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Michael Owen to Man City?!


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When you have that kind of money, you can get away with anything!


No chance Owen will want to work under Sven again. Didnt Sven get taped slagging Owen off and saying Owen had told him he didnt want to be at Newcastle and only came for the money? Some tabloid scam.


I guess if I was a Man City fan I couldnt complain about getting Sven, but on the other hand I would be pretty dissapointed, considering the names already mentioned.


Sven has been out of the club circuit a while, he should be fine with having money to spend though. The main reason I wouldnt have wanted him here though would have been his lack of Passion.


Whilst City fans have had their fill of touchline passion from Pearce and his daugters beanie, having slimy sven sit there and do nothing when they are losing will soon boil piss.


Whilst the likes of Spectrum and a couple of my man city supporting mates are decent fans, a large preportion of the support is as fickle as they come.


The abuse Danny Mills got 15/20 minutes into the game for firing the ball out of play when two of our players were down injured was insane. They booed him for the rest of the game because he did it twice. He didnt even play bad!


Then there was the Joey Barton affair the season before last where he was the most hated man in Manchester, booed and jeered at every time he had the ball, until he set up their first goal and they loved him again. After he scored later on I swear they were denying there was ever a previous problem!


The majority of teams have an increasingly impatient and fickle set of fans though. Ours is getting no different.

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So is Roman Abramovich, no done Chelsea any harm.


Agreed, I was going to mention that in my post. The big difference is that with Abramovich he has managed to avoid any direct accusations, just some of the companies he did business and some associates with have been investigated where as your guy was fairly much run out of the country due to his corrupt activities.


Like I say I hope he gives you guys a good run, your fans deserve it (the only ones who hate the scum as much as I do).


As long as he looks after City he's alright by me. But I don't believe that the current board would have accepted his bid if there was any danger of his past coming back to haunt us.


PS: Danny Mills is a twat! £30k a fucking week, do me a fucking favour. And some of the shite he's come out with - He was actually glad that Hull sent him back when he got knacked so they didn't have to carry on paying his wages. Charming! He deserves all the stick he gets/has got/will get :rant:

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Guest eyeball_tickler

sick of hearing this crap. wish he and martins would go tbh. having a clause just shows how commited they are to our cause. id have 22 million over these mercenarys anyday and buy someone who isnt interested  in jumping ship


complete shite basically. the only reason owen has a clause is A) we gave in and let him have one and B) we played shit consistently over the last year, activating said clause. as for martins, he's already said he wants to stay so you cant ask more of him in that respect.

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sick of hearing this crap. wish he and martins would go tbh. having a clause just shows how commited they are to our cause. id have 22 million over these mercenarys anyday and buy someone who isnt interested  in jumping ship


Even the one who has publically come out and stated his desire to stay?

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You can't really compare Thaksin Shinawatra to Roman Abramovich IMO.  They aren't in the same league of... erm... richness..  Shinawatra's worth about £750,000, Abramovich is worth more like £6 billion


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to spoil anyones party here, £750 million's still a lot of money obviously.  I'm just saying that he certainly can't afford to go on any £350 million spending spree like Mr Abramovich.

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The difference between the two is that Abramovich keeps Putin sweet and is in no danger but Shinawatra was on the wrong end of a military coop, is a wanted man back in his homeland and has had sizeable assets frozen.


I would be wary of him.

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The difference between the two is that Abramovich keeps Putin sweet and is in no danger but Shinawatra was on the wrong end of a military coop, is a wanted man back in his homeland and has had sizeable assets frozen.


I would be wary of him.


The Home Office have seen fit to allow him to remain in this country in exile from his homeland.

The DTI have seen fit to allow him to buy into a British company

John Wardle has seen fit to allow him to buy Manchester City

And I have no doubt that the premier league will soon see fit to allow him to become a director of a Premier League club.


It's no my place to worry about these things. I'll let the people who know whats what do that. I'll just worry about the football.




how do you think this will do city? top 10 finish nex season?


Ask me again in a couple of months. Still don't know whats going to happen re: team/moneys/manager. I'll take a flying guess at top 17 tho - more than I would have said no so long ago.

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Guest samtoonarmy

Theres no way that Owen will go to Man City, even if City do activate the clause in his contract.

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I'm happy for Citeh (I've always liked them since an event involving their fans the last time we were pushing Man United for the title) and hope it goes through (although listening to talk about this on the radio earlier they said it could be a protracted process and possibly not go through quick enough for serious transfer market activity)


I also think Sven would be an excellent appointment. People seem to forget, his club record is excellent. So, he fucked up with England (although I believe he had the best games won ratio) in the end, but so did a lot of good managers.


He'd definitely be a better appointment than Ranieri (who himself would have been a good appointment, too).


One thing I will say is that comparing the new wave of billionaire owners with Abrahmovich is pointless. There will never be another Abrahmovich, and I don't think any of the new lot are going to come anywhere near his level of spending.


The difference they will make is lift the clubs in the second tranche to a point where they have the financial clout to begin to think about competing with the top four (actually, make that the top two).

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Guest optimistic nit

I'm happy for Citeh (I've always liked them since an event involving their fans the last time we were pushing Man United for the title) and hope it goes through (although listening to talk about this on the radio earlier they said it could be a protracted process and possibly not go through quick enough for serious transfer market activity)


I also think Sven would be an excellent appointment. People seem to forget, his club record is excellent. So, he fucked up with England (although I believe he had the best games won ratio) in the end, but so did a lot of good managers.


He'd definitely be a better appointment than Ranieri (who himself would have been a good appointment, too).


One thing I will say is that comparing the new wave of billionaire owners with Abrahmovich is pointless. There will never be another Abrahmovich, and I don't think any of the new lot are going to come anywhere near his level of spending.


The difference they will make is lift the clubs in the second tranche to a point where they have the financial clout to begin to think about competing with the top four (actually, make that the top two).


the thing about sven though, and why i didn't want him here, is that he's just so dull and boring. I'm interested into what allerdyce has to say, but with sven its the exact opposite. i'm slightly happy for city, i have liked them, becuase my uncle who took me to my first footie game is a city fan, but at the same time, i would rather they didn't come too close to threaten us. :razz:

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Guest teepee

this is good fun :D


on the serious side, i'm dead certain that owen will only leave us for a cl club - man city are a loong way behind, even us!

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Guest Ridzuan

Interesting situation however,I doubt he will want to go to a club like Manchester City,no disrespect to them but I think after playing for us,he has learnt his lesson and will want to  aim for bigger clubs.As for Mr Thaksin,he is a nice bloke you dont have to worry about that,trust me.

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Tell you what though, we better start wrappign up some more signings because it seems as though Man City are going to come into this thing chasing a lot of players. I doubt Sven would go there unless he knew a lot of money would be made available.


I wonder what odds I could get on SWP ending up back 'home' in a return of the prodigal son scenario  :whistle:


I tell you what, there's been a "Who would you buy first?" thread running today. Practically everyone - me included - named SWP. Altho practically everyone - me included - cheated by naming a boatload of players. SWP/Saviola/Alves/Drenthe/Kaka please :laugh:


Michael Owen hardly wanted to join us never mind Man City!

Ive heard some funny rumours but this is definitly the best one so far  :buck2:


Would no be suprised one bit if we via Sven were interested in Michael Owen. Then again, i'm interested in Scarlett Johansson and Thaksin's daughter, doesn't mean owt. Interest has gotta be reciprocated, I doubt Owen is arsed with us.

I take it she is really good looking then, your owner's daughter :)

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Guest elbee909

sick of hearing this crap. wish he and martins would go tbh. having a clause just shows how commited they are to our cause. id have 22 million over these mercenarys anyday and buy someone who isnt interested  in jumping ship


Deluded.  All footballers are potential ship-jumpers.  Shearer is the exception, not the rule.

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He was asked the question if he was interested in bringing in Owen, All he said was that sometimes coaches have connections and that might want to bring in someone theyve worked before. And he was right. Feel free to jump to any conclusion you want from there - I know I will. It seemed to me that his "advisors" (Whoever the f*** they are?) are deciding on a manager - And I think he also said his advisors are already working with said prospective new manager on deciding what players should be brought in. I'm filing this one in the "No smoke without fire" drawer. Not sure why he would want to come tho - unless its made clear to him that he's got no future up there. I doubt the Sven factor, or even moving home, would mean owt.


Also must be said I was really impressed with Thaksin. Seems like a nice guy, talked nothing but sense, exactly the sort of thing I wanted to hear. I'm welcoming him with open arms. :angel:

i've heard he's borrowed the cash to but man city,is that correct ?
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Sven in - But Owen to stay

Jun 22 2007

By Alan Oliver, The Evening Chronicle


Manchester City are hoping to use the Sven-Goran Eriksson connection to lure Michael Owen away from Newcastle United.


But the vibes coming out of the Owen camp is that the 27-year-old England striker is ready to start his third season with Newcastle United.


City's new owner Thai billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra hopes to have Eriksson installed as manager by the middle of next week, and has promised the former England boss a £50m transfer kitty.


There is hostility to Eriksson from some City fans, but if the Swede can sign Owen, who did so well for him when the little striker wore the white shirt of England, then a lot of this opposition would disappear.


What United supporters - not to mention manager Sam Allardyce - could do with disappearing is the uncertainty surrounding their strike force of Owen and Oba Martins, who have respective £9m and £13m get-out clauses in their contracts.


And when you consider Charlton Athletic have slapped a £17m fee around the neck of Darren Bent who is nowhere as good a goalscorer as Owen and Martins, then it shows what good value the United pair would be at £9m and £13m.


However while Owen has remained silent all the talk coming out of his camp is that unless something crops up out of the blue - like one of the big four sides - then their man will be at St James' Park next season.


The talk today in the North West was of Manchester United striker Alan Smith (pictured right) moving to United in a £3.5m move, which was a surprise to the St James' Park hierarchy.


It was something which caught out both United and Smith's advisors with the former Leeds United striker away on holiday at the moment.


Allardyce himself was at St James' Park today and he has made no secret of the fact that while the get-out clauses are a concern to him, defenders are still his priority.


He has singled out Liverpool's Sami Hyypia as the experienced defender he wants to bring on the likes of Steven Taylor.


But Hyypia still has 12 months to run on his contract and he will not be allowed to go until Rafael Benitez gets in somebody to replace him in the Liverpool squad.


UNITED have finalised their pre-season games, which are as follows: July 17: Hartlepool (a); July 21: Carlisle (a); July 26: Celtic (h); July 29: Juventus (h); August 1: Hull City (a); August 5: Sampdoria (h).

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