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Lockwood Cup 2023: Whites win!


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For those needing to plan well in advance just a reminder the Reds ?v? Blue will coincide with a home game either last weekend of March or one of the April fixtures. Also Yorkie pointed out to me next year will be the 10th anniversary of the Lockwood Cup so hoping to make that a successful one if we can usually to coincide with a home game in October latest.



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14 hours ago, Yorkie said:


Handsome and class at football. What a piece of shit.

Settle down lads.:love: Mostly remember the shots I sliced.


Would be good if Branko makes it next time, heard he bottled facing Neesy.


Just back in my flat in Vancouver Island after a train/tube/plane/ferry/bus. Mad that to me I was playing with yous yesterday morning in Dunston

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2 minutes ago, Superior Acuña said:

Just back in my flat in Vancouver Island after a train/tube/plane/ferry/bus. Mad that to me I was playing with yous yesterday morning in Dunston


Bloody hell! Didn't realise you were heading straight back. Great that you came, mate. :thup:

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Faces left to right:












Ian W

Samptime (crouching)

Infatuation Junkie


Ian's brother stood behind


Neesy stood behind




Unbelievable (crouching)


Superior Grant

Theregulars (avec le chien)




Hell of a turnout, like. 

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22 minutes ago, mattypnufc said:

Wish I could partake in these still but my knees and footballing days have been over since 2016.  Good turnout you lot. 


You don't even need to play. 


I'm really hoping to get over for the next one. 

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Oh, btw, just so it's recorded forever more...


We all happy to agree that @El Prontonise's kit faux pas (wore a Barcelona shirt to a Reds vs Blues game) has finally been surpassed by that bloody disgrace @KDT? Wore a grey hoody while representing the Blue team against Whites and Blacks. At least he was forced to adorn the bib of shame I guess. 

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38 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

Oh, btw, just so it's recorded forever more...


We all happy to agree that @El Prontonise's kit faux pas (wore a Barcelona shirt to a Reds vs Blues game) has finally been surpassed by that bloody disgrace @KDT? Wore a grey hoody while representing the Blue team against Whites and Blacks. At least he was forced to adorn the bib of shame I guess. 


Friday night 11pm


Is this top Blue?




Well it's not white or black is it? No.


In my defense until about 10.59pm I did think the 3 teams were Blue, Red & Black.



Edited by KDT

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27 minutes ago, Theregulars said:

And that's before we get to his Chester J Lampwick footwear.


Surprised it's not been claimed that you went down under a waft of the aforementioned exploding sole for the (non)foul that you clamored so much for.  

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6 hours ago, Yorkie said:

Oh, btw, just so it's recorded forever more...


We all happy to agree that @El Prontonise's kit faux pas (wore a Barcelona shirt to a Reds vs Blues game) has finally been surpassed by that bloody disgrace @KDT? Wore a grey hoody while representing the Blue team against Whites and Blacks. At least he was forced to adorn the bib of shame I guess. 

Barcelona to a red v blue :lol:

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