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St James' Park


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Guest firetotheworks

When did the whole- slag your fellow fan thing start? I thought we were meant to be like one team ourselves not a bickering pack of idiots. Since when did it become cool to say doing one thing is better than another. People tend to be more interested in posturing over the fellow fan rather than supporting the side these days.


Look at me I'm too cool to not even go to the games any more.


Look at me I don't sing.


Look at me I haven't been to an away game in my life but love to put down the fans who do as idiots.



Fuck off and stop acting like too good for the rest of us prawn sandwich eating critics.






Did you go to the Hull match and protest?

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When did the whole- slag your fellow fan thing start? I thought we were meant to be like one team ourselves not a bickering pack of idiots. Since when did it become cool to say doing one thing is better than another. People tend to be more interested in posturing over the fellow fan rather than supporting the side these days.


Look at me I'm too cool to not even go to the games any more.


Look at me I don't sing.


Look at me I haven't been to an away game in my life but love to put down the fans who do as idiots.



f*** off and stop acting like too good for the rest of us prawn sandwich eating critics.


Support tha teeem

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Is all this stuff part of the PR guy? Look at all this empathy with the fans we have and love for the club by putting up token signs? All about keeping the drones happy.


Think its philanthropic organisation Wonga's latest altruistic act in its charitable mission to give the fans what really matters.


See also: Gates, Ridiculous.



When are Wonga due to go out of business, soon ? Please make it soon.

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We still got that Sports Direct sign up there?


I dont think so, this is the revese side which backs on to the car park, I think they were cleaning the guttering.


all the big ITKs first on Newcastle online.



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Guest thenorthumbrian

Get rid of the hideous S***** D***** shite around St James' Park and it will be great again.

I do worry that other clubs are leaving United behind with their stadium developments.

Liverpool  http://www.thejournal.co.uk/business/business-news/carillion-signs-75m-contract-liverpool-8244101

And West Ham,Spurs and Man City are looking to move or expand.

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  • 2 months later...

The ground is all but dead and it cuts me up. A soulless, tacky billboard for the fat man's brand. 


Yet 50k mugs still turn accept the shit.

I walked past everyone going in/coming out and thought I would miss going but I just look at them and think you deserve everything you get.

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The ground is all but dead and it cuts me up. A soulless, tacky billboard for the fat man's brand. 


Yet 50k mugs still turn accept the s***.

I walked past everyone going in/coming out and thought I would miss going but I just look at them and think you deserve everything you get.


Spot on

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