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Allardyce confirmed as Newcastle manager - 3 year deal.


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Guest Urban Fox

Allardyce reminds me a lot of Arthur Cox - now if he can just unearth a new beardsley and waddle... (I mean Chris Waddle, not actually 'waddle' because he is so fat)

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Guest Hodgson09

I must admit I never really followed his career before and did not hold him in such a high regard, but listening to the man speak has completely changed my opinion of him, he has a very good football IQ, and a charm that is needed at a club like Newcastle. Exciting times are ahead. Thanks Freddy you useless cunt you remind me of the meatloaf song 2 outta 3 ain't bad (Sam kinda looks like Meatloaf) instead your 2 outta 6. (i am ofcourse refering to the fact out of 6 mangers he has got two right). But credit where credit is due you got another one right thank fuck for that.

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Sorry if its been mentioned, but thought it was quite funny during the P.C. on Sky, when Allardyce was talking about money to spend, and resources, the camera cut to Freddy, and he actually grimaced (sp.) and held his ribs/chest!


Think the reality of having to spend some money was sinking in!! :D

his grimace reminded me of Marlon Brando at the fruit stand :lol:

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Guest raydetmold

Can't wait personally, looking foward to a few foreign signings!

foreign signings , good idea just like  , marcellino , luque , just to name a few
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Guest fraser

Regarding the bit at the end about Owen, I thought in the Sky interview shown on TV that he went out of his way to offer the olive branch to Owen in respect of the player's involvement with England. Certainly he appeared to be more than happy with Owen appearing for England in the summer adding that he thought it would put him in good form for Newcastle. A sensible and expedient offer.

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Guest Guinness

Saw this earlier, its good to see he recognises the importance of having the majority of players in by pre-season. It might actually mean we don't witness another final day shambles like we did last season. Also might mean we start a season well for a change. I'm looking forward to seeing who he's targeting.

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This line scares me.


"He doesn't want good players, he wants players with the right mentality".



Isn't that just a re-wording of Souness wanting "proper players"?



As well as the missing "just", the idea of "properness" was never a bad one. I understood it, certainly. It was a way of getting across the idea of someone who was not just capable of tippy tappy tricks, but able to bring it to bear in a useful way at a critical moment - not just to impress in a practise match. Someone who could stand up to examination. The trouble with Souness was, however, that he's a bullshitter.

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Big Al Backing For Big Sam


By Craig Hope


NEWCASTLE United record goalscorer Alan Shearer has given his backing to Sam Allardyce following his appointment as manager of the Magpies.


Shearer, who hung up his boots last summer, believes that Allardyce has the sort of personality to take the Geordies in the right direction and insists the former Bolton boss will not stand for any messing around among United's players.


Here, nufc.co.uk takes a look at what people in football have had to say about Big Sam's Toon arrival, starting with Geordie legend Big Al ...


"I believe Sam Allardyce has the sort of strong personality to sort out Newcastle and set them in the right direction again.


"The job he has done at Bolton has been unbelievable.


"It is clear he can motivate players. He comes across as a straight-talking manager who gets his message across to the players. And he will not take any messing around either.


"That is what you need at a club ? someone single-minded and strong.


"He has taken players from all sorts of clubs and from all different parts of the world.


"Just look at some of the names he has had who have played at the very top, like Djorkaeff, Anelka, Campo. He has got them playing for Bolton and helping to make the club into a Premiership force.


"He has also discovered some great players as well and reinvigorated those who looked on their way out.


"He went into that club and laid down the foundations for success ? and this is what Newcastle needs.


"I don't claim to know the man well personally. But I am good friends with Gary Speed at Bolton and he is a massive fan of Sam.


"You do not get up to fifth or sixth in the Premiership table by playing a long-ball game.


"Neither can you play it with players like Anelka and El-Hadji Diouf in the side.


"I have seen Bolton play many times and theirs is effective and successful football. And every club wants that."


Geordie coach Phil Brown who worked with Allardyce at Bolton ...


"For far too long now, Newcastle haven't won a trophy. For a club that size, it's way too long.


"The club have made plenty of investment, but not won things, and being from that area, I know all about that.


"Fans and directors alike have demanded success, but you can't chop and change in football if you want to get it.


"Look at the legacy left behind by Sam after eight years at Bolton - the club's been left in a very fit state.


"In the number of years he has been there he has attracted some of the top names in football on board, and he's a very intelligent man.


"He can take Newcastle back to the upper reaches of the Premiership. I'm confident he can take them as far as they can push.


"All I can say is be prepared to go places you have never seen your team before - this guy means business."


Former Toon favourite Les Ferdinand ...


"To be manager of Newcastle you have to be a big personality, which was something Kevin Keegan brought to the club.


"Big Sam won't have any problems in that respect, because he's got a lot of stature and will cope with the pressure that comes with one of the biggest jobs in the game.


"You've just got to look at what he achieved at Bolton and see what an impressive personality and character he's got to see it would be the right appointment.


"He plainly wants to be successful, and I know that from being in the changing room with him. He has a burning desire to win things, and will demand the same from his players. If he does take the job, exciting times will be just around the corner.


"If you look at what Sam did at Bolton he seems to have a lot to offer. He achieved plenty on a tight budget, but he'll know that at Newcastle the bar will be raised because he'll have a lot more money to spend and the expectations will be a lot higher then they were at the Reebok.


"It will be interesting to see if he can transfer what he achieved at Bolton to Newcastle, but I suspect he will. The fact that he went for the England job showed he's ready for a bigger challenge, and there aren't many bigger ones than the Newcastle job.


"I know he has his critics who say the football at Bolton is ugly, but I'd disagree with them. Sam would, too, and he'd even get out the statistics to show that his teams are no kick-and-rush merchants.


"He's also shown at Bolton that he's got a good scouting network, and that he can handle the big names such as Jay-Jay Okocha, Nicolas Anelka and El Hadji Diouf. There have been disciplinary problems at Newcastle in the past, but I don't think you'll get people stepping out of line with Sam.


"The supporters will understand there has to be a long clearing-out process and bringing in new players.


"He should be given plenty of time to turn things round, but Sam will know that these days patience is in short supply when it comes to Premiership management. A full pre-season will help him hit the ground running.


"Newcastle are a great club and I'm sure that when he brings things he introduced at Bolton the future will be bright on Tyneside. I sincerely hope he'll be the one to win a trophy for the fans, but then again with every single new manager you think the same."


Another former Magpie Neil McDonald, who worked with Allardyce at Bolton and is now manager of Carlisle United ...


"In terms of getting the structure right, and signing the right players, he's done it all on a shoestring budget.


"Can you imagine what he could do with a few quid to spend? There's some great players at Newcastle now anyway but with the money he should have available then he'll turn them into a major force.


"I speak to Sam on a regular basis for advice because I got on very well with him during my time working under him at Bolton as first-team coach.


"I class him as my mentor and if he gets the Newcastle job then that would be fantastic.


"But it's up to him to decide who he wants to get in and I can't really comment on it."


Picture of god in the new toon top on the official website as well but can't link it on here.

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Talk of the massive clearout in the summer, but with his known ability to seemingly reinvigorate players, does anyone reckon it's an idea to see what he can do? Obviously players of the ilk of Bramble can go (imo past salvage) and anyone with attitude issues, but players like Duff/Dyer etc could become more consistent? Dare I say it 'd like to see if he could work with one Albert Luque......

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If he hangs onto Bramble i'll be disappointed. Understand, but disappointed. Same goes for many - but Bramble is the primary one.


Luque - i'm not entirely sure. He's been mistreated at this club; he has undoubted quality, though he's never utilised it. Yep - the attitude problems have been there for all to see, but like Sam said, it's a clean slate for everybody. And what's ironic is that Luque made a name for himself at Deportivo, on the left of a 4-3-3. As i've said. :coolsmiley:

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If he hangs onto Bramble i'll be disappointed. Understand, but disappointed. Same goes for many - but Bramble is the primary one.


Luque - i'm not entirely sure. He's been mistreated at this club; he has undoubted quality, though he's never utilised it. Yep - the attitude problems have been there for all to see, but like Sam said, it's a clean slate for everybody. And what's ironic is that Luque made a name for himself at Deportivo, on the left of a 4-3-3. As i've said. :coolsmiley:

Agree with pretty much everything.

I won't be disappointed if Luque leaves, but it won't bother me if he doesn't

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Dyer potantially might be savable, but I get the feeling he's too much of a stupid cunt to listen to his manager so I doubt it.


I'd expect to see more out of Duff next year if he gets fit, as he is a hard worker and would benefit from better training/fitness.


Parker and Emre are interesting ones for me, be interesting to see how they would function in a team playing with some sense of purpose and direction. Both seemed like very lost players this past season.

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I bet you don't get any of the players coming out in interviews calling him 'Sam' like they called Roeder 'Glen' as if he was one of their team mates.




Even "The Gaffer" seems a bit informal - can see plenty of references to "Mr. Allardyce"


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If he hangs onto Bramble i'll be disappointed. Understand, but disappointed. Same goes for many - but Bramble is the primary one.


Luque - i'm not entirely sure. He's been mistreated at this club; he has undoubted quality, though he's never utilised it. Yep - the attitude problems have been there for all to see, but like Sam said, it's a clean slate for everybody. And what's ironic is that Luque made a name for himself at Deportivo, on the left of a 4-3-3. As i've said. :coolsmiley:


When it comes to players like Duff & Parker, we've seen them perform at their previous clubs.  There is or was a career there to save.  In Bramble's case, there is no evidence that he ever had the necessary quality to succeed - I can't see a manager like Allardyce giving him a charity contract.

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For the first time in a number of years the majority of our fans are 100% behind our manager i think. Even some people who wanted someone else rather than him have been won over by the very encouraging stuff he's come out with today. Fat Fred wants to be very careful how he handles Oliver now. Allardyce won't take any shit and won't take being undermined.

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I wonder if he'll do what Roeder planned to do with the youngsters and loan them out. Hopefully he brings enough players in to be able to do this. I think he will have a good look at Andy Carroll. Bulk him up a bit and he might turn out to be a very useful player for Allardyce in a year or two.

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Dont know how to describe how glad i am  O0 Finally i can see some light in the end of the tunnel.


Fucking hell i have been refreshing every news site nonstop since Roeder left and read through almost every post in this forum waiting for some really good news..


I honestly cant remember when i was this positive about NUFC and the future. I just had to open a beer now and just enjoy this moment



Simply i feel like a new humanbeing  O0


Fucking hell YES YES YES

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