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Guest hawayman

It seems some people think Onyewu is too good for Newcastle





Michael Adubato for Yanks Abroad Tuesday, January 30, 2007



Onyewu loaned out to Newcastle



Living in Belgium, I have spent many weekends making the hour-plus drive from my humble home near the city of Mons to the outskirts of Liège, and the borough known as Sclessin.


In this little district of Liège, set against the Meuse River, stands a bold red stadium where Royal Standard de Liège - and until today, Oguchi Onyewu - play soccer.


I've watched Gooch grow and mature as a player at Stade Maurice Dufrasne, as well as in various stadiums around the Kingdom of Belgium: Gent, Genk, Brugge, Lierse, Westerlo, even beautiful downtown Charleroi.


I've seen the US defender play against Spanish, French and Romanian opposition. I've seen him receive more than his share of cards, including expulsions just for playing the game the way it's supposed to be played - hard and full of grit.


I read last year that soccer giants Manchester United were after the American colossus, as well as other Premiership teams. Standard's own management even confirmed a multi-million dollar offer before the start of the current season.


Then there was the transfer speculation this month - will he go to Porto? How about Olympique Lyon? No? There was talk of Italian teams wanting the USA's top defender. As if they don't have enough talent on their side, Chelsea's name was batted around as well.


We all know now that the deal has been done, but how many of us were tipping Newcastle?


It reminds me of how I hard I laughed when the north England club's name came up at a point in the movie "Goal!".


After the main character of the film is scouted by the Magpies, he asks, "Is it a big club?" The Englishman replies, "A very big club."


With all the talk about him up on Tyneside, having his blood pressure checked and being told to jump on the scales, I still didn't believe he'd go - or even think that he'd look good in black and white stripes, unless it was perhaps an Armani suit.


Glenn Roeder had said only a few days ago that he wasn't after Onyewu, he had other people in mind. I guess coaches, managers, press officers, chairmen and agents are allowed to lie.


I think we all expect this silly dishonesty and media speculation. Look at all the teams he was linked to. I wonder how many of them he actually visited or even had contact with at some stage.


A BBC Sports page that read "Newcastle sign US defender Onyewu" wasn't enough to convince me. I didn't consider it done until I'd heard it from the man himself via SMS.


Having spoken frequently with the central defender after Standard's games over the past few months (seven wins, two draws, zero losses), which is also just about when these new rumors started flowing, the Belgian press would always ask him about where he would be moving in January.


With a flash of that big Gooch grin, he'd always reply with 'no comment' and carry on talking about the game that had just ended.


Though equally as curious, I stopped asking about the rumors after a while because I could see that the questions were becoming tedious and the answers not something he wanted to discuss with anybody. He'd let me know when he was ready to talk.


So now we are once again at the stage where an American has moved to what is arguably the best league in the world.


With suitors seemingly lined up around the corner, it may strike some as odd that the future of American soccer would sign for middle-of-the-standings Newcastle United when he might have been playing in the Champions League with Chelsea or Lyon or Porto next season.


Though Newcastle have seen better days, you've got to believe that Double O is just as shrewd and calculating off the field as on.


He probably could have moved to a bigger club than Standard Liège a couple of years ago, but I am certain that the ex-Clemson Tiger was just biding his time, picking up first team soccer and a ton of experience along the way.


He made his breakthrough for lowly La Louvière in the Jupiler League in the 2002/03 season as a loanee from Metz, where he had been cast aside. He was loaned to Liège the following season, and someone eventually realized who they had in their midst.


Today, many American players snub the Belgian league, preferring to run off to first or second division teams in Scandinavia or even third division clubs in Germany, where the money is most likely better.


They seem to end up playing in leagues nobody but the locals really care about. When is the last time anyone caught a Tippeligaen game on ESPN2?


In the last two years, Onyewu has played in the UEFA Cup, Champions League qualifiers, the Gold Cup and the granddaddy of them all, the World Cup, all while suiting up for a big team in a small country.


While a loan is not what anyone was expecting, this six-month stint up in the north of England is just another step up the ladder for Mr. Onyewu.


The way I see it, all Gooch wants to do is become the best defender that he is capable of becoming and the only way he can do this is to play against the best players and the best teams in the world - he had outgrown his surroundings.


In April, he'll go up against two of the world's best goalscorers in Arsenal's Thierry Henry and Didier Drogba of Chelsea.


This is a giant step up from "that Turkish guy who scores for Anderlecht" and "the dude woh used to play for Villa, but now puts them away for Club Brugge".


I think you'll see the DC native play at Newcastle United until the end of the Premiership season, and if he thinks he's ready for a bigger stage, you'll see him pulling the shirt of a bigger, more successful club over his head.


After all, the United States' future 'best ever defender' is not going to go to work forever dressed up like one of those guys at your local Foot Locker.

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Yeah, was mentioned in the Gooch Hit? thread... utter condescending tripe.


Plus how witty and insightful of him to use that hilarious NUFC kits equals referees / foot locker staff reference... not.

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Most yanks dislike the NUFC strip... their loss.


The one serious point that this dude fails to recognise as that since Howard left ManUre - Gooch is now playing for the biggest club of all American players.


NUFC may not be bigger than many but Fulham and the Scouse makems are definately on that list. This is a career move for Gooch and this is the biggest step availabvle to him. He is also not good enough to play for the greatest teams in the world... he just isn't.


This move works for both parties and the author knows this but decided to be a dick about it.

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From the player's point of view, it's a good move. Given our defensive problems, he can be reasonably confident of getting a few games in one of the top leagues. If he does well, he'll get a number of options to choose from.


There's no point in going to Chelsea or Man U, to warm the bench.

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Typical American tosser with no brains and no football education.


(Sorry to the good USA based posters in here)


But that is the typical tripe you'd expect from an American. I'd have thought this one may have more of a clue living outside of America, at least he knows there is a place called Belgium, i should give him that much credit.


He has a dig at the strip FFS, what a total clueless cunt. Style over substance, again, typical American.


I just wonder if the article is put up, i wonder if he's not trying to be the typical brainless, ignorant American 'soccer fan' we all love to hate.


Just a thought.

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I'm not an anti-American by any means, but I'm not joking or exagerrating when I say this:  most Americans pick their favourite "soccer" team based on the colours of the shirt and success on the pitch.  They make the average Man Utd bandwagoner look loyal.  They think Landon Donovan is world class, that Beckham is a great footballer and that Chelsea are a historically a succesful club.  No offence to the women on this board, but chatting with an American about football is like trying to explain it to your girlfriend.  They just miss the point entirely. 

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Typical American tosser with no brains and no football education.


(Sorry to the good USA based posters in here)


But that is the typical tripe you'd expect from an American. I'd have thought this one may have more of a clue living outside of America, at least he knows there is a place called Belgium, i should give him that much credit.


He has a dig at the strip FFS, what a total clueless c**t. Style over substance, again, typical American.


I just wonder if the article is put up, i wonder if he's not trying to be the typical brainless, ignorant American 'soccer fan' we all love to hate.


Just a thought.


He doesn't need to try.


Yanks Abroad gets quite hagiographic in its estimation of American footballers. Half the time, I get the impression that they think there is some kind of conspiracy that prevents US Nats from getting contracts with the BIG clubs. Many can't get it through their heads that, say, Landon Donovan isn't really that good. (Even after Liverpool ran right over him in the CL a few years back-- he sat on the bench at Leverkusen for a  while.)


Onyewu is very highly rated by most American soccer fans -- myself included. He is the best defender we have without question.  But then, we are comparing him with Bocanegra, Spector, DeMerit, Berthalter, Cherundolo, Gibbs, Whitbread..... Not exactly a list of stars....  Anyway, this clown seems to think that Onyewu is too good for us....


Also, a lot of American soccer fans, IMO, are basically glory hunters. Obviously, most of us don't have any particular link to any English city, neighborhood, whatever-- and so are free to pick any team we like. Most have latched onto Manchester United and, more recently, Chelsea.


I think that the contempt expressed for Newcastle United is just an affectation. They support Chelsea and they are supposed to despise the barcodes.


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I'm not an anti-American by any means, but I'm not joking or exagerrating when I say this:  most Americans pick their favourite "soccer" team based on the colours of the shirt and success on the pitch.  They make the average Man Utd bandwagoner look loyal.  They think Landon Donovan is world class, that Beckham is a great footballer and that Chelsea are a historically a succesful club.  No offence to the women on this board, but chatting with an American about football is like trying to explain it to your girlfriend.  They just miss the point entirely. 


I think it would not even occur to a lot of American fans to follow a club that was not in the Champions League.

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I'm not an anti-American by any means, but I'm not joking or exagerrating when I say this:  most Americans pick their favourite "soccer" team based on the colours of the shirt and success on the pitch.  They make the average Man Utd bandwagoner look loyal.  They think Landon Donovan is world class, that Beckham is a great footballer and that Chelsea are a historically a succesful club.  No offence to the women on this board, but chatting with an American about football is like trying to explain it to your girlfriend.  They just miss the point entirely. 


On ESPN in the Summer I heard Paulo Wanchope, Jared Borgetti and Kasey Keller, amongst amusing others, described as "world class" - all in complete seriousness. The "soccer" coverage over your way is diabolical. They will "get it" some day, hopefully. Until that point, I hope USA do as well as they did in 2006.

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As an American I unfortunately am forced to agree with the majority of comments on this board concerning the lack of intelligence displayed by Americans when discussing "soccer".  The guy who wrote this obviously has no class or style as I proudly display the black and white stripes whenever I get the chance and will be wearing them to the next US National game that I go to.  I think Gooch will perform well for us, but the opinion that he is too good for us is utterly ridiculous.  I just hope that he proves himself enough to get a full deal as I think he's the best American defender, which has been mentioned before isn't saying all that much.

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As an American I unfortunately am forced to agree with the majority of comments on this board concerning the lack of intelligence displayed by Americans when discussing "soccer".  The guy who wrote this obviously has no class or style as I proudly display the black and white stripes whenever I get the chance and will be wearing them to the next US National game that I go to.  I think Gooch will perform well for us, but the opinion that he is too good for us is utterly ridiculous.  I just hope that he proves himself enough to get a full deal as I think he's the best American defender, which has been mentioned before isn't saying all that much.


People like you are proof that it's catching on, though. Are you you going to get Onyewu 15 on the back of the shirt?


You might just start a craze.

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That's a good idea, I might have too.  I have Shearer on the back of the last one i got.  We'll have to see tf Gooch impresses and signs after the loan deal.  i went to the Us game when they played Denmark and there were tons of Man U, Chelsea, and Pool jerseys and none of those teams really have much of anything to do with the US National team, especially the players that were there that day.  Unfortunately illustrates the glory hunting attitude of the typical American fans.  I however prefer the uncertainty and bouts of depression that come with following the toon.  Does anyone know when the schedule for next season comes out, cause I'm planning on making it to a couple of games at St. James.

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That's a good idea, I might have too.  I have Shearer on the back of the last one i got.  We'll have to see tf Gooch impresses and signs after the loan deal.  i went to the Us game when they played Denmark and there were tons of Man U, Chelsea, and Pool jerseys and none of those teams really have much of anything to do with the US National team, especially the players that were there that day.  Unfortunately illustrates the glory hunting attitude of the typical American fans.  I however prefer the uncertainty and bouts of depression that come with following the toon.  Does anyone know when the schedule for next season comes out, cause I'm planning on making it to a couple of games at St. James.


Won't be till around mid-June mate, you ever been to a game or to Newcastle before? How did you end up supporting this shower?

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Is it the American public's fault, though?  They're spoon fed so much shite by the sports media and the media in general that they just "go with flow" and cheer for teams the pundits talk about the most.  Here in Toronto, there's more plastic support for Liverpool than Man U or Chelsea.  It's like Pool are the hip club to get behind.  I'd imagine if I wasn't of Geordie blood that I'd cheer for one of the top 4.  Probably Arsenal as they're the least annoying of them all.  (to me, at least.)

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Is it the American public's fault, though?  They're spoon fed so much shite by the sports media and the media in general that they just "go with flow" and cheer for teams the pundits talk about the most.  Here in Toronto, there's more plastic support for Liverpool than Man U or Chelsea.  It's like Pool are the hip club to get behind.  I'd imagine if I wasn't of Geordie blood that I'd cheer for one of the top 4.  Probably Arsenal as they're the least annoying of them all.  (to me, at least.)


You're right. The little media we get is very top four-centric. But then isn't the national media in England as well? The papers I read online inevitably lead with Man Utd or Mourinho.



Following Man Utd. etc. makes life a little easier. You've got to put some effort into following football in this country... and pay through the nose for cable access. At least there are groups of fans that you can meet up with to watch games at a pub on Saturday or Sunday morning.


If you are following a team that nobody knows are cares about (that is, if they care about football at all), you really don't get the opportunity to talk about your passion.... that is unless you go online. Which, I suppose explains the high number of non-Geordies on these boards.



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No i haven't been to St. James, although I very nearly wiped out my savings to get there for the games against Birmingham and West Ham, kind of glad I didn't.  But I'll be there for sure next season.  When I was growing up they really didn't show much of any English league matches so I didn't have any real connections to any single team, then I went to England when I was 13 or so and admittedly was in awe watching Shearer and from that I started following Newcastle.  I'm 26 now and have been following the toon ever since.  Most of my friends are Man U or Arsenal fans, just like everyone else over here it seems.

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Typical American tosser with no brains and no football education.


(Sorry to the good USA based posters in here)


But that is the typical tripe you'd expect from an American. I'd have thought this one may have more of a clue living outside of America, at least he knows there is a place called Belgium, i should give him that much credit.


He has a dig at the strip FFS, what a total clueless c**t. Style over substance, again, typical American.


I just wonder if the article is put up, i wonder if he's not trying to be the typical brainless, ignorant American 'soccer fan' we all love to hate.


Just a thought.



I live in belgium, if you ask an american where belgium is they think its in germany, hahahahah

I've seen footy on tv in america, makes you laugh so hard with the comentary they give


The strip comment is so stupid and cleuless he should shoot himself just for being so stupid and having no clue what it means




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