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Grealish has his eyes closed almost the whole time, us jumping and turning, his arm is exactly where momentum takes it. He’s almost on top on the player. It’s a bad a decision as the one we got in the last minute at Spurs some years ago. You can’t be giving that as a penalty.

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1 minute ago, Erikse said:

The problem is, how do you make a rule which doesn't allow players to purposely put their arm in the area where the ball can come, but doing it in a way so that it's difficult to decide whether it's deliberate or not? Without punishing some unlucky ones like this one.. They need a rule that will help them be consistent aswell.


Lineker said it will be simplified whatever that means. 

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Just now, The Prophet said:


His arm isn't in an unnatural position for a player post-jump.

I swear do people who think that’s a pen, can they actually jump? You literally can’t make minute adjustments to your arm in the air to make it unnatural. I’ll pay someone 10k if they can prove what a natural position for his arm would be.

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1 minute ago, Erikse said:

The problem is, how do you make a rule which doesn't allow players to purposely put their arm in the area where the ball can come, but doing it in a way so that it's difficult to decide whether it's deliberate or not? Without punishing some unlucky ones like this one.. They need a rule which can help them to be consistent aswell. Not easy.




The literal ‘leap like a salmon’ - appendages pinned to your side.

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9 minutes ago, Froggy said:

Staggering amount of people don't know the penalty rules like. Grealish's hand was above his head in an unnatural position, and it changed the direction of the ball in an attacking movement. It's as black and white as you can get for a VAR check. Clear pen. 


Casemiro quite lucky. 


Stonewall pen on De Bruyne. Awful decision. 


Spectacular dive from Grealish to get AWB booked. 

Not to swim against the tide or anything, but re Casemiro. I think that's the definition of an orange card.


Should have been a yellow at least, but VAR can't intervene with yellows. And unless it was a clear straight red then, again, I don't think VAR can do much even if it's clear the ref couldn't have seen it properly.


Hang on, have I just become Peter Walton? Fuck my life. 


In that case, personally, I'd have given him two yellows and sent him off anyway - one for the foul, and the other for the playacting straight after. Phew.

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Just now, LV said:

Which is itself an unnatural position 

That’s the most irritating thing about this, like I said if anyone thinks that’s a pen they need to show what a natural arm position is. Which they can’t, as people use their arms for leverage to jump, and they can’t magically adjust it in a split second 

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3 minutes ago, Froggy said:


Lineker said it will be simplified whatever that means. 


I feel like the only way to solve the criticism of the handball rule is by making it highly subjective for the referees, which means higher chances of inconsistencies. Which again will make people complain.

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