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[The League Cup Final] Newcastle United vs. Manchester United: 26/02/2023 @ 4.30pm (Sky)


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2 minutes ago, frankpingel said:

Gutted really. Wait the same time till next one and I'll be in my eighties so it hits you. 

Same position.  Gave up after 25 years a season ticket holder when Rafa left and bought memberships last 2 seasons so still able to get to games but missing this final - a final we actually have a chance of winning - is a total shitter.  Hopefully it won't be another 25 years til the next though - we're owned by people who will want us to be regulars at Wembley.  

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1 minute ago, huss9 said:

so fucking glad we just bought tickets to every cup game in our own names, even when we weren't all sure we were going.


feel gutted for anyone not getting a ticket in p4. so unfair on you guys.


all hail the Trust.


What worst is that I could go but if its a decision between me disappointing my son so that I get to go to Wembley, I'm not doing it. Its his 10th birthday and I'd rather see his little face as we get the train to London, than leaving him at home.

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On 07/02/2023 at 17:18, Nobody said:

I reckon it should be a complicated equation of time spent online on here, number of posts, number of likes per posts (since we moved over to this forum),time spent banned, amount of warnings received, amount of grammatical errors (to honour Dave) and amount of " :lol: "s received. 


Only just saw this!


time to get me suit measured.


(this is about the only chance I'd have of getting a ticket like, given there's just no way for non-local fans to get one without paying some daft scalper prices)

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8 minutes ago, STM said:


What worst is that I could go but if its a decision between me disappointing my son so that I get to go to Wembley, I'm not doing it. Its his 10th birthday and I'd rather see his little face as we get the train to London, than leaving him at home.

yeah i was in p1 kids in p3 - i had told them if they didnt get tickets i wouldnt go.

its not the same anymore without them.

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15 minutes ago, huss9 said:

so fucking glad we just bought tickets to every cup game in our own names, even when we weren't all sure we were going.


feel gutted for anyone not getting a ticket in p4. so unfair on you guys.


all hail the Trust.


What does it have to do with the trust?

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Just now, huss9 said:

is that who recommended the ticket allocations?

or was it just brian and charlotte?

They didn’t really advise as such. The club contacted them with the criteria a few days before the announcement and asked for their observations. From what they’ve said, they didn’t contribute to any meaningful changes to what was eventually put out.

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congrats to all who got one.

gonna be a great weekend.


to all those who didnt, gutted but hopefully there'll be chances in the next couple of seasons.

or even some european away trips next season - they are the next best thing.

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1 minute ago, huss9 said:

congrats to all who got one.

gonna be a great weekend.


to all those who didnt, gutted but hopefully there'll be chances in the next couple of seasons.

or even some european away trips next season - they are the next best thing.

Yep, echo this.


Very difficult to look on the positive side if you’ve just missed out, especially if you’re a ST holder, but maybe (and admittedly this is based on nothing) you would get bumped up the priority list if we reach another one sometime soon ??‍♂️

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1 minute ago, Cookie1892 said:

by the way.... do we get a loyalty point for this?

Probably not as not everyone that’s got one is a ST holder and therefore can’t be allocated any loyalty points.

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