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Still not worthy of a thread


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1 hour ago, HaydnNUFC said:



Tbf the episode in question will still be available on iplayer. I don’t know anyone that solely watches terrestrial tv any more. 

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24 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Win win for the Tories in the long run as well. Watch the BBC and you get a barage of right wing slanted drivel, boycott it and they can claim it's unprofitable and can be sold off/wound up.


This has been the long term aim of the Tory party.

Both left and right leaning people of my acquaintance are queuing up to say they won't pay the licence fee in future.

They'll break it up and sell it to the highest (probably Murdoch owned) bidder.


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12 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Not often I agree with Piers...







Piers Morgan is just a contrarian, he hasn't got one honest bone in his body.

No principles whatsoever, apart from sticking to his principle of having an opinion on everything.

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