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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. He's a great worker but his final product just isn't there and never will be, it's not his game. I like him but he's limited in certain areas, I think he's best suited to playing on the left with Enrique but if Ben Arfa makes that his own then he'll just have to wait his turn.
  2. no she wasn't, she's always been a skank. http://fullmetalcynic.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/amy-winehouse-before-and-after.jpg If you wouldn't you're a bit gay. ah aye, find the one foto where she looks ok-ish. the vast majority of her early live pics are of her looking skanky. christ man even tracy emin looks ok in one or two shots. Bender.
  3. I like the way they talk about us in the same way as a Hull or Blackpool, forgetting the fact that while we are newly promoted a lot of our players are of Premier League quality and the performances are them playing as we know they can. They're astoundingly arrogant.
  4. no she wasn't, she's always been a skank. http://fullmetalcynic.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/amy-winehouse-before-and-after.jpg If you wouldn't you're a bit gay.
  5. How people long for a 70th minute triple sub though. Stephen Glass must've been over the moon he was involved.
  6. I don't believe in karma but if I did a thoroughly rotten season while we punch above our weight would be well deserved after the histrionics when we went down
  7. Hughton's substitutions aren't that bad in the grand scheme of things. Robson's were just as bad if not worse - often left until the 82nd minute, often involved taking Solano off for no reason etc.
  8. Rape isn't really a laughing matter, unless it's Ben Arfa doing Everton's back four.
  9. Soderberg Tavernier Campbell Kadar Ferguson Raylor Smith Vuckic Lovenkrands Shola Ranger
  10. Aye, that was great "One Joey Barton, there's only one Joey Bar...fuck sake." Back from your holiday then? Got back on Friday night, up for Everton Saturday morning. I don't do things by half Ha, I watched the game in the Spec down Concord, was daft mackem cunt just shouting penalty whenever everton had the ball, the guy needed special needs tbh. Go hand in hand tbf.
  11. Punditry in general is total bollocks. In the words of Brian Clough the broadcasters should "shut up and show more football."
  12. Aye, that was great "One Joey Barton, there's only one Joey Bar...fuck sake." Back from your holiday then? Got back on Friday night, up for Everton Saturday morning. I don't do things by half
  13. Aye, that was great "One Joey Barton, there's only one Joey Bar...fuck sake."
  14. Both him and Enrique are so comfortable on the ball it's brilliant to watch. You don't get that from a lot of English defenders, they're just told to get rid.
  15. One of the fellas in the ground yesterday was calling him Cheeky Twat. Works for me.
  16. Basically we made you look a bad side, nothing else btw Did the same to Villa.
  17. Pundits are just paid nowadays.
  18. Worst performance on the pitch by a mile was Andre Marriner. He gives sub standard referees like Howard Webb a bad name. Fucking shite.
  19. One of more fortunate his victims, who doesn't want to be named, said: "You could see the evil in his eyes." http://www.nufc.co.uk/javaImages/bf/a2/0,,10278~9020095,00.jpg
  20. Even if he did, him posting it doesn't mean it came from the NUST does it? It's not like they put out a press release. Peasepud was on the committee of NUST. It was sometimes unclear whether he was expressing a personal opinion or his organisation's policy, which in itself is rather dangerous and irresponsible. What I remember from his posts at the time was that despite the fact that he clearly saw it as his role to encourage people to commit themselves, he didn't have an understanding of the basics of the financial scheme that NUST were putting forward. I'm not talking about details, I'm talking about fundamentals. It felt that NUST itself didn't have a clue what they were getting into, and the idea that they were remotely competent to handle millions of pounds of supporters' money or be responsible for a large business was ludicrous. He admitted as much himself to be fair. I always felt he was rather 'hung out to dry' in terms of communicating it on the various forums. I always though he came on here off his own back, after all he was the most active on both here in Toontastic out of NUST committee members. I think he got sucked into a lot of stuff over here especially because there was a large amount of shite being posted about how the organisation fitted into the initial and later protests against Ashley. That's what I mean, he was kind of left to get on with it on his own in that respect, somewhat unfairly imo. A lot of the 'shite' you're referring to did turn out to be correct about them as a group tbf. I'm talking about the "NUSC/T organised the original 'boycoutt'" stuff that was complete bollocks as it didn't even exist then. There was also some falsehoods doing the rounds about the march pre-Everton match too which were debunked.
  21. Even if he did, him posting it doesn't mean it came from the NUST does it? It's not like they put out a press release. Course not but just it's obvious he put it out there to suit his agenda. f***ing hell, he was passing on a rumour. We all do that. Would he have passed on a rumour do you think had it involved something positive from the club? Yes. I've seen enough of his posts over on Toontastic to know he's not riddled with blind hatred for Mike Ashley and can't bring himself to acknowledge the club when it does something correctly.
  22. Even if he did, him posting it doesn't mean it came from the NUST does it? It's not like they put out a press release. Peasepud was on the committee of NUST. It was sometimes unclear whether he was expressing a personal opinion or his organisation's policy, which in itself is rather dangerous and irresponsible. What I remember from his posts at the time was that despite the fact that he clearly saw it as his role to encourage people to commit themselves, he didn't have an understanding of the basics of the financial scheme that NUST were putting forward. I'm not talking about details, I'm talking about fundamentals. It felt that NUST itself didn't have a clue what they were getting into, and the idea that they were remotely competent to handle millions of pounds of supporters' money or be responsible for a large business was ludicrous. He admitted as much himself to be fair. I always felt he was rather 'hung out to dry' in terms of communicating it on the various forums. I always though he came on here off his own back, after all he was the most active on both here in Toontastic out of NUST committee members. I think he got sucked into a lot of stuff over here especially because there was a large amount of shite being posted about how the organisation fitted into the initial and later protests against Ashley.
  23. Even if he did, him posting it doesn't mean it came from the NUST does it? It's not like they put out a press release. Course not but just it's obvious he put it out there to suit his agenda. Fucking hell, he was passing on a rumour. We all do that.
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