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St James' Park: "NEWCASTLE UNITED" lettering on East Stand roof being replaced (Official)


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Apparently St Marys is the only top flight pitch not to have any camber at all. Or at least it was a few years back when I was told that nugget. The camber at sjp is nothing unusual but the slope certainly is.


Sea level loving bitches down there.

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I was looking at ticket info for it and it showed the areas where fans of certain teams are asked to sit and a list of all the prices.

Level 7 was greyed out and thee was no ticket information regarding it.

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Due to popular demand all tickets in the Leazes, Gallowgate and East Stands are now sold out. There is good availability on Level 7 of the Milburn Stand and limited availability in the reserved seating areas of the Milburn Stand.


Rancid scenes, there'll be rivers of drool running down from the stadium.

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Had to fight through this horrible bunch on my way back from work.  Half of them were absolutely mortal, could barely stand up, staggering into traffic etc.  Lots of horrible pissed lasses in shirts of teams I didn't recognise for a team that play a sport I don't care about slurring "Oooh, ahh, you're shit!" at the bus I was on.  Was basically the worst bits of football fans but with far more foam hands and selfie sticks. 

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There were loads of them standing drinking and singing outside the Newcastle Arms/Rosie's. Smashed glass and rubbish everywhere. I know they were just having a good time but if that was a football crowd there'd have been police swarming the place. I didn't see a single officer.

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I've never even watched a game of League in my life, but I do follow Union a bit and you never ever see that sort of thing at Union.


Yep, we need to remember this is rugby league, the sport of the yorkshire radgepacket.

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There were loads of them standing drinking and singing outside the Newcastle Arms/Rosie's. Smashed glass and rubbish everywhere. I know they were just having a good time but if that was a football crowd there'd have been police swarming the place. I didn't see a single officer.

Too true. We were around SJP last night and loads of them were freely wandering about carrying pint glasses. Any football fan doing likewise would have been swooped upon by the police sharpish. Walking back to the car a sandbag landed yards away from us, thrown from the back of a council van by some p*ss*d up blokes who were also shouting abuse at passing females. Could say it was sandbags at 10 paces but it's annoying to think of the double standards in how football and rugby fans are viewed. Having said that, 12 sets of football fans in the same city on a weekend would result in carnage.

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