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Dullard Punditry


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14 hours ago, bobbydazzla said:

Footy commentators are bad

But Carlton Kirby who commentates on the cycling on Eurosport is the biggest commentator cunt on the planet


He’s subhuman scum

Would take immense pleasure in pushing him from a barge into the Great Pit of Carkoon and watching The Sarlacc slowly devour him for elevenses 





What a day we've had" 

After every stage no matter how boring its been, does my head in 

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9 hours ago, toon25 said:

Oh, man, what a wanker the bloke is.


Add to that the absolute fucking joke that is Chris Sutton.

100% on Sutton. Another graduate of the Garth 'take a weirdly strong position on something of no importance to seem interesting' Crooks school of punditry.

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