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3 minutes ago, Stifler said:

Edwards is saying that capacity and design is not set in stone, and insists a decision over a new stadium or an expansion of SJP hasn’t been made.

I can’t see the whole tweet, because Twitter.



"According to Newcastle United this evening they have not decided on capacity of new stadium, various options are being looked at for land adjacent to SJP, of varying sizes. Also adamant that final decision on whether to build new home or expand SJP has still not been made, presumably because PIF have to make it. Preferred option is a new stadium internally. I think we all need to wait for final plan to be made public. As frustrating as it is waiting #nufc"

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1 hour ago, christ said:

The game-by-game demand isn’t really representative. Fans have been conditioned to apply for basically every match to have even the smallest chance of getting a couple of tickets over the course of a season.

Once that becomes less acute - either because we drop off, people get bored or the new stadium arrives - I don’t think people will chase tickets in the same way.

There will have been plenty of studies into the numbers, the east stand oldies will die off and the lasses grabbing up this tickets now, might stop coming when they grow out of Sam fender.

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Express have a different idea on what it's modeled on. Maybe some Chinese whispers with Allegiant Stadium and Allianz lol. Or more likely guess work. The bubble wrap stadium at Bayern is absolutely more in keeping and consistent with what we heard previously from reports.


"The futuristic arena is set to feature a bubble-wrap-like facade reminiscent of Bayern Munich's iconic Allianz Arena and will boast a parkland entrance akin to the famous Wembley Way."



Edited by toontownman

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We’ll know where the new stadium is, what it looks like and what its capacity is soon enough.  Most construction documentation is commercial-in-confidence, and I seriously doubt the local football hacks have the contacts in the civils & construction industry at consultancies involved (given that this is high-level optioneering, it won’t have seen too many eyes), nor high enough up at the club (ie at PIF) to know what is coming.  It’s all just paper talk for now - ie complete bollocks, and the ITKs talk even more bollocks. 



Edited by TheBrownBottle

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My initial reaction was that 65k is too little and I think we should be aiming for 75k


But no doubt the club have looked at the data before arriving at that number, they aren't daft enough to leave a lot of revenue out there


Having a quick look at others and the Bernabeu is 78k, Allianz is 75k, expecting us to be in the ball park of clubs that absolutely dwarf us is probably a bit naive 



Edited by Geordie Ahmed

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The Express and The Mail

Two despicable rags that are so full of lies, hate and bile that I wouldn’t even wipe my claggy arse with them if there was no bog roll left the house 


I’ll believe the new stadium plans when we see some form of official communication, not when some habitual liars masquerading as journalists write a fictional article to hit their monthly KPI’s 



Edited by bobbydazzla

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11 hours ago, Novocastrian said:

Looks like a robot vacuum cleaner.



I’m in the minority, but I like those stadiums if you put your own spin on it. The outside facade being black and white, the end with glass pointing towards the city so the opposite stand still overlooks the city. 


Most crucial thing for me for new builds, is the surrounding infrastructure. If in leazes park it helps not being too far from existing infrastructure, but still needs some places around the stadium. And preferably not corporate food places, needs some good drinking spots.

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8 hours ago, Decky said:

I've been to the Allegiant Stadium and thought it was fucking class tbh. Thought the black everywhere would be unreal for us too.


Few of my mates went vegas watching the rugby two week back.. said its unbelievable.

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2 hours ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

My initial reaction was that 65k is too lose and I think we should be aiming for 75k


But no doubt the club have looked at the data before arriving at that number, they aren't daft enough to leave a lot of revenue out there


Having a quick look at others and the Bernabeu is 78k, Allianz is 75k, expecting us to be in the ball park of clubs that absolutely dwarf us is probably a bit naive 


Tbf the Allianz has been sold out and massively oversubscribed for every single Bayern match since it was built so the argument there would be that it's too small for Bayern.


Spanish football is a bit different. Barca can't fill the 55,000 Olympic stadium they're currently playing in and Real hardly ever fill the Bernabeu. Obviously their worldwide fanbase absolutely dwarfs ours but gloryhunters in far flung corners of Asia don't fill seats at a football stadium.


A lot of comments I've seen on twitter rightly say that we could have taken SJP up to 60,800 so is it really worth losing all that history for 4k seats, the majority of which will be probably be swallowed up by corporate anyway?


I do think 70k would have appeased more of those fans who don't want to leave SJP more than just going for slightly more than we could have got in a renovated and extended SJP.


Anyway it's still only newspaper rumours at the minute so I'm hopeful that when the plans are released officially they've shown a little bit more ambition than building stadium we'd already be filling every week right now.

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20 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


Tbf the Allianz has been sold out and massively oversubscribed for every single Bayern match since it was built so the argument there would be that it's too small for Bayern.


Spanish football is a bit different. Barca can't fill the 55,000 Olympic stadium they're currently playing in and Real hardly ever fill the Bernabeu. Obviously their worldwide fanbase absolutely dwarfs ours but gloryhunters in far flung corners of Asia don't fill seats at a football stadium.


A lot of comments I've seen on twitter rightly say that we could have taken SJP up to 60,800 so is it really worth losing all that history for 4k seats, the majority of which will be probably be swallowed up by corporate anyway?


I do think 70k would have appeased more of those fans who don't want to leave SJP more than just going for slightly more than we could have got in a renovated and extended SJP.


Anyway it's still only newspaper rumours at the minute so I'm hopeful that when the plans are released officially they've shown a little bit more ambition than building stadium we'd already be filling every week right now.

I think the counter arguement to that - why move when we could have stayed at SJP and extended to 60k, is that once you do that you’re then stuck at that capacity and a huge investment will be required in 15 years or so if that becomes too small.


I say that as someone who would love us to stay at SJP. Sadly, the lack of being able to extend again is what stops it being an option.


I also would rather we move to a stadium with an increase but not one where we could see ourselves with vast amount of empty seats when we have a dip or the novelty wears off. If it is 65k, I’m sure that the option to extend it will be there, so it makes sense to take it gradually imo. 

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Regarding the Allegiant Stadium for example, I reckon that the feel of a similar one in real life would be more appreciated than it’s when looking at photos and videos. Real life feel is totally different more often than not. Small changes to the facade and the surrounding areas could also make a big difference to the overall feel of it. Having said that, there will never be a new stadium where even half think it’s near perfect. Whatever we get (to some degree) we should be really grateful for it instead of whining too much about it. 

We obviously don’t know how/who or how much will be paid by x/y but it’s safe to say that building our new stadium isn’t going to affect us negatively in the same way as it would for other clubs. My gut feeling is that we’ll reap the most benefits from it without too much of the overall costs that also affects a club financially in a worse way. I’m excited either way. 



Edited by Ikon

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33 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

I think the counter arguement to that - why move when we could have stayed at SJP and extended to 60k, is that once you do that you’re then stuck at that capacity and a huge investment will be required in 15 years or so if that becomes too small.


I say that as someone who would love us to stay at SJP. Sadly, the lack of being able to extend again is what stops it being an option.


I also would rather we move to a stadium with an increase but not one where we could see ourselves with vast amount of empty seats when we have a dip or the novelty wears off. If it is 65k, I’m sure that the option to extend it will be there, so it makes sense to take it gradually imo. 


Football is getting ever more popular. Attendances now are crazy compared to what they once were. I think other than Southampton and Leicester every other PL has been sold out for every single game. It's pretty much unprecedented.


Take it to 70k. Personally I think we'd fill it without any issues. Even if there was a couple of thousand empty seats on the rare occasion what difference does it make? Or put it onto public sale like we used to, to shift the last few seats.


65k, taking into account the extra corporate capacity, is still leaving a lot of disappointed members imo taking into account the current 25% or so chance they currently have of getting tickets.


As I say, let's see what their final plans are though.

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Please don’t build a bubble stadium. I’d like something industrial and functional looking, like a stadium version of the Lloyd’s building. I think the Saudi’s have their style preferences though.

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Can't see the point in moving and building a stadium with only an increase in capacity of say 13000, when as mentioned previously by other posters, get rid of seats and have a standing , before changing the stadium previously we used to get 60000 standing at certain games, unless the idea is to continually create a demand which is probably the club's intention by only increasing slightly.

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