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Would you be willing to donate to Newcastle-Online?

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Right, I know this may get laughed off the face of the planet but basically the position is this:


We are constantly growing as a site, getting more and more visitors to the main site and people registering on the forum to have their say in whatever way. We have been on a cheapo server for a good while now and as most will know it breaks like fuck every time we get busy. This is simply due to large numbers on the forum, and usually occurs around matches and in transfer windows, but also when major events surround the club. These tend to happen a lot for some reason... Also, the current server is ridiculously poor by way of support and other admin-related features. It took an absolute AGE to sort the site a few months back as many will remember. This was down to the crap server.


The question therefore is simple.


To give us the initial boost we would need to get onto a dedicated server with far greater reliability and better speed etc, would you be willing to donate to the site?


Some important notes:

  • Donations would NOT be obligatory. We pride ourselves on the fact anyone can post here and that WILL NOT change.
  • Paypal is the initial method suggested.
  • We plan to develop advertising schemes via different possible routes (don't worry, there won't be millions of adverts) in the future to provide a more stable income on a monthly basis, so we wouldn't expect regular donations.
  • A donation could be of any value, and all would be anonymous. Nobody would gain preferential treatment by donating, or vice-versa.
  • This is NOT a method of making money for the site owners. No doubt some plank will suggest that is the case but it is not true. This place is busy and needs proper and better support.


Thoughts are welcome, but votes speak loudest.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

You think I will line HTT's pockets so he can spend it all on some extravagent shark research expedition? I don't think so!

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are you having a laugh? Is he having a laugh?






Personally i'm not in favour of donations. What would I get for my money that I couldn't get if just donated nothing? I enjoy the forum but its not the be all and end all in my life and tbh i've better things to spend my money on that would affect me properly. Hope that makes sense.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Who you talking to? You talking to me? How about I donate your face, see how you like that

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iFkn hell ts a question lads not a demand, its not like its going to be obligatory or anything.

Plenty whinge about the site not being online when the server crashes out or lags out, but more money would mean a newer better more stable server.

I know loads are married or with a partner and trying to convince your better half that its a good idea to pay to help out a football website may not be easy, but it does not mean you can't try.....

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Does it matter what the answer is? If there's one vote for yes, that'd be enough of a reason to set up a donate link on the site.


Just set it up lads (and then alert the masses) and hopefully the contributions will be big enough to be able to get a new and better server.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

iFkn hell ts a question lads not a demand, its not like its going to be obligatory or anything.

Plenty whinge about the site not being online when the server crashes out or lags out, but more money would mean a newer better more stable server.

I know loads are married or with a partner and trying to convince your better half that its a good idea to pay to help out a football website may not be easy, but it does not mean you can't try.....



skiirge thinking of donating so much it requires marital approval :lol:

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If you want to donate, is there a minimum ammount that you have to pay if you choose to ?




*goes off to find mum's purse.


If you can post the money to me Jamie I'll make sure I forward some of it on. :lol:

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Guest Gemmill

Dave, what sort of figure are you talking about?  I gather the cost of a server would be an ongoing thing.  Would you be asking for repeat donations or a one off which would then be used as a fund for future periods etc?


By the way, I'm neither pro nor against donating, but it probably needs pointing out that the lads who operate the site can't be expected to pay their own cash over to keep this place from knacking.  Nor should any of the members be expected to pay if they don't want to (and they aren't being expected to), but there needs to then be a realisation from the members that the downtime and the crashes and the slowness when the place is busy will be here to stay.


That's my say on it anyway.  I'll hoy a few quid in if enough people commit to it.

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