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Going down to London with me brother on the Friday night. We both got tickets last time, but mine was a gifted hospitality one which likely won't be an option this time! He'll probably get one again as a cup scheme ST holder and I'll be scratching around.


I'll watch it with a few of the lads that are going down and will be in a similar boat or I'll find me fatha and his lot. :lol:

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Drive to York sunday morning, train in to King Cross by 11. Back out at 2000 after watching us lift the trophy (better not be another 1630 KO), get the car in york and drive home. Then somehow get out of bed on Monday for work. 

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Just now, Adam said:

Drive to York sunday morning, train in to King Cross by 11. Back out at 2000 after watching us lift the trophy (better not be another 1630 KO), get the car in york and drive home. Then somehow get out of bed on Monday for work. 


Plenty time to put Monday in as a holiday 

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1 minute ago, Adam said:


Not when you're a teacher! 


You don't look well, I think you might be coming down with something, I reckon your fever will peak on Thursday the 13th (you need that off) and hopefully you can go back the following Wednesday 

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There is something utterly grim about not actually putting in the travel time and hours to get a Wembley cup final ticket and if you’ve got enough wedge being able to skip the queue.


I’ve been to Wembley a few times, the result of going to SJP and trudging up and down the country every week.  It felt ‘earned’.  I haven’t been to SJP in years - I would feel like an imposter going to a cup final at this point.  I can afford to pay for one of those daft packages - but it is a fucking travesty that they exist. 


Cup finals should be a reward for those who’ve actually went to games.  I’ve sat on my arse watching it on TV, at this point 10,000 miles away.  I just hope that everyone who deserves and wants a ticket actually gets one.

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Just now, TheBrownBottle said:

There is something utterly grim about not actually putting in the travel time and hours to get a Wembley cup final ticket and if you’ve got enough wedge being able to skip the queue.


I’ve been to Wembley a few times, the result of going to SJP and trudging up and down the country every week.  It felt ‘earned’.  I haven’t been to SJP in years - I would feel like an imposter going to a cup final at this point.  I can afford to pay for one of those daft packages - but it is a fucking travesty that they exist. 


Cup finals should be a reward for those who’ve actually went to games.  I’ve sat on my arse watching it on TV, at this point 10,000 miles away.  I just hope that everyone who deserves and wants a ticket actually gets one.

I just could NOT believe some of the people I bumped into at Wembley 2 years ago. 

People I know with a fair whack of cash who’ve never ever been bothered about football, let alone Newcastle United.

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Just now, TheGuv said:

I just could NOT believe some of the people I bumped into at Wembley 2 years ago. 

People I know with a fair whack of cash who’ve never ever been bothered about football, let alone Newcastle United.

Christ, that’s grim, and depressingly unsurprising.  I’d feel embarrassed if I was them - but some have zero shame. 

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I got a similar vibe around the trips to Milan and Dortmund- not so many familiar faces and even less who seemed to know the words to the songs.


Edit: in fact, at the San Siro I bumped into someone who I'd ended up drinking with in West Brompton after Chelsea the last game of the previous season. Nice enough lad, but just didn't seem to get the concept that after not going for a good 20 years he shouldn't be at the front of the queue for things ahead of people who put the effort in. "But I've got more money than you." He wasn't being a dick about it and it was a very civil conversation, but he just didn't get it at all.


As @TheBrownBottle says, if it was me in that situation I just wouldn't feel like I belong, which is half the fun of going anyway.



Edited by geordiesteve710

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Going down to London without a ticket. Having Liverpool in the final has dampened my enthusiasm to spend a crazy amount to try to get one. 

Hope the draw is more friendly to members this time but not holding my breath. 

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1 hour ago, NUFC91 said:

Actually pleased Trafalgar Square is closed, save it to the final, the support is going to need to be next level...has to be.

Ditto - and it was shite :lol:


Pubs near Piccadilly were bouncing anyway . Better than drinking cans in the cold

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10 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

There is something utterly grim about not actually putting in the travel time and hours to get a Wembley cup final ticket and if you’ve got enough wedge being able to skip the queue.


I’ve been to Wembley a few times, the result of going to SJP and trudging up and down the country every week.  It felt ‘earned’.  I haven’t been to SJP in years - I would feel like an imposter going to a cup final at this point.  I can afford to pay for one of those daft packages - but it is a fucking travesty that they exist. 


Cup finals should be a reward for those who’ve actually went to games.  I’ve sat on my arse watching it on TV, at this point 10,000 miles away.  I just hope that everyone who deserves and wants a ticket actually gets one.


Same here. I actually live in London and used to be a regular home and away in my 20's. Haven't enjoyed my last few away games (for various reasons, including just getting older and having other things to do) so tend to make about three or four home games a year these days (not seen us win yet this year after Brighton and Bournemouth - next up there for Forest).


I was at Wembley for the Mercantile Credit Classic so have seen us beat Liverpool there, was there in 98, 99, and for the semi against Chelsea (the real missed opportunity).


I could afford to pay for a corporate ticket but like last time would rather watch it on TV and let those who have actually put the miles in this year be there in the ground.



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16 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

Ditto - and it was shite :lol:


Pubs near Piccadilly were bouncing anyway . Better than drinking cans in the cold

The Globe (Marylebone Rd meets Baker St) was fantastic. Particularly funny when ‘rotund’ Man Utd fan came in and was met with (good natured) rendition of Cashley chant: ‘Get out of our pub…’. 



Edited by Coffee_Johnny

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I hope the racist cunt who was next to me shouting vile abuse at black Man Utd players and asian stewards doesn't get a ticket this time round


Absolute scum of the earth who quite rightly got pulled up by plenty of us around him


Total fucking helmet and a disgrace to our club




Edited by bobbydazzla

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1 hour ago, Elma said:


Same here. I actually live in London and used to be a regular home and away in my 20's. Haven't enjoyed my last few away games (for various reasons, including just getting older and having other things to do) so tend to make about three or four home games a year these days (not seen us win yet this year after Brighton and Bournemouth - next up there for Forest).


I was at Wembley for the Mercantile Credit Classic so have seen us beat Liverpool there, was there in 98, 99, and for the semi against Chelsea (the real missed opportunity).


I could afford to pay for a corporate ticket but like last time would rather watch it on TV and let those who have actually put the miles in this year be there in the ground.



Thing is the lads who have put in hard yards will get tickets no problem.


I don’t go regularly anymore but put up with 30 years of mostly shite following them all over, can’t get a season ticket these days, so will happily pay extra to be there on the chance we finally lift a trophy.


You certainly don’t feel as attached like when you go every week and see the same faces, but many like yourself live all over the place and have no less right to be there on the chance this is finally our time.


Besides the more of us who buy these secondary tickets up the less scousers there will be inside Wembley.

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Will be watching with my dad - either at his bungalow or we'll venture along to Cambois Club. :) Back in 2022, I had bloody Covid when we played the Mancs, so watched at his, curled up under a duvet. :( 

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20 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

Thing is the lads who have put in hard yards will get tickets no problem.


I don’t go regularly anymore but put up with 30 years of mostly shite following them all over, can’t get a season ticket these days, so will happily pay extra to be there on the chance we finally lift a trophy.


You certainly don’t feel as attached like when you go every week and see the same faces, but many like yourself live all over the place and have no less right to be there on the chance this is finally our time.


Besides the more of us who buy these secondary tickets up the less scousers there will be inside Wembley.


No problem with that either - I guess I just prefer to watch on TV these days than shell out the sort of cash that would be required to get into Wembley. Even when I get up to home games I always end up in corporate and the atmosphere isn't quite the same in there anyway.

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On 01/02/2023 at 16:42, MrRaspberryJam said:

No idea. Sacked my ST off a few year back when my weekends were spent up renovating my gaff and my mates kept theirs on. They'll be off to Wembley and I won't. :icon_puke_l:




I'm in the same boat, having jacked in (in protest) when Rafa was binned off. 


Looking for tickets for me and my two lads, as it's been a rough year for all of us. But only two potential chances so far - both in Club Wembley, priced at either £1700 or £900 per ticket...


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Watching it in town with some mates, one of them mentioned at the casino (not my choice but as long as there's a good TV and a bit of atmosphere I don't care)


Either way, whatever the score is I'll be well pissed to drown my sorrows or drunk enough to party all night long

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