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St James' Park: "NEWCASTLE UNITED" lettering on East Stand roof being replaced (Official)


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In the blokes toilets in the strawberry corner all the walls are filthy. Half of the advertising poster things are still empty. The ones that have something in are old stuff. Ones advertising the start of the 125th season. Ones advertising the “play on the pitch” thing from may. 


One of the food concourse counters (the one near the flag storage) is scruffy. The ceiling tiles have fallen in and some are missing. The others have been replaced with planks of woods. 


There’s bird crap all over the walls still.

Two dead pigeons still in the net directly above peoples seats.


But funnily, the sports direct sign that was ripped off/fell off at the back of the stand... has been replaced and fitted again.

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If ever an image reflected the state of a 'business'.


Running the poor place into the ground.


This whole period of Ashley's ownership has been fucking awful, as said above, he's like a fucking rogue landlord. Upping the rent from his holiday home in Barbados whilst water is pissing in through the roof in Newcastle.


Completely sickening.

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I'm guessing that's your twitter




We need to get as many pics as we can of the state of the ground, and get them tweeted to journos and people in the media. It's another stick to beat him with, and one his Bishop minions can't deny or blame on Rafa.


Get snapping folks, the grimier the better!

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Guest chopey

I'm guessing that's your twitter




We need to get as many pics as we can of the state of the ground, and get them tweeted to journos and people in the media. It's another stick to beat him with, and one his Bishop minions can deny.


Get snapping folks, the grimier the better!


The stairs walking up to level 7 are really scruffy with massive cracks in the walls and the bogs are a Fucking mess

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Might be worth tweeting a few bods/organisations/sponsors involved in the Rugby Union.


Do they want their showpiece event to take place in a stadium so obviously neglected.


Might embarrass the club a bit - on second thoughts they are pretty shameless.


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Might be worth tweeting a few bods/organisations/sponsors involved in the Rugby Union.


Do they want their showpiece event to take place in a stadium so obviously neglected.


Might embarrass the club a bit - on second thoughts they are pretty shameless.


Good idea.

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it needs to be sent to health and safety at the council (edit: i have retweeted it to Newcastle City Council and Chi Onwurah)


dont we need certificates to be able to play/host events?


surely we must be breaking some laws

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How much would it cost to clean and paint the whole place inside and out then deck the place out in NUFC related posters etc of famous moments, quotes, whatever? Make the place look less bland as well as clean. Surely the cost would be a drop in the ocean for a club the size of NUFC? No excuse for it really.

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How much would it cost to clean and paint the whole place inside and out then deck the place out in NUFC related posters etc of famous moments, quotes, whatever? Make the place look less bland as well as clean. Surely the cost would be a drop in the ocean for a club the size of NUFC? No excuse for it really.


Exactly. Proper joke.

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How much would it cost to clean and paint the whole place inside and out then deck the place out in NUFC related posters etc of famous moments, quotes, whatever? Make the place look less bland as well as clean. Surely the cost would be a drop in the ocean for a club the size of NUFC? No excuse for it really.


We're raking in £100m plus from the TV deal and our ground is in a worse state than Gateshead's across the river, who haven't got a pot to piss in.


People need to get as much photographic evidence as possible, to shame the arsehole in to doing something.

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Guest Howaythetoon

It was in need of modernising when FS was the Chairman so it probably needs pulled down now and rebuilt.


It’s not even in the top 10 of stadiums in the PL, only it’s full houses and location keep it in that bracket when people bring up stadiums. And then they visit and see what a shit hole it’s become and think hold on, according to Sky it’s a great stadium, one of the best...


Not true.

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I have sent an FOI request to Newcastle City Council asking these questions.


1. Who owns SJP?


2. Who owns the land it sits upon?


3. Is SJP and the land it sits upon leased to NUFC? If not then to who?


4. Is it possible for either SJP or the land to be sub-leased?


5. What are the terms (length, financial costs, renewal policies) of any lease?


6. Is it possible for any individual or other company than NUFC to lease/own both the land and SJP such as Mike Ashley or MASH Holdings?


7. Who is responsible for the maintenance of SJP?


8. Is it possible for Newcastle City Council to force the owners/leaseholders to maintain a good standard of condition to SJP beyond general health and safety guidelines?


They have 20 days to make a response.

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Jesus wept;





That pigeon is just above my seat.


Been there a few years iirc. It probably died of Rafa induced boredom. I'm no vet though.


Nah, was definitely the lack of ampigeon.





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I think it would be deemed a criminal offence but what if fans covered up all the Shit Direct signs during a Live broadcast of a match on Tv. Maybe just as the players walk out, fans start covering up all the SD signs within reach with black and white covers/flags/messages like 'No free ads here' or 'get out of our club'. Something like that can be seen by Ashley and would block out his company ads. Maybe even in the hours leading up to a match, fand can organise to plaster over all the SD signs in and around the stadium. Yes probably it would be vandalism and a criminal offence.


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