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Everything posted by midds

  1. He'll be no better than someone like........................David Weatherall. That level.
  2. Just very very ordinary. Roeder was scared shitless to lose at home again imo. Ultra-fucking-cautious.
  3. No doubt WHED will give the mackem sympathisers the low down when he gets back to his cave.
  4. midds

    Warren Barton

    4th best pundit, on average, in the last 6 years. Mentions the Toon more than 88 other pundits. Would make a ''top boss'' imo.
  5. I want the stinking fuckers relegated out of existence. Begrudge sharing the same oxygen as them, let alone the same league. The wankers can rot.
  6. 1. = bang on full time. Scored at the end of each half. blueyes.gif
  7. Wacko, meet Vic. Vic, this is Wacko...
  8. 2 College dropout's, there's only 2 college dropout's..... 2 college dropout's.....
  9. 2-1. Keeper to blame for the Rio o.g. though.
  10. midds

    Title Fight

    yes, Arsenal won the title on on goals scored from Liverpool in 1989. games played, wins, draws, loses, points and goal difference were the same Arsenal's beat Liverpool away on the final day of the season 2-0 to win the title with the final kick of the season http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/387/picture2gi0.png http://www.littleleaguesoccer.com.my/images/steve3.jpg One minute lads! wtf is that? Steve McMahon. He was caught shouting "One minute lads" on camera about 30 seconds before the Arse scored their second and Liverpool lost the league.
  11. midds

    Title Fight

    yes, Arsenal won the title on on goals scored from Liverpool in 1989. games played, wins, draws, loses, points and goal difference were the same Arsenal's beat Liverpool away on the final day of the season 2-0 to win the title with the final kick of the season http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/387/picture2gi0.png http://www.littleleaguesoccer.com.my/images/steve3.jpg One minute lads!
  12. Not quite everyone... I don't like the awkward silences. Thought you'd be used to them, given your luck with the laydeez...
  13. Just sheer relief. That's us all but mathematically safe.
  14. 'Giggs would have been the answer to England's left-side of midfield problem'.
  15. None of his business. I'd have thought his priority would have been to keep a low profile...
  16. School holidays eh? Gotta love 'em...
  17. You've only just spotted this?? No. Hope this answers your question. Easy, tiger.
  18. You've only just spotted this??
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