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José Enrique


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That £5million surely isn't a correct fee. It just cannot be. I'll be stunned, and I'll go from neutral to anti-Ashley if we sell Jose for that kind of peanut money. f***ing hell.


dunno like, didn't they get 6-8m for dyer? still buys them a few more years for me :lol:


True, there we go. Basically those 6-8m for Dyer means we're selling Jose for 11-13. Decent business per usual.


Go Team Ashley!

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That £5million surely isn't a correct fee. It just cannot be. I'll be stunned, and I'll go from neutral to anti-Ashley if we sell Jose for that kind of peanut money. Fucking hell.


Do we really just blame Ashley for absolutely everything now? Thanks to Enrique's twitter outburst it's clear we have to sell. The cards are all in Liverpool's favour. We could piss about for 4 weeks but Liverpool know we now have to get rid and we need time to replace.

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That £5million surely isn't a correct fee. It just cannot be. I'll be stunned, and I'll go from neutral to anti-Ashley if we sell Jose for that kind of peanut money. f***ing hell.


Do we really just blame Ashley for absolutely everything now? Thanks to Enrique's twitter outburst it's clear we have to sell. The cards are all in Liverpool's favour. We could p*ss about for 4 weeks but Liverpool know we now have to get rid and we need time to replace.


Yes. He's a cunt.

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I resolved to stay away from Football for a while last night because I felt myself being swept up by a whole boatload of irrational negativity.


After sleeping on it, I've decided I don't give a shit. I am now back on a full-on manic depressive doom-monger mode the likes of which I haven't been in since Hughton was sacked.


It's so much easier than trying to keep an ember of hope and optimism alive :lol:


Here's the thing: a critical component of support is hope. You've got to have the belief that if you keep backing your team with all your heart, one day they will do something to make you feel good about sticking with them through all the hard times. There has to be something to strive for.


There is no hope with this club for the forseeable future. I'd love to say I can support my club with no prospects for recompense indefinitely, but I have to admit it's hard.


Eight months later, basically right back where I started :lol:

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£6 million really is an absolute f***ing joke like.


Mail say £10m.


Mirror say £5m. :laugh:


I'd say it'll be around £7m.


7m with add-ons would be reasonable. Think its fair of us to point to N'Zogbia. Figures are a moot point tbh, it will end up being undisclosed and people will argue about it depending on their agenda over the next few months and whenever he plays against us.  




It will probably be something like £6m + Insua.


Would be happy with that, if the 6m includes add ons. Wouldn't want Insua first choice though so we would still need to get another LB.

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I do believe that the club has been in negotiations with Liverpool regarding Enrique for quite some time now, and that's why i find it very hard to believe that he will go for as little as £5-6m, probably more like 8-9m.



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Bigger kick in the nuts to see Barton leaving for me, although neither exits are a surprise.


IF (and its a big one right now) we replace them both with the calibre of player we have been linked with (Barnetta, M'Bengue) I think we will be just fine.


Make no mistake though, there are no excuses to be sitting here in 4 weeks time without replacements, we have had long enough to plan for this.



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I wouldn't mind Insua. God knows we're not spending any money on a replacement so might as well get one in exchange.


To be honest, I would take insua for Enrique straight up at this point because at least we'll have a starting LB on the team. If it's just cash for Enrique then ferguson will end up at starting at LB and he's currently not good enough.

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I could see Insua on loan even. Would at very least be someone to try and appease Colo & Jonas after losing their mate, and he's probably as good as we could sign anyway.


Its the kind of deal that makes perfect sense, so for us, pretty unlikely to happen. Much like using Routledge as bait for Taylor or N'Zobia, getting Cole for Nolan, or asking for some players as part of the Carroll deal. Just kidding on Cole :p

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Bigger kick in the nuts to see Barton leaving for me, although neither exits are a surprise.


IF (and its a big one right now) we replace them both with the calibre of player we have been linked with (Barnetta, M'Bengue) I think we will be just fine.


Make no mistake though, there are no excuses to be sitting here in 4 weeks time without replacements, we have had long enough to plan for this.




It normally takes a player at least one season to settle in to the premiership. We have left to many 1st team players leave this window and replaced them with to many foreigners who are going straight to the first team lineup imo. Its a massive gamble hoping all will settle like Tiote did. Worst case scenario we don get any more bodies in, and we dont have anyone to put at left back...

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Bigger kick in the nuts to see Barton leaving for me, although neither exits are a surprise.


IF (and its a big one right now) we replace them both with the calibre of player we have been linked with (Barnetta, M'Bengue) I think we will be just fine.


Make no mistake though, there are no excuses to be sitting here in 4 weeks time without replacements, we have had long enough to plan for this.




It normally takes a player at least one season to settle in to the premiership. We have left to many 1st team players leave this window and replaced them with to many foreigners who are going straight to the first team lineup imo. Its a massive gamble hoping all will settle like Tiote did. Worst case scenario we don get any more bodies in, and we dont have anyone to put at left back...


Probably why we are more likely to end up with Puncheon/Bently and Bridge/Warnock.


What you say is true. Its arguable we have enough premiership experience within the squad to let us integrate two more new signings, although it certainly is a gamble going foreign to the extent we are looking to. Finding similar quality from within the premiership seems unlikely though due to the amount we would have to spend to acquire them.


The downside is pushing Raylor and Smith into the first team picture.


The line up for Arsenal doesn't change too much with Barton's exit, Enrique is a problem. 4-4-2 to start the season probably. I think the 4-5-1 will be on hold until we get some players in,  whether that's 2011 or 2012 we shall see.


              Cabaye  Tiote                                                  Cabaye Tiote Gosling


Guti                                  Marveaux        or            Guti                                Marveux


                Ba    Shola                                                                  Ba



Not really too different to most peoples predictions as people wanted to leave Guti on the bench. Means whom ever we get in at LB has to slot right in though.


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Another two of our best players gone. This season will be a big, big struggle.


If all our purchases flop, that may be the scenario. But I doubt that will be the case. I think we've been working on finding Barton and Enrique's replacements for some time now, so I guess we'll see some new, young and exiting faces soon..

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Another two of our best players gone. This season will be a big, big struggle.


If all our purchases flop, that may be the scenario. But I doubt that will be the case. I think we've been working on finding Barton and Enrique's replacements for some time now, so I guess we'll see some new, young and exiting faces soon..

We've already seen lots of exiting faces, Carroll, Nolan, Routledge, Enrique, Barton...
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