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Bit different in the sense that Amanda didn’t have the capital to remain as an investor. Boehly clearly does so if he gets bought out then you’d imagine it’ll be acrimonious as the reports are saying he’d also like to buy Clearlake out. Fuck knows whats going on in your absolutely mental club 

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1 hour ago, Erikse said:


I wasn't aware of the details at all. But I know that the profit from the hotel still going to the club after the sale was a talking point when it happened. Is this not the case anymore?




Paper income I would imagine but I don’t know what profit was actually made for all  we have been told what the sale proceeds were 

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3 minutes ago, gbandit said:

Bit different in the sense that Amanda didn’t have the capital to remain as an investor. Boehly clearly does so if he gets bought out then you’d imagine it’ll be acrimonious as the reports are saying he’d also like to buy Clearlake out. Fuck knows whats going on in your absolutely mental club 

To counter that I think you will find that Clearlake and Bohley still believe that they got CFC on the cheap and there is potential for significant growth. Neither can sell to anyone that wasn’t party to the original purchase.


Bohley, Clearlake and the other two investors are all self made in effect they are very very successful businessmen like you  I am just a observer we have absolutely no access to the business plan , the numbers or indeed documents and agreements made with the governing bodies at the point of sale.

As you will have witnessed at Man Utd that historic football business models are significantly outdated and whilst I too scratch my head at times I am far from sure that the decisions being made are random , scatter gun or whatever you want to call them but what is clear is that journalists who have little knowledge of how big business works & clearly haven’t been included in the discussions are way out of their depth 

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They'll come up smelling of roses.  Were supposed to be on the cusp of doing a Leeds when Abramovich floated by. Then when he was being turfed out and they could have been in trouble more people with a blank cheque books came along. They've gone on to continue to spend absurdly and get away with selling things they own to themselves. Already after Matthew Harding's money transformed them from Middlesbrough of the South.

Teflon c*nts.



Edited by Jonas

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Something tells me Chelsea are gearing up for something, and it isn't just a Boehly vanity jobby.


Fuck knows what, but they're onto every fudge possible.



Edited by NE27

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Just root against them every week in every competition. It won't matter if they are actually run by the smartest group of businessmen the world has ever seen. If they do not perform, if they are not in the Champions League, and if they are not considered one of the world's elite then this will all come crumbling down.

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1 hour ago, relámpago blanco said:

Doesnt it give them more ffp headroom.

Nah, they’ve changed the rules so you can only amortise over a maximum of 5 years (or is it 4?), regardless of the actual length of contract.


Although having said that, players signed prior to the rule change are still amortised over the length they signed on (I think), but I doubt you can subsequently add further contract extensions to them to amortise them even further.

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