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[The League Cup Final] Newcastle United vs. Manchester United: 26/02/2023 @ 4.30pm (Sky)


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Me and my brother have both been to three games but it didn't register his name for one of the games as I bought them through the linked tickets for one game. So I'm in tier 3 and he's in tier 4. Bit shit but it is what it is. 

I've seen stated that if you're in tier 1 and you have friends in tier 3 you have to wait etc. Has it been confirmed if I can apply in the ballot at period 4 if I'm in 3 so we can apply to sit together?

A lot of the information on the website is quite vague. 

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5 minutes ago, geordiekris said:

Me and my brother have both been to three games but it didn't register his name for one of the games as I bought them through the linked tickets for one game. So I'm in tier 3 and he's in tier 4. Bit shit but it is what it is. 

I've seen stated that if you're in tier 1 and you have friends in tier 3 you have to wait etc. Has it been confirmed if I can apply in the ballot at period 4 if I'm in 3 so we can apply to sit together?

A lot of the information on the website is quite vague. 

I’m pretty sure you can, but you might be taking a canny risk then. Pretty sure you’ll be guaranteed a ticket in 3, but not so sure about 4. 

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6 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


Think the point about paying for a season ticket is interesting though. I would pay for a season ticket, so would thousands of others. We just can't. Having one doesn't mean you are a better fan or anything.


I presume the theory behind loads of benefits to ST holders is to sell them, but we have one of those situations where they would sell themselves hundreds of times over. 


Just weird is all. 




but we didn’t less than 18 months ago and yes I know why but as much as I dislike some elements of it football is a business and you can’t not look after your loyalest customers. I get and respect people who’s life situations have changed and totally support the reimbursement of LP fir those who gave up STs in protest and now have returned. 


I also feel for younger fans but a generation ago many youngsters were in the same position during the mid 90s. A ground expansion and a decline in fortunes helped alleviate that. It might take one of those (praying the first) to make the situation better for this eras younguns 

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3 minutes ago, huss9 said:

so i'm in pot 1 and kids in pot 3.

gonna be a risk to wait till pot 3 to get my ticket?

Na, i reckon 1-3 is guaranteed. And going by the way they’re going to sell tickets, likely to get a better seat in period 3. Pure guesswork mind, so don’t make a decision based on this 

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7 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


Well not quite, I got one for myself and one for someone else who is also a member. One per person. 


It's class how lots of ST holders help out other people with tickets, and you're absolutely right about barren years (without debating the Ashley situation). 


It's always going to be a difficult topic when we have so many fans and very limited tickets, hopefully you get the point I'm making about favouring ST holders above everyone else. 


The discussion could go on forever, if I had hundreds of loyalty points I'd probably be arguing the other side :lol:


But like I’ve said. I’ve a ST (£659 currently) for over 30+ years and over 200 LPs. You’ve 2x 1yr £25 membership yet got 2 Liverpool tickets when I couldn’t get any after trying at ST sale and general sale hence me asking you if your brother doesn’t want to go I’ll have it ?


So I’ve no priority over you for league or cup games which is 60% of games and you’ve a choice randomly of 40% of the stadium where to sit which I don’t. I’ve a slight priority over you for a Cup Final which is really hard to argue why I wouldn’t as for the cost difference you could buy a better seat for the same price overall for what I’ve had to pay for a ST plus Final ticket ??‍♂️ You could buy a cup final ticket for approx £250 start of each year when a ST is paid for and if not needed sell it on face value.


Its only a debate now because we are a proper club again. But ultimately away games a side if you are organised you can get every home game with a bit of luck and every home cup game with a bit of luck which you have been able to. You’ve also being in a slight chance of a cup final ticket for £25 membership or buy one direct via Wembley and still be no worse off as not had to attend the away games to reach the first couple of Periods. Southampton away cost me nearly £200 alone and I think I done it on the cheap compared to some.


Edit: Add 2 days holiday and you are looking at nearer £300+ you could argue.



Edited by LFEE

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22 minutes ago, huss9 said:

so i'm in pot 1 and kids in pot 3.

gonna be a risk to wait till pot 3 to get my ticket?

Nah, pots 1-3 seem guaranteed going off the various communication and the fact there’s no ballot mentioned for them.

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8 hours ago, Jaqen said:

It's really daft to suggest fans should just pay £2k for a ticket because they've 'saved' money on not having a season ticket. Those fans could easily have spent more money in the last year going to games than season ticket holders. Not saying they deserve to get a ticket more but £2k is a ridiculous price to pay for one game for the average fan. 

The argument is when a ST is purchased a cup final ticket is £250 at that time. You are paying £600+ for a season where you may have only 2 cup games max which you also pay extra for. No guarantees of any progress or how the season is going to pan out or refunds if games get moved etc unlike membership purchases who do get refunds if they simply decide they don’t want to go.

If you want a cup final ticket each year you could get one for £250 approx (best seats in the stadium also at only 55% more than a basic best seat allocation £100) hoping your team might make it and if not re sell and get your money back.


Even if you left it until after Leicester it was under £500 and before Southampton 1st Leg £700 and 2nd Leg £900. If you deduct the cost of one or both away games and bothering to travel to any of the home games and ticket costs etc it becomes a more realistic figure than those in the first few pots.

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9 hours ago, geordiekris said:

Me and my brother have both been to three games but it didn't register his name for one of the games as I bought them through the linked tickets for one game. So I'm in tier 3 and he's in tier 4. Bit shit but it is what it is. 

I've seen stated that if you're in tier 1 and you have friends in tier 3 you have to wait etc. Has it been confirmed if I can apply in the ballot at period 4 if I'm in 3 so we can apply to sit together?

A lot of the information on the website is quite vague. 

When you say you have to wait for friends in lower ranked pots, I assume that's only if you want to sit together? Can apply individually as soon as your turn comes round otherwise?

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7 hours ago, huss9 said:

so i'm in pot 1 and kids in pot 3.

gonna be a risk to wait till pot 3 to get my ticket?

Everyone in pot 1-3 will get a ticket according to the email people in pot 1 got . 



If you have linked accounts using friends and family and they are eligible to purchase tickets during periods 2 or 3 you can wait until their sales period starts so you can select seats together.

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