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On a separate but stadium related note; the TV screen where I am hasn’t worked properly for at least 2 seasons now, is perhaps 10 years old and has a visible screen of a 25 year old portable once you take away all the advertising splattered on it. You can’t get 4G anywhere so getting half times results etc is almost impossible. Really is a pet hate of mine.


Have you reported it? Yes, you shouldn't have to, but if you do and nothing is done, it strengthens the case that things aren't being maintained to a satisfactory level.


Agree with the 4G, that's a pain in the a*se. I know we go for the match, not to be staring at our phones, but being able to get the other scores would be nice. I believe it was brought up at the fans forum in the past, can't remember what the response was though.

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Stadium wi-fi

CE asked if the club was considering introducing stadium-wide wi-fi for


NA confirmed the club is continuing to look into options but advised it is a significant

infrastructure project which requires a complex solution.

ER stated that significant investments had already been made in boosting phone signal at the

stadium but this was continued to be tested by the demands of 50,000+ crowds each


LM explained that the club will continue to enhance the content across its PA system, screen

and digital platforms in order to give supporters the essential in-stadia information they


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With regards to the stadium maintenance, I've been running a course this week with the maintenance crew at the Metro centre and they keep that well maintained and tidy (it also has alot more complicated infrastructure than St James) with a team of 26, to say that our stadium is well maintained with problems spotted and sorted straight away is a downright lie.

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Spoke to Andrew Musgrove at the Chronicle today, as he was the reporter who contacted me after my post on Twitter about the clip of SJP.


He'd visited the ground this week and when I asked him how the visit had gone, all he said was there was some good people work there. I said I was aware of that, but that's not the question I asked, I also said that Lee Marshall's claim that this was about 'point scoring on the internet' was utter bollocks. I asked him about what he thought of the state of the stadium, and he avoided the question again, saying that 'he'd stated the concerns I had, and had received some honest answers - story will run soon. I asked when the story would run and got no reply.


Doesn't sound like it's going to be particular hard hitting unfortunately. He needs to work on his manners as well.

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Think this more or less makes my mind up that there needs to be a very simple website where people can upload pictures and descriptions of various problems with the stadium. The site could auto-report them to the relevant people and we could then hold the club accountable for sorting them out.

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Think this more or less makes my mind up that there needs to be a very simple website where people can upload pictures and descriptions of various problems with the stadium. The site could auto-report them to the relevant people and we could then hold the club accountable for sorting them out.


:lol: It needs highlighted like

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Think this more or less makes my mind up that there needs to be a very simple website where people can upload pictures and descriptions of various problems with the stadium. The site could auto-report them to the relevant people and we could then hold the club accountable for sorting them out.


#StJames'Shame ?

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Think this more or less makes my mind up that there needs to be a very simple website where people can upload pictures and descriptions of various problems with the stadium. The site could auto-report them to the relevant people and we could then hold the club accountable for sorting them out.


#StJames'Shame ?


No hashtags allowed, you little internet point-scorer, you.

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Email Stephanie Gouldson, stephanie.gouldsonNUFC[/member].co.uk as it is apparently her job to address maintenance issues at SJP.


Having specific, detailed, and exact locations of each fault would be great, so too would any accompanying pictures as well. If people who do attend matches could make a list of things that need to fixed (with pictures) then we should just keep sending emails to let her know. If not then we could always bring up these issues online, to the media, and relevant authorities. 

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Think this more or less makes my mind up that there needs to be a very simple website where people can upload pictures and descriptions of various problems with the stadium. The site could auto-report them to the relevant people and we could then hold the club accountable for sorting them out.


There's a Twitter account @MaintainSjp asking for any photos to be uploaded there.

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Great news all this. I've said it a few times but compared to other stadia I've visited SJP is a dump and our stadium could be so much better with investment in the proper upgrades and maintenance. Considering we don't spend the spare money on transfers or the academy there's basically no excuse. I don't doubt for a second that the people there are doing their best but in general terms it's not nearly good enough for a top flight club.


It's just another example of the laughable lack of investment in the club as a whole under this owner and I hope it continues to gain traction.

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Great news all this. I've said it a few times but compared to other stadia I've visited SJP is a dump and our stadium could be so much better with investment in the proper upgrades and maintenance. Considering we don't spend the spare money on transfers or the academy there's basically no excuse. I don't doubt for a second that the people there are doing their best but in general terms it's not nearly good enough for a top flight club.


It's just another example of the laughable lack of investment in the club as a whole under this owner and I hope it continues to gain traction.


Made even worse as it’s in the city centre so every fucker sees it.


They’ve done amazing to broaden the net to get these shit sports in town and boost the local economy but I fear that’s only emboldened the ‘it must fine’ thinking.

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I've been in level 7 for 3 years now and the windows looking down to Stowel street have never been cleaned even though a proper lift is in place to do it.

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Ok, so everyone just needs to take pics of everything wrong with the ground and email them to that contact Stifler posted.  Let's see if they do anything when they receive hundreds of examples of the disrepair of the ground, both inside and out.

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Someone should do something to a SD sign. Take a picture of the 'damage' and send it in to them to see their response to repair it. Send it in with the legendary pigeon complaint too and see which of the complaints is acted on or otherwise. We almost know the answer already so can then highlight it to the media.

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