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Other games (2024/25)


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Just so much that turns me off the Premier league now. Think it's actually made it worse the better we've got as it's made me hate more teams at the top. Arsenal and Liverpool being as they are and winning games like this makes me sick. The fact one of them is probably going yo win the league this season is bullshit. Just takes the enjoyment out of it for me as I actively want them to lose but they always manage to win like this.


Can't be arsed with it 

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I don’t dislike them quite as much as Liverpool but it’s hard to find anything to root for with that moany bitch of a manager, and petulant German dipshit playing for them.


They are picking up points in a lucky way against shit teams.. I’m fully confident they’ll be dropping points as the season goes on.


It’s so tight this year from 7th/8th to 1st.. any team on a run could find themselves in contention.

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