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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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Spending a year trying to persuade people around me that we are actually a good side with some quality players and that Pardew isn't actually as bad a manager as made out. And when everyone finally realises, having to be the voice of reason and let people know we're actually absolute dogshit again.


So what you're saying is...this is all your fault?


All I have to do is make everyone realise we're shit and we'll be good again.



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Spending a year trying to persuade people around me that we are actually a good side with some quality players and that Pardew isn't actually as bad a manager as made out. And when everyone finally realises, having to be the voice of reason and let people know we're actually absolute dogshit again.


So what you're saying is...this is all your fault?


All I have to do is make everyone realise we're shit and we'll be good again.




Download that match and show everyone. We'll win the league.

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Football clubs that just give themselves stars for stuff they've won. (ie, Forest 2 stars for winning European Cups)



If NUFC had won 2 european cups, we woul dbe begging to have those stars on our kit.

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It just stinks of, "oh look, we used to be good" to me. :lol:


Fair enough international countries with the World Cup or even the European Cup/Champions League if everyone did it.


The european cup is a canny big prize to tbf and one to be proud of.



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I know but they never used to have it.






...and then it's like they've thought, we've been shit for ages, let's remind everyone.



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When a cross or a corner is coming over and you hear either the keeper, defender or a fan yelling "away!" What else are you going to do? Catch the ball between your legs and do a few backflips?

the keeper could shout "keepers". isn't the away shout normally after it's been initially cleared to push out and a) give the keepr a clear sight of any incoming shot and not fall for any 6yd deflection b) hopefully catch someone offside.
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Minutes applause.


Much prefer a minutes silence, gives me goosebumps

Agreed. There is something strange about the atmosphere in a minutes silence within a packed stadium. So eery.


And then that roar when the silence ends, incredible.

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When a cross or a corner is coming over and you hear either the keeper, defender or a fan yelling "away!" What else are you going to do? Catch the ball between your legs and do a few backflips?

the keeper could shout "keepers". isn't the away shout normally after it's been initially cleared to push out and a) give the keepr a clear sight of any incoming shot and not fall for any 6yd deflection b) hopefully catch someone offside.


That was my dad's pet hate when Given was our keeper. You could guarantee every single corner he'd shout 'head away' no matter what. :lol:

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Absolutely despise Suarez but what I hate more is the Liverpool fans who don't see how much of a wanker he is. I completely understand the 'He's a twat but he is our twat' mentality because I have had it with a few of ours over the years (Bellamy, Barton..) but they genuinely seem to believe he is the victim (shock!) and he isn't a tosser it's just the media fooling us.

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