemy of good. It’s not more cruel imo 

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1 hour ago, Sempiternal said:

In what way? 

That criticism of him probably opens us all up to judge-not-lest-ye-be-judged hypocrisy on varying scales re animal welfare, but that it doesn't stop the criticism from being completely valid.


Similar to Nmecha thing really, as soon as the homophobia stuff was highlighted the cognitive dissonance alarm went off for me because of the club's owners, in this case it goes off because knowing exactly how horrific the meat industry is hasn't as yet stopped me chowing down on burgers or cheese or eggs or whatever. That's not looking for any fucked up validation or whatever obviously, more just saying we all have these strange contradictions going on.



Edited by Kid Icarus

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11 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

That criticism of him probably opens us all up to judge-not-lest-ye-be-judged hypocrisy on varying scales re animal welfare, but that it doesn't stop the criticism from being completely valid.


Similar to Nmecha thing really, as soon as the homophobia stuff was highlighted the cognitive dissonance alarm went off for me because of the club's owners, in this case it goes off because knowing exactly how horrific the meat industry hasn't as yet stopped me chowing down on burgers or cheese or eggs or whatever. That's not looking for any fucked up validation or whatever obviously, more just saying we all have these strange contradictions going on.




I mean the difference for me is MBS doesn’t pull on the shirt on a Saturday.

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55 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

Bruh, if I walked into a place with a very clearly underfed animal chained up I’d pretty much know it was bad. You don’t need to be Foccault to figure it out 

What you on about…Your eyes lit up when I told you Rose & Crown used to have topless barmaids upstairs ?

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