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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. There was an offer at some point where you got the upgrade for free. Thats how I got it.
  2. I've removed the forum from Tapatalk, uninstalled it, reinstalled it and added the forum again and have no speed issues with it any more.
  3. I guess my worry with regards to "trusting Rafa" is, was this Rafas first choice striker, or number 9-10 on the list once we'd removed wage limitations and transfer fee limitations. I believe given free reign of the money for this year Rafa would have been able to sign a player of higher quality and of experience already to play in the PL, regardless of our position. I guess the worry comes as we are still taking a risk bringing someone in from abroad with no experience of the league and whether they can actually do it at this level when we know the club needs someone who can come in and score at this level. As you say, breaking our record means nothing when £20m is the going rate for a good Championship striker now.
  4. To be fair its a bit of a nothing deal to get excited about Better in than out. Saviet will be out soon no doubt and probably Gayle. Not that I have bad thoughts about how we conduct transfers mind haha
  5. To be fair its a bit of a nothing deal to get excited about
  6. It's the train isn't it?
  7. Wonder if the £150m offer (200m-£50 for relegation clause) would still be on the table if we were relegated and whether that would be acceptable to him. Just musing.
  8. The biggest thing to come from this I think, the fact the Ashley side hasn't responded to the bids or even tried to negotiate. If thats the case it shows beyond believe that he doesnt want to sell.
  9. Yeah but it starts costing an awful lot if we are relegated, which we will be if investment doesn't follow.
  10. Bet Stoke wish they'd hung on. They certainly look a better option than us now.
  11. Crazy thing is, the TV deals makes no difference. All it has done has put the price of average players up to stupid amounts of money. Well money that seems stupid now but will be the norm in a few years time. If Jonny Evans is going to cost you £50m this year, the extra cash means nothing. And that even includes Championship teams who now expect £12-£15 for ok players who have never done it in the top flight. This makes relegation and recreating a squad for the championship even hard. This is the reason Sunderland are rock bottom of the league. No money to buy and no decent players to sell for big money once Pickford left. Ashley hanging on, on the hope of stopping up just makes the squad weaker and means whoever comes in knows they need to spend probably close to £200m.
  12. They can't do that. He'll simply just disband their section like he did when the Leazes Corner turned on him. Thats fine. The ground is going to become a toxic level of hate again until hes left with only those willing to line his pockets staying. I see no harm in the group and the fans turning on Ashley for the next game until the end of the season. If he stops the flags so be it. They'll be back when hes gone.
  13. If she wants to put pressure on, she just has to go to the local rags and tell them, she wants them and the fans to put pressure on him. They've done it before it could be done again.
  14. Probably saw the fake sky news tweet You were probably joking yet you were correct. He's just RTed that account
  15. Many will still be waiting for it to be official and the details.
  16. This, though I think it's too soon for Dummett so I'd have Mbemba.
  17. ToonTastic

    Mikel Merino

    I'd like to see all three of them given a chance as well to be honest, it's one he's not tried yet. I trust Rafa's judgement over my own though.
  18. ToonTastic

    Mikel Merino

    He couldn't handle the stamina. I believe he will once he's back to full match fitness. I can't imagine he'll start on Wednesday.
  19. Normally I'd agree but if they aren't getting any game time, whats the point in holding on to them? It would look embarrassing if we ended up playing with 8 men. He doesn't trust them when we have players out so might as well get shot early in the window with the possibility of at least trying to buy new. He can play the press to make sure its known who is to blame if they arent replaced even with loans. Not that anyone needs to be told. Id imagine Mitro more so than Mbemba
  20. Normally I'd agree but if they aren't getting any game time, whats the point in holding on to them?
  21. What did the hand painted one say ? Couldn't work it out, still can't.
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