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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. If we finish in the bottom three we deserve to go down.
  2. The game against villa at home when we won 6-0 with a hatrick from Carroll was one of the best all round performances by a striker, I have seen. He was absolutely fantastic against the Mackems too during the 5-1. Deserved a goal.
  3. It's natural to feel despondent when we're doing shite. Match days define the weekend - if we win everything's hunky dory, if we lose then the world can get to fuck. It's always been the same. I could barely muster the energy to give a shit in 08/09 but after a few months of winning in the Championship I was back to my old self. I have found myself questioning the game has a whole much more this year than I have previously. I have a season ticket but this is the first time I've really been unable to follow the lads as much as I would like due to financial constraints. Some of this is due to my situation changing, but a lot of it has to do with away ticket prices which have been an absolute piss take across the board. As a result I've only managed to make two away trips this season. I've always though ticket prices were extortionate but I've never actually been priced out of going to a game before. That's really made me question what the fuck this is all about and why I'm spending money I can ill afford to watch something that makes me thoroughly miserable. I haven't considered jacking it in and whatever league we're in I'll be in my seat next season, but it's posed a few questions.
  4. On 70 minutes he was doubled up struggling for breath. He injured himself falling over his own legs
  5. He mystifies me. He really does. I know some people claim that last season they were never quite sold on him but I was, and the reason was that he seemed to be able to mold the squad game on game and coax performances out of whoever he picked in his starting XI. In the first half of the season he seemed to have an awareness of how to nullify the clubs we came up against, in the second he utilised the attacking triumvirate of Ba, Cisse and HBA to great effect so we were able to play our own game. This season has been a completely different kettle of fish. Any tactical nous he showed has completely deserted him, he's stuck rigidly to game plans which haven't worked and he doesn't seem to know where our best player's best positions are. He may have fluked it, but why does this happen at every club he has been at? How can you make the same mistakes again and again and again? Baffling.
  6. I'm paying for mine so will force one of my kid to use it, I'll use it as a punishment. "You'll be spending the afternoon visiting your Uncle Alan"
  7. Our kid at 2:55pm: "Shola to come on, 65 mins" At 64 mins Shola comes on. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/166/752/soclose.jpg?1314381160
  8. Allardyce has a game plan, albeit one he sticks to rigidly and is painful to watch, but it's a game plan none the less. We have nowt.
  9. I thought in the first half we looked good, West Ham couldn't have complained if we went in 1-0 up. In the second they changed it up and came out with a few new ideas and we looked like we were playing for the draw. It's sad, but that's the best performance we've put in for a while. His substitutions were absolutely diabolical. Has he caught Big Vern knocking one out over a picture of Mrs Pardew or something? How on earth did Dan Gosling get on the pitch before Anita?
  10. We need 3 points at QPR. Get that and I think we'll be safe.
  11. You could see a difference after 10 minutes as he calmly told the rest of the back four what to do. A world away from Stevie Taylor's arm waving.
  12. http://www.independent.co.uk/incoming/article6149361.ece/ALTERNATES/w300/Norman.jpg In order, I want to know what the fuck is wrong with: - His hair - His hairline - His forehead - His eyes - His mouth - His chin(s)
  13. Still think the above article alone would suffice but yeah this makes it a bit more understandable. I think it's about laying down the law to the media. Sport journalism, particularly the brand that the football press in the UK practice, is very reliant on clubs, players and agents for the constant stream of stories that actually sell papers. You bite the hand that feeds, you get cut off. Simple. Man United have practised it for years.
  14. If it has genuinely upset HBA then the club's decision to release a statement is bang on.
  15. Not when it's so utterly small time It's a shot across the bows. I think you can legitimately argue we've been a soft touch in recent years, we've let these stories slide which is why we're always good for copy "in a crisis". Not anymore by the looks of things.
  16. I think people get a bit too upset about these statements. Over the past few years we have taken a really strong line with journalists who publish stuff like this (TalkSport got an absolute bollocking in the summer for suggesting Pardew and Llambias had fallen out, for example), it seems to have been club policy since Kinnear/the relegation season. There probably is a case for radio silence during times like these but a combative stance is better IMO. Newspapers don't want to get sued, they don't want to get their access taken away etc. and this type of reaction, while it may be a bit embarrassing to us, will have sports editors thinking twice before they give a throw away article the go ahead. Let's not forget the HBA story was a back page splash (on the NE edition at least) on the biggest selling daily newspaper in the UK. If it's not true, and it certainly read like a piece of speculative bullshit, the club have every right to make the country aware that's the case. You never know, it might even help create a siege mentality.
  17. Even if something is wrong in the dressing room we'd certainly not hear about it from the players in the Chronicle. Players hardly ever criticise their manager or team mates in public. Eh? Did you only read that line, like? I wasn't on about the Chronicle. I'd argue that the last sentence is massively inaccurate as well. It happens quite a bit when players give interviews to their native press. If it happens "quite a bit" you'll be able to provide quite a few examples? The more recent the better obviously. Sissoko said he doesn't like playing as a number 10 a matter of weeks ago, last season HBA complained about the style of football and I'm sure we all remember Robert legitimately criticising Souness and getting sold as a result.
  18. It was a laughable article, no basis in reality and really it shouldn't have been given any credibility by reacting to it. However it is the Sun, part of the Murdoch empire, so I'm all for fucking them off.
  19. Just beat me to that, hamstring injury. Jonas at LB? http://www.tagroom.com/wp-content/uploads/please-god-no.gif
  20. Have the match-going fans turned, though? I remember reading criticism of the Liverpool crowd not protesting sufficiently and that it was just us keyboard warriors who wanted him gone...? The feeling during and after the Liverpool match was that he's a dead man walking. Around my part of the ground once the third goal went in everyone started chatting to one another, slagging off Pardew. Seemed similar where I sit, wasn't 'anti-pardew' chants etc, everyone was just venting to each other. Was horrible. It was fucking hilarious where I sit. I became best mates with people two or three rows in front who I'd never spoke to since I moved seats at the start of last season I think people were torn between supporting the players and having a go at Pardew. There were still a lot of people near me singing (even if it was "It's just like watching Brazil").
  21. Have the match-going fans turned, though? I remember reading criticism of the Liverpool crowd not protesting sufficiently and that it was just us keyboard warriors who wanted him gone...? The feeling during and after the Liverpool match was that he's a dead man walking. Around my part of the ground once the third goal went in everyone started chatting to one another, slagging off Pardew.
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