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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Surely every manager has that ambition? We need someone who has the talent.
  2. "Lee Ryder understands that Alan Pardew is the bookies favourite for the Crystal Palace job"
  3. I think I'd rip my end off if Palace appointed Pardew.
  4. I dislike Pardew as much as the next fan, but fucking howay I'd have been seething had we conceded an equaliser at the death as would pretty much everyone on here.
  5. Possibly, but they've signed loads of players for a lot of money who haven't performed and as a result they've got themselves into the situation where they either give them a new contract and increase their wages or let them go on a free. Adam Johnson's contract is up for renewal too soon, isn't it? He's their highest earner apparently and bar one month last season when he was shit hot he's done nothing to suggest he's a £10 million player, but spend £10 million on him they did and they've now got to decide whether they write him off or go back to him with a new contract offer in the hope he'll hit some form in a year or two and they're able to claw some cash back.
  6. He'll do something monumentally fucking silly tomorrow and cost us the game now someone has mentioned his name and Ingurlund in the same sentence.
  7. Football is such an incestuous industry, that's why the press are cock in hand when someone from within it rounds on their own. I wouldn't put any stock in what any of our ex-players say.
  8. The only thing keeping me going is imagining the state of the piss up when he finally does get the bullet.
  9. No sympathy, not when you can guarantee he'll be on Goals on Sunday in 18 months talking about the unrealistic expectations of our fans.
  10. More talent in his little toe than Colback has in his entire body, yet it was painfully obvious he was going to be dropped for Jack the minute we signed him.
  11. That's the crux of the issue. It's not just a case of fan unrest, he's not getting the results to justify his continued employment. Ashley, as cruel/daft/useless as he is, does not want us to get relegated.
  12. "Absolute freak" = didn't appreciate Steven Taylor's special brand of racist locker room banter.
  13. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01747/Lawrie_Sanchez_1747468c.jpg
  14. utterly insane, seemed to get every injury possible, wasn't that the season where harewood clattered Given who was out for most of the season? Aye, with a tear in his fucking stomach or something equally as mental.
  15. The headline quote could conceivably be a joke. The rest makes it sound genuine.
  16. Even if it wasn't a joke he'll keep him in a job just to spite the fucking media.
  17. We won't win it though. Let me dream for the next half hour until we get Man City in the next round. http://triberocket.com/wp-content/uploads/baby-nailed-it.jpg
  18. We won't win it though. Let me dream for the next half hour until we get Man City in the next round.
  19. The Pardew Out can go on the back burner for one night. I want us to at least try and win a fucking trophy.
  20. It doesn't stand up to scrutiny either. Our only home win in months came when we booed Pardew so much he couldn't leave his seat.
  21. I hope you're right and that it's this. I'm skeptical, manly because he flew all the way back here. Surely compassionate leave could have been arranged on the phone, rather than making him fly halfway around the world and back? He might've turned up wanting to train as normal and we've had to tell him to stop being daft and get himself well. I refuse to believe we're that awful. I hope this doesn't get used as a stick to beat the club with before the comments have been clarified.
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