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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It would be fucking hilarious if he dropped down dead tomorrow.
  2. He had a bad game. That's it. Knowing him he'll probably take a massive shit on Leighton Baines next week.
  3. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/3659998/ain-t-nobody-got-time-for-that-o.gif
  4. I'd love it if we hammered them and he remained in post doing a fantastic job of taking them down.
  5. The average Toon fan is, at the very least, content with Pardew. We've been hearing these stories from the ground too often for them not to be true. I'd say my dad's as close to the average fan as it gets and he can't fucking stand him. Know what you're saying though, the tolerance he's been shown is mind blowing. Most of it is apathy. The rest of it is fear. People don't care who our manager is as long as it isn't Joe fucking Kinnear.
  6. Is Fletcher injured, like? Yeah, he injured his shoulder with 15 minutes remaining. Left them a man down, as they'd used their subs. I did not know that. If it's serious they're fucked, because that Altidore lad looks fucking bobbins.
  7. I didn't hear one pro or anti Pardew song today, nor did I hear anything against Kinnear (disappointing tbh). His biggest error was going 442. He can't be held accountable for the players switching off when we went 1-0 up after we started really, really well.
  8. Our Yank pals wont be too happy.
  9. Not getting relegated (and we wont) was always the goal. Finish upper midtable will do me. 'Do you' in what sense? It certainly shouldn't be enough for the manager to keep his job. It's what I expect.
  10. Not getting relegated (and we wont) was always the goal. Finish upper midtable will do me.
  11. We started well but we didn't boss the majority of the game. We were abject for 70 minutes and Hull thoroughly deserved their three points.
  12. Nailed on. Pardew's desperate to shoehorn Tiote in. 3-2 down and he brings him on.
  13. Pardew must be fucking fuming.
  14. Any ideas? Platform football boots. They'll add a few inches.
  15. He's not a write off, but he should be a firm second choice behind Anita. I worry Pardew will start to fuck around to try and accommodate him.
  16. I'd be more concerned if Benteke beasted his marker in the air. Instead Sissoko got lost and Krul came out flapping like a complete fuckwit.
  17. Tiote's been turboshit for 18 months unfortunately. He keeps hold of the ball too long, he tries to do too much and more often than not when he does pass he puts other players under pressure because he doesn't get his head up and look for a man in space. He's tackling isn't even that much of an asset these days because he's too easily drawn into battles with particular players and just gives away a fuckload of freekicks. Anita's not as physical, but his workrate and the pressure he puts players under means we don't need to have Tiote chucking himself into 50/50s challenges to win the ball back. No brainer for me, like. Anita every day of the week.
  18. Exactly. Atkinson played the advantage and rightly blew the whistle when it looked like Altidore had too much to do. There is no conspiracy. There is no bias. There is no corruption. The referee did what he thought was correct, unfortunately for him Altidore rolled the ball into the net.
  19. He needs a couple of fluke results to allow him to continue the damage. Last year they cut the chord on O'Neil before it was too late. I want Di Canio to ride his luck just enough so that he can last long enough to take them down. I reckon the "3-0 marra ftm lol" will keep him in a job long for much longer than he should be allowed.
  20. RTG are going conspiracy theory mad at the moment. It's all about the magedia and the powers that be wanting di Canio to fail.
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