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Match Atmosphere


Singing Section at SJP - Poll  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want a large singing/standing section at St James' Park?

    • Yes. I'm an existing season ticket holder and I would want to be a part of it
    • Yes. I'm an existing season ticket holder but wouldn't want to be part of it, but I would move to a seat somewhere else if the singing section was to be where I currently sit....as long as I was happy with the new seat.
    • No. The atmosphere is fine as it is.
    • No. The atmosphere needs to improve but this isn't the answer.
    • Yes. I'm just a member at the moment but would want one in the singing section.
    • Yes. I'm just a member at the moment but would want a season ticket in a non-singing section. But a singing section needs to happen to let people who want to sing be together

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7 hours ago, TheGuv said:

The way people filtered out after the second went in was unbelievable. 

And the booing at full time…get to fuck. 

It’s one of the first games in the Howe era at home that has gone like that - and people clearly are used to having things their own way. And they react like that? Fucking shameful. 



Never understood booing or leaving early. 


I think it was the opposition and the again and again and again nature of losing to the opposition. For years we've wanted to get revenge on this pack of horrible cunts and it just seems like eternal misery. 


You wonder why fate favours such a horrible bunch of hypocritical cunts. 

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Reading posts here from those in attendance it didn't sound like the TV did things a disservice. 


The last competitive game I was at was against Man Utd, Christmas 2021. It was bouncing from start to finish. Part of me feels like we need to get back to that mindset. It will sound twee, but when the stadium and the players are in unison it's one of the toughest places to go. It's all well and good waving flags before kick off, and for big Champions League games, but watching the games I've felt sometimes we dip off when it goes a bit quiet. Sometimes we have to give them a gee up when heads drop or shoulders slump. That's what it means to be the 12th man. We shouldn't be waiting for them. 


We were often talked about as being a great set of fans when stuff was going poorly, it should be even easier now. 

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1 hour ago, Viana said:

Reading posts here from those in attendance it didn't sound like the TV did things a disservice. 


The last competitive game I was at was against Man Utd, Christmas 2021. It was bouncing from start to finish. Part of me feels like we need to get back to that mindset. It will sound twee, but when the stadium and the players are in unison it's one of the toughest places to go. It's all well and good waving flags before kick off, and for big Champions League games, but watching the games I've felt sometimes we dip off when it goes a bit quiet. Sometimes we have to give them a gee up when heads drop or shoulders slump. That's what it means to be the 12th man. We shouldn't be waiting for them. 


We were often talked about as being a great set of fans when stuff was going poorly, it should be even easier now. 


We need a standing area in the Leazes to match the gallowgate. Has to be the next move

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I was there yesterday. In the southwest corner and I thought the atmosphere was great first half. Plenty singing around me. All spreading from the strawberry corner. The second half was really tense and you could sense something bad was coming. Their fans were absolutely pathetic mind. Barely a peep till they scored and even then not that loud really. In my sporadic trips over recent years one thing I have said is how I've noticed  a lot of the younger lads don't sing. Where we were yesterday there was four of us in our 40's gan radge and right next to us were three early to mid 20's lads who were silent throughout apart from to slag off miggy et all the time. I just don't get it me like.

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Platty Clerb y’day. Round me were:

- blokes wanting to sing, shout & swear

- owld fellas wanting to sit in silence

- family of tourists

- teenage girls sat playing on their phones

- toddlers

- couple of people with what I think was probably autism who seemed unsettled by any shouting


Not sure how you get an atmosphere going with such a diverse group   

Too many going for beers at 35 mins, coming back at 55 mins.


Too many leaving when it was still 1-1.  


Having spent last couple of seasons in Strawberry Corner, I often forget what the rest of the ground is actually like 



Edited by bobbydazzla

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As someone who has been hugely critical of the SJP atmosphere I'm surprised to hear the negative comments about yesterday. I was in the East Stand, right next to the Gallowgate standing corner and the singing never stopped all game. And from where I sat it felt like the whole ground was lively. Was it really that bad around other parts of the stadium?



Edited by Wandy

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7 hours ago, pedro111 said:

I was there yesterday. In the southwest corner and I thought the atmosphere was great first half. Plenty singing around me. All spreading from the strawberry corner. The second half was really tense and you could sense something bad was coming. Their fans were absolutely pathetic mind. Barely a peep till they scored and even then not that loud really. In my sporadic trips over recent years one thing I have said is how I've noticed  a lot of the younger lads don't sing. Where we were yesterday there was four of us in our 40's gan radge and right next to us were three early to mid 20's lads who were silent throughout apart from to slag off miggy et all the time. I just don't get it me like.


It's the younger lads who should be making the noise, that's how it used to be when we used to be in the stands. You can't blame the seats, because many of us who grew up with standing areas are still the ones trying to make the noise now, although it's much harder with a different type of crowd in there now. I know some of the generation younger than me who are there basically because their parents have got plenty of money and they think it's the cool thing to have a season ticket without either the parents or the kids having much of a clue about NUFC and it's history. There's no way you get an atmosphere going with wet lettuces like those in the seats.

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19 minutes ago, Wandy said:

As someone who has been hugely critical of the SJP atmosphere I'm surprised to hear the negative comments about yesterday. I was in the East Stand, right next to the Leazes standing corner and the singing never stopped all game. And from where I sat it felt like the whole ground was lively. Was it really that bad around other parts of the stadium?

As 2 of the biggest whingers in relation to the atmosphere on here I agree with you.


Was in the 1892 seats yesterday and thought the Strawbery corner was loud throughout also pleasantly surprised by the NE corner who made a good din.


There’s plenty wanting to create an atmosphere just need to get them together in the ground.



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27 minutes ago, Wandy said:

As someone who has been hugely critical of the SJP atmosphere I'm surprised to hear the negative comments about yesterday. I was in the East Stand, right next to the Leazes standing corner and the singing never stopped all game. And from where I sat it felt like the whole ground was lively. Was it really that bad around other parts of the stadium?

Do you mean the Gallowgate safe standing corner ? Or were there people standing in the Leazes 


In the safe standing section the singing rarely stops in there for any match. 



Edited by bobbydazzla

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6 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

As 2 of the biggest whingers in relation to the atmosphere on here I agree with you.


Was in the 1892 seats yesterday and thought the Strawbery corner was loud throughout also pleasantly surprised by the NE corner who made a good din.


There’s plenty wanting to create an atmosphere just need to get them together in the ground.




Yep, it was particularly impressive how the whole ground was singing in unison just after we scored.


Seems the trick is to have pockets of singing sections around the ground which will get the people around them joining in. Considering I was in the so-called "old farts" stand I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people in full voice.

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3 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:

Do you mean the Gallowgate safe standing corner ? Or were there people standing in the Leazes 


In the safe standing section the singing rarely stops in there for any match. 


Sorry, yeah I meant the Gallowgate corner. Yeah they never stopped all game. And I thought the songbook was pretty varied too. There were some songs that I have never even heard before.

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Between our goal and halftime it was very loud and intimidating, second half as the nerves grew and liverpool got on top it got quieter which was probably when they needed it more.


First 10 minutes was good but the only disappointment for me was it went flat after that until the goal and I'd expected better, especially with it being a bank holiday today and the opportunity to have a good drink before the game.

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51 minutes ago, geordiesteve710 said:

Between our goal and halftime it was very loud and intimidating, second half as the nerves grew and liverpool got on top it got quieter which was probably when they needed it more.


First 10 minutes was good but the only disappointment for me was it went flat after that until the goal and I'd expected better, especially with it being a bank holiday today and the opportunity to have a good drink before the game.


I think the rain dampened a lot of the drinking pre match.

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3 hours ago, Heron said:

The Corner was jumping yesterday until they scored I'd even say

The corners got real potential it’s gone up a notch this season. They’ve definitely got to extend it next season it seems a big success so far.


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52 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

The corners got real potential it’s gone up a notch this season. They’ve definitely got to extend it next season it seems a big success so far.


Yep, I agree. Has been bouncing for both games.

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8 minutes ago, pedro111 said:


If the whole gallowgate gets made safe standing it will be immense like.

Aye it'd be great like. Truly believe lesser sides struggle at SJP because they're not used to the intensity and stature of SJP

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8 hours ago, Wandy said:

As someone who has been hugely critical of the SJP atmosphere I'm surprised to hear the negative comments about yesterday. I was in the East Stand, right next to the Gallowgate standing corner and the singing never stopped all game. And from where I sat it felt like the whole ground was lively. Was it really that bad around other parts of the stadium?




Was in the standing section and thought it was good for 70 mins or so. First half was class at times, could see the Leazes and Milburn all joining in quite a bit. 

Think the tele makes SJP sound shit. I have said on here before but for the Brighton game I was in the directors area and was blown away by how loud it was at times. Watched the game back and it sounded like a morgue. 



Edited by Danh1

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  • 3 weeks later...

What was it like yesterday then?


I'm abroad at the moment but watched it in a bar, albeit with the sound switched off ffs, so couldn't get a feel of how the crowd were, until the ending minutes when people finally looked animated?


I've read a few reports though that said the place was quiet.

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